
Reincarnated in my own Douluo Dalu Fanfiction?!

Xuan Yan: "What? Where am I?" ???: "Oh! you woke up! Well, you can think of me as God! So coming to the question, Do you want to live or die and reincarnate in another world?" A melodious feminine voice ran inside his head. Xuan Yan: "Wh-What? Y-You are God?" He only saw a golden light ball. ???: "But you can only have one wish regarding your reincarnation." *Sigh* Xuan Yan: "I can have only one wish?" ???: "Yeah only one! But you can't ask for more wishes as your only wish!" "..." ???: "Oh! and also don't act like a smartass and say I will write my wishes in the paper and consider that as my only wish." "..." Xuan Yan: "The rules are good, but you choose the wrong opponent for the wish." _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ -I don't own any characters except my OC and some of my 'inserted' characters. -Handsome Mc -Overpowered Mc -Harem -R-18 -English is not my first language. So in the starting chapters, there may be some errors. But I am improving myself. -The beginning chapters will be cliche because I still didn't have a solid plot in my mind at that time...but believe me it will get better later. - I first tried to write in First person POV, but later I changed to Third person POV. I think the story gets better at that time. -Pictures are copied from Google. So whoever you are, let me borrow it for reference, Thank you. But if you don't want, just let me know and I will delete it. ... My Discord link : https://discord.gg/vHmG6YxfTm Character pics are in the discord and many more 'good' pics even NSF- ahem anyway join and lets have fun. My patreon: patreon.com/user?u=65886118 or you can search Akkuzz_69

Akkuzz_69 · アニメ·コミックス
307 Chs

Talk with Bo Saixi!

"What happened, Xuan Yan? Calling me at this time of the night..." Bo Saixi walked out of the house closing the door. Xuan Yan smiled faintly "You look beautiful in these normal clothes..."

Bo Saixi showed a small smile "I am sure you didn't call me at this midnight to tell me this..." she was also confused as to why would he call her now...?

Suddenly panic filled her heart. Don't tell me did he find out that I am the Xiu Yin? um...

Xuan Yan kept his smile "Surely not. There is a reason... and it is quite important."

Bo Saixi arched her eyebrow in surprise, her curiosity piqued "Important?"

Xuan Yan smiled "Well, actually I want some information about a person." Bo Saixi's frown deepened upon hearing this "About a person? is that person from our Sea God Island?"

"Yeah, her name is Xiu Yin!"

 H-Huh? Bo Saixi was startled hearing the name... He was inquiring about me? 

Happiness washed over her heart and a little bit of hope seeing that Xuan Yan was still holding her in his thoughts. Little Yan...

"Xiu Yin?" Bo Saixi asked squinting her eyes. Xuan Yan gave a nod looking at her "Yeah, Xiu Yin... a previous purple trial taker."

Looking at his curious gaze, Bo Saixi couldn't help but smile in her heart, a sense of joy welled up inside her, causing her sadness to dissipate. But why are you investigating her?

"Why are you inquiring about a woman in our Sea God Island?"

"Well.. I want to know more about her." Xuan Yan replied with a shrug.

"Hm? Something seems suspicious here..." Bo Saixi asked with a playful glint, a small teasing smile on her face. "What?" Xuan Yan asked looking at her.

Bo Saixi couldn't help but chuckle "You came here at this time of the night, called the High Priestess herself.. to inquire about a person in the Sea God Island and she is a woman..."

"Considering the amount of women you have... don't tell me that you love her or something?"

Seeing her teasing smile, Xuan Yan hesitated "Well, that's..."

Looking at him hesitating, Bo Saixi's anticipation of his answer grew stronger. Did he really give up or...? She couldn't help but wonder if he had truly relinquished his feelings or if there was still a lingering love for Xiu Yin within him.

"Tell me, Xuan Yan... do you love her? really? REALLY? You still love Xiu Yin?" 

Xuan Yan looked at her blankly "Why are you so excited about this?"

*ahem* Bo Saixi regained her composure, she lost herself there for a second in desperation to hear his answer "No, I am just curious because the Holy Emperor Xuan Yan is interested in a woman in our Sea God Island..."

Her pink eyes glanced into his golden eyes "So tell me... do you love this woman called Xiu Yin?"

With a small sigh, Xuan Yan gave a nod "I do love her..." 

Bo Saixi's eyes softened hearing this and she couldn't control the growing smile on her lips. Xuan Yan glanced at her "Why are you smiling?"

Bo Saixi waved her hand gently "I was just amused... So you love this Xiu Yin, huh..."

"Well, it's quite complicated... I had an intuition that she had feelings for me but she still rejected me." Xuan Yan let out a soft sigh.

"WHAT?!" she yelled. How can he tell that I have feelings for him? Xuan Yan looked at her dumbfounded "Whoa! Why that exaggerated reaction?"

 "N-No, I am just shocked that someone rejected you... like who could reject you?" she spoke and looked at him discreetly "But how can you tell... that she has feelings for you."

