

I really want to say there is something special about Hidden Sand's camp, it should just be poor.

Hidden Sand is really poor. The country environment was originally bad. Because of the Second Shinobi World War, it was exploited again by Konoha fiercely.

And the Daimyo, who are the funders of the village, Land-of-Wind, are also implicitly dissatisfied with Third-Kazakage. They have cut back on investment year after year, causing the village to only reduce the number of ninjas and take the so-called elite route.

Before the Second Shinobi World War started, Hidden Sand Village was still a village known as second only to Konoha, but after a few years, the ranking has not risen, but is about to bottom out.

Who is going to make sense.

For this war, Third-Kazakage took Rasa to look for gold sand a few years ago. The village is also cutting back on food and clothing, constantly manufacturing weapons of mass destruction and selling them to other countries.

In terms of munitions, Hidden Sand is not too bad compared to Konoha, but there is one thing, that is, food.

Land-of-Wind is mostly desert and the land is barren. The food and materials on the battlefield can still keep up, but whether it is fine or Hidden Sand ninja's degree of frugality can draw a conclusion.

——Land-of-Wind ninja's life is not easy.

Although Tatsumi has known it before, a dozen people looked around the pot, and there is no small restaurant like the Konoha camp in the boarding and lodging area, so I still feel so touched.

For example, finish the war early and let them go back to their hometown to grow sweet potatoes.



Soon, two days passed.

The mission book was signed by Rasa, led by Tatsumi's disguised Senro, leading the 150 ninjas dispatched by Hidden Sand camp to the Yunlu Canyon marked on the map.

"Is there any news from Konoha?"

From an angle that no one can see, Mikoto in disguise quietly approached Tatsumi and asked in a very low voice.

"No news is the best news." Tatsumi also replied in a low voice, followed by a full 150 Hidden Sand ninjas. If you can, it's better not to talk nonsense.

Among the 150 medium-sized troops dispatched by Hidden Sand this time, Jonin has only ten, and the number of Chunin is not too much. Genin is the most.

In addition to the troops stationed in Yunlu Canyon, the number of ninjas is only three hundred.

But the three hundred people are actually a very strong force. After all, thousands of battles are rare, and they usually only appear in battle.

In addition, Yunlu Canyon is easy to defend and difficult to attack. If Konoha wants to take it, he needs far more ninja than this number, and he will suffer heavy losses.

But Konoha has a reason to win Yunlu Canyon.

From a location point of view, Yunlu Canyon and Hidden Sand Station are on an oblique line, while Yunlu Canyon is further forward.

In other words, when Rasa leads the main force and Konoha hand to hand combat, Sand Ninja located in Yunlu Canyon is likely to attack Konoha Ninja from the side.

More importantly, as long as you pass through the Yunlu Canyon, you can bypass the Hidden Sand station and copy behind their buttocks, forming a pinching trend.

Rasa is also determined by this, so he will send out this amount of ninja.

In his opinion, this number is just right, no more, no less, less can't hold, and more numbers will make Konoha daunting.

If there are a thousand Sand Ninja stationed, Orochimaru has brain issues, will attack Yunlu Canyon.

Of course, even if you don't hold it in the end, Rasa doesn't matter. At worst, you just move the station back. Anyway, there are still several fortresses behind you.

As long as Konoha suffers a heavy loss, his strategic goal will be achieved.

As for these three hundred Sand Ninjas...sacrifice is also sacrificed. For the village, let alone three hundred ninjas, the number is doubled. He will not blink.



Time passed slowly. After more than three hours on the road, the entire group stopped somewhere to rest.

If there were only two people, Tatsumi and Mikoto, it would take an hour at most, but the troops had to stop and rest for a while to take care of the Chunins and Genins behind them.

"...Senro Lord!"

During the break, Tatsumi was not with Mikoto, but sent her out to watch the wind. This was also to avoid The possibility of being discovered, at the same time, he himself squeezed into the Genin's rest area.

In the information book about Senro played by Tatsumi, one thing is clearly written, that is, Senro, although he speaks few words, quite likes to teach Genin skills in the village.

In general, he is a good person.

At least in Hidden Sand Village.

"Is there anything I want to learn? I can teach you."

Although "Sen Luo"'s face is expressionless, he still squatted down, looking that the few in front of him may have just been Hidden Sand Genin about 10 years old.

Rasa may also be out of relative safety considerations. Some female Hidden Sand Genin was dispatched to the "Sin Luo" side, and the more dangerous main battlefield and the marginal battlefield made these future The pillars and pillars get higher training.

Well, without death.

"...Thank you Lord, I have nothing to learn." With a finger against her chin, the cutest-looking Sand Ninja girl laughed lightly, and then her face became bitter again.

"...?" Sen Luo showed a slightly puzzled expression.

"I heard from Rasa Lord that this time the Yunlu Canyon has Senluo Lord sitting in town. Even if Konoha's ninja comes to attack, there will be no problem, is it true?"

When her voice fell, the Genins next to him also looked at Tatsumi, with hopeful expressions on their faces.

Not only Konoha, even in Hidden Sand, there are countless similar things. The ninjas hope that those experts can win the war or end the war.

But this wish is destined to fail. Konoha must seize Yunlu Canyon, this war must be won, so...

Tatsumi sighed, extend the hand, come, touch I touched the forehead of the other side.

These people are doomed to die in his hands.

Perhaps cruel, but this is war.