
Reincarnated in my own Douluo Dalu Fanfiction?!

Xuan Yan: "What? Where am I?" ???: "Oh! you woke up! Well, you can think of me as God! So coming to the question, Do you want to live or die and reincarnate in another world?" A melodious feminine voice ran inside his head. Xuan Yan: "Wh-What? Y-You are God?" He only saw a golden light ball. ???: "But you can only have one wish regarding your reincarnation." *Sigh* Xuan Yan: "I can have only one wish?" ???: "Yeah only one! But you can't ask for more wishes as your only wish!" "..." ???: "Oh! and also don't act like a smartass and say I will write my wishes in the paper and consider that as my only wish." "..." Xuan Yan: "The rules are good, but you choose the wrong opponent for the wish." _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ -I don't own any characters except my OC and some of my 'inserted' characters. -Handsome Mc -Overpowered Mc -Harem -R-18 -English is not my first language. So in the starting chapters, there may be some errors. But I am improving myself. -The beginning chapters will be cliche because I still didn't have a solid plot in my mind at that time...but believe me it will get better later. - I first tried to write in First person POV, but later I changed to Third person POV. I think the story gets better at that time. -Pictures are copied from Google. So whoever you are, let me borrow it for reference, Thank you. But if you don't want, just let me know and I will delete it. ... My Discord link : https://discord.gg/vHmG6YxfTm Character pics are in the discord and many more 'good' pics even NSF- ahem anyway join and lets have fun. My patreon: patreon.com/user?u=65886118 or you can search Akkuzz_69

Akkuzz_69 · アニメ·コミックス
307 Chs

I will show you Hell!

In the morning~

*smooch* Ah Yin kissed Xuan Yan's forehead as he slowly withdrew his head from her bare boobs. His eyelids fluttered and opened showing his golden pupils as a smile came on his face "Good morning, my beautiful wife!"

Ah Yin smiled back "Good morning, Husband!" He munched her boob in her mouth and nibbled her nipples. Ah Yin mewled by his soft bites and patted his head gently.

"Hhngh~ Husband, you want milk? But you want to impregnate me for that..." chu~ Xuan Yan continued sucking and licking her boob.

Xuan Yan retracted his lips and sighed as he stroked her blue hair "Ah Yin, I know you want to get pregnant...but I think now is not the time for that. Can...you wait for that?"

Ah Yin nodded "Okay, Husband...I will wait then. But...I really want a handsome son like you."

Xuan Yan chuckled hearing this "What son?!"

Ah Yin was confused "I mean, our son!"

Xuan Yan hugged her "We are only having beautiful daughters like you!"

"Eh? Only daughters, why?"

His grip on her body tightened "How can I let another man touch you? My wives belong to me. Only me!"

Ah Yin was startled seeing his possessive eyes. She knew he was possessive but not to this extent. "But husband he is our son."

Xuan Yan Buried his face on her cleavage "But these boobs are only for me!"

"But..what if a son is born?" Ah Yin was puzzled.

Nestling his face on her cleavage he licked her boobs "Hm? You don't have to worry. That won't happen."

Ah Yin shook her head wryly. Does he have some power to control the gender of the baby...just like how he could control the impregnation?

"By the way, what time it is dear?..chu~"

Ah Yin chuckled. She woke up before him and let him continue sleeping in her embrace "Zhu Zhuqing and Xiao Wu came to see you before leaving for the Academy. So it's quite late."

Suddenly, Xuan Yan retracted his head and Ah Yin saw his golden eyes shining as a frown appeared on his face.

"Husband..." Ah Yin saw his color changing for a split second and he disappeared. She was confused, What happened? He left without even wearing his shirt.

*creak* "Husband, have you woke up?" Long Yeyue entered the room and was dumbfounded "Ah Yin where is our husband?"

"Um..he left!"


*creek* Liu Erlong walked inside the Vice Dean's office in displeasure. She halted and turned back looking at the door "Why are you following me?"

Yu Xiaogang walked inside the office with a smile "Erlong, how have you been?"

Liu Erlong frowned looking at the trembling red eyes of Yu Xiaogang. Is he drunk or he didn't get enough sleep? "Why are you here?".

"I am here to talk with you and makeup things between us." Yu Xiaogang replied.

