
reincarnated in peaky blinders with a system

a man betrayed by his friends and lover shut himself from the world only watching movies.series and anime trying to forget his past until his past found him and killed him. follow his journey through a new world as he is reborn a Shelby and how he became the most notorious of the family

F_B_A · テレビ
9 Chs

chapter 3

after Tommy left aunt Polly took Arthur to his room and started to treat his wounds

I went to my room as I need to think about my plans for the future

it's 1896 this year which mean that I have 18 years until the war begins so I have plenty of time to prepare for it, I need to start training my body first as I need to be in control of it before taking the super-soldier serum and for me to have big achievement in this war and not to be dissected for being seen using superhuman powers I need to train my marksmanship in world war one there weren't any good sniper rifle which gives me the upper hand in the battlefield

so for the next ten years, I will train my body to optimal status as for my sniper skill they need to be honed to perfection so I need to learn many things as snipers require high precision, tracking, camouflage etc

a sniper is a badass job and is just what I need they are like a ghost on the battlefield they hide in plain sight yet no one sees them they bland almost perfectly with their surroundings you don't know there is a sniper until he shoots his first shot

as for why I want to have big achievements in the army.it's because having high achivement gives you respect and that will get me many prestige points and also fear points because the enemy will fear me, and high achivement will help me with the government after I come back from the war

so for training, I will start today with the best way to start training


*time skip 16 years later*

in a dark sweaty basement, you can see a handsome slightly jacked young man doing push-ups with many sandbags on his back

this is Maximus Shelby

after finishing his training he went upstairs where he found many people going around this is the betting room of the picky blinder

many things happened in the last years one of them is that the peaky blinder has officially started business

after many years of causing trouble in the street Tommy Arthur and aunt Polly decided to create the peaky blinder gang at first it was just the family then the peaky blinders started to grow in number

in this area of Birmingham, it isn't strange to join a gang.it's mostly because the gangs were the rulers of the street, every gang owns a street and their headquarters is a pub, nothing illegal happens in the pub but it is more like where the gang hang out most of the time

so if you live in the street where a gang in control you need to follow their rules and be in a good relationship with them and pay a regular protection fee you are dead

think of it as a medieval relationship between a lord who is a gang in this situation and peasants who are the citizens of the streets the lord ak the gang owns the fiefdom ak the street if citizens who want to have the protection of the lord and be let to live in his land in peace then they pay taxes ak protection fee it's as simple as that

the current leader of the peaky blinders is Arthur because he is the oldest, as for Tommy he is more like an adviser but I know he is the one running the show behind the scenes well he does most of the thinking after all as for me I didn't get involved much in the business well they didn't let me get involved as I was just a teenager in the time it started but in the last six years they began to include me well Tommy tried to test me many time and he was shocked every time because I didn't show the rashness of youth and the way I deal with things are different from his, Tommy have a wait and see way of thinking, you would have noticed in the series that he didn't directly deal with problems but waited to see what will happen I don't mean he is undecisive he just plays with his opponent a little too much as for me I deal with things the fastest way possibal and our personas are totaly diffrent he has a humble personality but I have the persona of a decisive and cruel empror

#to be continued #