Xuan Yan smiled gazing at her eyes "The eyes, they never lie. I have many women do you think I can't find it..."

Bo Saixi was surprised hearing this, he can tell that... by looking at my eyes? "But why do you think... she rejected you even though she has feelings for you?"

Xuan Yan shrugged "I am not so sure... but seems like there is a reason that is holding her back."

"O-Oh..." Bo Saixi's eyes darkened and she clenched her palm, her emotions spiraling into distress.

"So that's why I wanna know more about her... Her current situation, her family, or something like that."

 Eh? Bo Saixi was dumbfounded hearing this... He wants to know more about Xiu Yin? She panicked in her heart... what information could she give about Xiu Yin, it was literally a fake identity she created. Fuck!

A frown appeared on Xuan Yan's face "Now that I think about it, she came to the mainland once. Is it allowed for the Sea God Island residents to leave this Island? She even crossed the sea filled with dangerous spirit beasts."

"And she also said that she is searching for a family thing."

H-Huh? Bo Saixi's heart raced to hear this, the residents of this island should not leave this Island and it is a rule. At that time, she just yapped some bullshit, saying it was a family thing and she was from a faraway place.

Now all those lies are coming at her once and she doesn't know how to handle and explain this to Xuan Yan.

W-What should I do? Her mind raced at high speed to think of various possibilities to answer his questions and unsure of what to say...urgh... *click* but suddenly a light bulb popped into her mind.

"Um... Xiu Yin..hm... Xiu Yin... now that I remember it, it is her haha..." Bo Saixi spoke with a dry smile as if she just realized something

Xuan Yan gazed at her "You know her?"

Bo Saixi gave a nod "Yeah, she is a Spirit Douluo, right? I am the one who sent her from here... and I also cleared the strong spirit beasts in the sea for her to go to the Sea God Island."

"And the family thing she came searching for is actually the 'Sea God's Heart'." Bo Saixi explained with a smile.

Xuan Yan frowned "Then you should have just sent one of your strong Titled Douluos for that..."

Um... Bo Saixi came up with another explanation "That is... I can't leave this Island because I am High Priestess and the Seven Titled Douluos also have jobs to protect the Seven Holy Pillars"

"And after them, the Spirit Douluos is the Strongest, so I send her to search for the Sea God's heart...haha. But she is really stupid, she doesn't even know that was with you all along."

Xuan Yan laughed in his mind hearing her bullshitting and she is calling herself stupid. A smile appeared on his lips "Is that so? I wanted you to investigate about this 'Family thing' of hers, so I could find and give it back to her... but seems like I can't do that."

Seeing him sighing, Bo Saixi's eyes quivered "Why don't you... try confessing to her once again?" she spoke, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Hm?" Xuan Yan looked at her raising his eyebrow. Bo Saixi spoke "Well, you know... you confessed to her during her time on the mainland and she had the duty to find the Sea God's heart..."

"She had responsibilities so she couldn't fall in love with a man in the mainland... but now that you are here, maybe... she would accept your love."

 With a chuckle, Xuan Yan shook his head "You shouldn't force someone into love and some love is not something that suddenly comes overnight... let her be. Now, I will be a good friend to her and will help her if she wants anything..."

F-Friend? Bo Saixi spoke hurriedly "But you can't just give up on her like that... You need to woo her. If you want, even I can help you to woo her... I will surely help you. Just love her..."

It's as if she was desperately speaking, so Xuan Yan wouldn't lose the feelings of love he has for her.

Xuan Yan chuckled "Oh, calm down Bo Saixi... Why do you seem desperate? Do You have any ulterior motives or something in this?"

Bo Saixi cleared her throat with a faint cough "Yes, I do... If one of the women in our Sea God Island is the Holy Emperor's woman, he might help us in the future if we face any danger."

Xuan Yan laughed hearing her response and Bo Saixi, captivated by his infectious laughter, couldn't help but feel a gentle warmth spread across her face. As she watched him laughing so freely, a soft smile gracefully formed on her lips, reflecting genuine happiness.

"At least you are honest, Don't worry... In the future, if anything happens I'll be here to protect this Island. How can I let this get destroyed when my wife is the future Sea God..."

A sigh escaped Bo Saixi's lips as she remembered there was another mainland and she spoke "I know you will help us, you already helped us with the poison."

Xuan Yan gave a small nod "Just help me gather some information about Xiu Yin... That will be helpful, Bo Saixi. Then, I'll be leaving." 

Bo Saixi nodded her head "See you tomorrow then..."

Looking at Xuan Yan's back who is walking away, Bo Saixi's eyes crecented and she took a deep breath. "It was different from our normal interactions... today I talked to him quite freely rather than usual... not as Xiu Yin, but as myself Bo Saixi."

This is the first time she had a long and good conversation with him after he came to the Island as 'Bo Saixi.'

A small smile crept over her lips "Maybe... I could make him fall for me with this appearance as Bo Saixi?" *chuckle* She couldn't help but chuckle at the thought.


I hope you guys liked this chapter!