Liu Erlong spoke coldly "I don't want to talk with you. Leave!" she said and turned back.

Yu Xiaogang smirked and took two steps forward "Erlong!"

Annoyed by him, she turned back again looking at him "Yu Xiaog- *fwoosh* Xiaogang threw some powder at her.

Caught off guard, Liu Erlong was struck by the powdery substance, causing her to stumble backward a couple of steps in surprise.

*cough* *cough* she coughed inhaling the white dust. Huh? W-What is this? My body...

Yu Xiaogang laughed as his eyes turned mad "Hahaha...HAHAHAH!!! That is a powerful aphrodisiac I got from Ma Hongjun. How does your body feel?"

Liu Erlong's eyes quivered as her cheeks turned crimson red. M-My body..it feels hot...I...Yan...

Yu Xiaogang frantically grabbed his face in madness as his mind went crazy "Do you know? Do YOU KNOW?! WHAT HAPPENED?"

His mad eyes seemed to be on the verge of falling out "My spirit...HAH...My Martial Spirit...That Dio Brando he broke it!"

*huff* *huff* Liu Erlong could feel her body and mind growing increasingly hot, as if a fire was raging within her. She felt like her suppressed lust leaking out of her body.

Her body felt very uncomfortable and she can't tolerate that. A-Aphrodisiac? Bastard!

Hearing Yu Xiaogang's words, she chuckled "B-Bastard, I already warned *huff* you... And now you've become an ordinary human *huff*"


"I want to see...I want to see his desperate eyes holding you...after I VIOLATED you!!"

"HAHA!!... I am sure you can feel your body getting uncomfortable... Don't worry, my Erlong. I will definitely make you comfortable..." he said and walked towards her.

Despite Liu Erlong's efforts to control the effects of the aphrodisiac using her mental power, she could only manage to maintain a small portion of her consciousness, as the potent aphrodisiac continued to exert its strong influence over her.

Seeing Yu Xiaogang approaching her with a nasty grin, her face convoluted in anger "Not in you million dreams. I will never allow you to touch me!

She yelled and her Spirit power exploded *boom* Yu Xiaogang was blasted away at the wall and coughed blood *cough*

But soon he got up and wiped the blood from his mouth "This kind of pain is nothing..compared to yesterday when Dio Brando broke my martial spirit! HAHA!!"

He again walked towards Liu Erlong. Liu Erlong's body trembled uncontrollably as she can't control the lust.

She raised her trembling hand and red spirit energy rushed forth *boom* Yu Xiaogang was again hustled away but this time the power is relatively weaker than before.

He madly laughed "HAHAHA!! You can't control the spirit power...HAHA... Your body is not in your control..."

He saw Liu Erlong's body quivering as her body is totally red. He grinned and stood up enduring the pain in his body "HAHAH-*BOOM* *PUCHI*

But his laugh was short-lived as a sturdy hand grabbed his head and blasted onto the floor.

Xuan Yan's blue eyes brimmed in rage as he uttered coldly "You really made me mad, YU XIAOGANG!!"

*BOOM* The sudden explosion reverberated through the entire office, causing the walls to shake and small fissures to appear. Liu Erlong saw Yan and smiled...Yan.

Xuan Yan saw Yu Xiaogang's head brutally mashed into the floor, his skull broken, and a ghastly pool of crimson blood splattered across the floor. He shook his head "No...not letting you die so easily."

He quickly used his life flame in full power and restored his head. Yu Xiaogang who suddenly came back to life was utterly shocked. He suddenly felt blank for a moment and...

*thud* Ma Xiaotao and Zi Ji entered the office and saw Xuan Yan half naked holding a man's head. What happened?

"Yu Xiaogang! You've done something that you shouldn't!" Xuan Yan flipped Yu Xiaogang's body upwards and placed his foot on his chest.

"Dio Brand- ARGHH!!!" With an intense glare in his eyes, Xuan Yan increased the pressure of his foot on his chest, causing Yu Xiaogang to wince in pain.

Ma Xiaotao saw Liu Erlong standing there struggling as her body is all red. She quickly arrived beside Liu Erlong "Erlong, what happened."

"Aangh~!" But as Ma Xiaotao held her shoulders, Liu Erlong moaned and Ma Xiaotao was bewildered "A-Aphrodisiac?"

