
Reincarnated in Tales of Demons and Gods as Nie li's friend

Ye fan was a study nerd in his previous life, he grew up in an orphanage and became a worker who worked overtime to get more money to live a good life but he fell for a deadly virus, during the illness he started to read novels and wanted to reincarnate like a protagonist, god to a pity on him and gave him a chance but not for free.

Ishan_jain · アニメ·コミックス
5 Chs

Chapter 4 - Mom

Soon after Ye fan heard his mom coming to his room. Her name was ye yin as everyone from our family had Ye as their surname. She also told me a lot of things although Ye fan was only two years due to soul force most children were already able to understand others and speak a little bit at this age.

Ye yin said, "Ye fan you are able to walk now so you can try to go out to make friends to play with after all you are bored at home with your toys. I have heard that lots of children are of the same age as you, even the daughter of the city lord is of the same age as you. You should try to make them your friends if possible. Also, you should start reading some books so you are able to know a lot of things which will be good for your future."

Ye fan thought, 'Should I try to make Nie li my friend now after mom has already given me permission and Nie li at this age is easier to make a friend. I can even try to establish my own child gang and make some people from the anime my followers.'

Ye fan said in an immature voice and tried to act like a normal child, "Ok mom I will make more friends from now on."

What he did not know was that no matter how hard he tried to act like a normal child his mom and dad could see through it but they misunderstood it and thought that he was smarter than his peers and he may have a very good talent for cultivation as in most cases the more early a child matures the better the talent he has.

Ye fan was excited for now as for two years he rarely saw the outside world because he was not able to walk. Now he can finally go and see the outside world and make friends with Nie li. He also thought about going into the family library to get some books based on herb knowledge so that he could use them to know the uses of herbs he had and use them.

Ye fan also wanted to get some other books to get to know some general knowledge of cultivation and the world. If possible then he also wanted to start to increase his soul force now.

Ye fan thought that today his mom gave him the permission to go outside so he should go and see the glory city and if possible then make friends with some important future people. Also, he could get to know the general situation of the glory city.

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