"AARGHH!!! N-No *COUGH* NO...AAAAARGHHH!!!!' Ma Xiaotao heard a loud despair of cry and turned to Xuan Yan.

There she saw Xuan Yan placing his leg on Yu Xiaogang's chest, slowly ripping both of Yu Xiaogang's hands.

*creek* *SPLURT* "AAARGHH!! MY HANDSSS!!! AARGHHH!!!!!" Yu Xiaogang cried at the top of his lungs as the extreme pain made his mind go crazy.

"IT HURTTTSSSS!!! IT HURTTTSSS LIKE HELL!!!" In a state of absolute horror and agony, he let out a piercing scream exclaiming the unbearable pain that coursed through his body. But in the next instant, he saw his hands are intact.

Huh? What happened? His desperate eyes fell on Xuan Yan's angry face "I will show you what it feels like in hell."

"I will kill you and heal you again and again!!" He said as he raised his leg and *boom* *splurt* his leg blasted through his chest breaking his ribcage and smashing his heart.

"AAAARGHHH!!!!!! NOOO!!!!! AAAARGHHH!!!!!!!!" Yu Xiaogang let out a gut-wrenching scream of agony as he felt an intense surge of pain coursing through every fiber of his being.

His breaths became rapid and shallow, his body trembling uncontrollably. Just as he felt himself losing consciousness, and before his eyes could black out, Xuan Yan healed him again.

"Xiaogang!" Flender came inside hurriedly and his face was ugly seeing Yu Xiaogang. Zi Ji used her pressure and Flender quickly kneeled "Don't disturb, Young Lord!".

Ma Xiaotao quickly grasped the situation. That man must have used an aphrodisiac on Liu Erlong. And she knows about Xuan Yan's possessive nature...so

"Hnngh~! Y-Yan..." She heard Liu Erlong moaning and looked at her. The aphrodisiac must be relieved quickly or it will create a huge backslash on her mental state. The aphrodisiac is strong, so she might even go crazy if it is not relieved.

"Brother Lord! You should take care of Liu Erlong quickly!"

Xuan Yan who thought of ripping apart Yu Xiaogang's legs heard Ma Xiaotao's voice and looked at Liu Erlong whose body is crimson red as her eyes oozed with lust.

"Long'er!" He appeared in front of her and held her in his arms in concern. Liu Erlong's body came in contact with Xuan Yan's naked skin stimulating her even more.

"Haanhhh..Y-Yann..." she hugged him tightly as her hands began to explore the contours of his back, tracing each curve and dip.. "Yan...Yan..Yann..." she moaned as she repeated his name.

*smooch* Liu Erlong jumped and pressed her lips against Xuan Yan's lips awkwardly. *num* *num* her lust outburst from her body.

Xuan Yan grabbed her neck gently and pulled her "Long'er..." But Liu Erlong who is already full of lust smiled in passion and desire "Yan...I want it...give it to me...I want you."

Xuan Yan quickly used his life flame but he frowned because the life flame is not effective.

[Master, the life flame can only heal someone's body. It can't heal their mental state or emotions. Now she is full of lust, you can't heal that with Life flame!]

"So the only way is..."


He turned to Zi Ji "Let him go, Zi Ji!" As Xuan Yan's grip on her neck loosened, Liu Erlong again pounced on him and bit his neck "Anghh~! Yan..."

Flender quickly arrived beside Yu Xiaogang and saw Yu Xiaogang is already traumatized for his life. He called his name "Yu Xiaogang!"

Yu Xiaogang's once-clouded mind began to regain clarity, and with a glimmer of hope in his eyes "Flender, h-help me! HELP ME!! That Dio Brando...he killed me." his voice stumbled in terror and fear for his life.

Xuan Yan calmed his raging emotions "Both of you leave!" he said looking at Yu Xiaogang and Flender.

Flender was startled hearing this. He let us leave? He wasted no time and quickly left the place packing Yu Xiaogang.

[Master, you let him leave like that?]

'I will break him step by step. I will break his hope and show him despair. He will plead to take his own life. He dared to touch my women...I will show him hell.'

Ma Xiaotao and Zi Ji saw Xuan Yan and Liu Erlong disappearing from the room.


I hope you guys liked this chapter!

This is a robbery! 🔫 GIVE ME POWAH STONES!!