
Reincarnated in Marvel: My Cheat is OP

Reincarnated in Marvel fanfiction In a universe that is as dangerous as it can get with powerful people such as Gods and Immortals walking amongst the people. Read as a Guy from Earth is reincarnated here. I own nothing. I only wrote this because I am bored and wanted to try creating a fanfic. Such is life, watch anime ==> read manga ==> read light novels ==> read fanfictions ==> create a fanfic.

30Degree · アニメ·コミックス
19 Chs

Homecoming Game

"You can't let the fear of what people might say or think stop you from doing what you want to do or else we would never do anything."


William's POV

A month has passed and I tried to remember all of Spiderman's classmates and close friends because I already made the mistake of forgetting MJ's name. It's just that it has been years since I was reborn here and what are the chances of me getting into the same school as Spiderman, New York is a big place.

If I remember correctly he has a fat friend name, Ted? Fred? Ned? I am not sure. But the only friend that Spiderman talks to is Harry Osborn.

[A/N: I seriously can't remember Ned Leeds name and I had to google it to know (⁠´⁠-⁠﹏⁠-⁠`⁠;⁠) I am just terrible at remembering names.]

Peter Parker is a skinny teen with brown hair and eyes wearing thick glasses. He is usually by himself or with Harry. Looking at him you wouldn't think he is Spiderman or well... would be, Spiderman.

Then Harry Osborn, the son of Norman Osborn and the one and only heir to Oscorp Industries. I don't really like him that much... because I can see that his friendship with Peter is fake. Well, that is only my opinion because he only talks to Peter whenever there is an assignment or activity.

He has black hair and eyes, he wears expensive clothes every day and throughout this whole month, I've never seen him repeat the same clothes. He also wears this fucking strong perfume, so much so that you can smell him before you even see him. Is he overcompensating or something? Everybody already knows that you are rich no need to flaunt it so much.

Needless to say, he is very popular in school, especially with the girls. I mean who wouldn't, he has it all. If I was a girl I'd probably throw myself at him as well. If someone managed to get pregnant with his kid she will probably be set for life.

He is flirting a lot with MJ even though it is obvious that Peter has a bit of a crush on her. What happened to bros before hoes?

I can already see from a mile away the love triangle that is forming right there. But I think Spiderman's first Girlfriend is Gwen Stacy, so will Peter be heartbroken and fall in love with her?

Ugh... I don't know, all I know is that Gwen Stacy dies because of Green Goblin and Spiderman failing to save her.

But the Gwen Stacy here is the current student council president. She is supposed to be a freshman year, the same as us but she skipped a few grades and will probably go to college soon.

I don't really approach any of them because I don't really need to get involved in their lives after all I have my own. The meeting with Jean is just a coincidence, plus we have a different circle of friends. Well except MJ, she joined the squad and is now a cheerleader so I see her a lot at the Gym.

You would think that by knowing that I went to the same school as Spiderman something would dramatically change but... it's already been a month since the first day of school and so far everything has been normal. Well except for the preparation for the Homecoming.

I tried out for the Basketball team and I managed to get in. Although I wasn't part of the regular team it's fine because the regulars are some of the tallest high schoolers I've ever seen.

But there is one Freshman that managed to get in the regulars, it was Eugene Thompson, or as he is most known by his nickname 'Flash'. He got that name because of his impressive agility on the court. He is taller than me by a few inches and he is also starting to lift some weights so he is a big guy for a freshman.

If I remember correctly he is also the one that bullies Peter all the time. But Flash isn't too bad once you get to know him, one time after practice one guy had to go to the restroom to pee then another guy felt that he needed to go as well then another until all of us are in the restroom.

So it was crowded and then Flash suddenly shouted "This is how you establish dominance!" We all looked at him then he proceeds to back away from the urinal and piss like five feet away from it. We had a good laugh, It was fucking hilarious but gross for the guys next to him.

He is a nice guy but sometimes he takes his jokes too far and gets a little aggressive.

Today is Friday, the day which we are going to play then tomorrow will be the party. I can't sit still, I am feeling nervous and excited at the same time even though I am not one of the starters. We are currently in the Gym lockers discussing strategy and pep talk.

"Ok that's it, just stick to the plan and we are going to win this!" The coach said.

"YES!" We all shouted, trying to hype ourselves.

"NOW ON THREE!" We then put our hands in the middle, on top of each other.


"VICTORY!" We shouted at the top of our lungs. Then we went out one by one and saw the crowd in the stands, watching us.

We then did some warm-ups, just to loosen up even though we already did some drills this morning.

I then looked around trying to find my parents then someone shouted my name,


I looked over and saw Mom waving at me. I looked by her side but I didn't see Dad... only her friends. I waved and smiled at her then sat down on the bench because the game is about to start.

As soon as I sat down I let out a sigh. Even now Dad still refuses to go to a single game of mine...

"What? You giving up already? If you don't give it your best out there I'll beat your ass next practice." I looked to my side and saw Flash glaring at me

I smiled, "I'm not even part of the starting lineup. Why are you getting mad at me? I might not even be able to play."

"Who the fuck cares if you'll be able to play or not. If you give up now even before the game started then everything will be for nothing..." He said while looking at the court with the most serious expression I've ever seen on him. He is continuously tapping his feet against the floor and kept on clenching and unclenching his fist.

"...Nervous?" I said with a teasing tone. "Is what you said meant for me or are you just talking to yourself? Especially since the coach decided to put you on the second quarter."

"Shut the fuck up you bastard." He glared at me and I just smiled.

Then I said, "I know you can do it after all you are Flash." While patting his back hard for distraction. It seems it worked because he looked back again at the court and stopped tapping his foot on the floor.

"Why were you sighing anyway?" He suddenly said.

I looked at him a bit surprised because The Flash Thompson is showing concern. I was about to joke again but he glanced at me and I realized that he is serious.

I scratched the back of my head and looked at the audience. "...well my Dad didn't come today... and not even once did he attend any of my games. He doesn't really support me playing basketball."

Flash laughed mockingly at me, "Mr. Perfect got daddy issues huh?" I just sighed again 'Why the hell am I even telling this to him of all people?'.

"Fuck you man and what the hell do you mean by Mr. Perfect?"

"Heh, that is what everyone calls you. You're top of the class, you have good looks and you're even good at sports..."

I moved a bit away from him. "You gay bro? What's with all the compliments?"

"Fuck you!" Then he punched me in the shoulders. I just laughed at him, he has a really short temper and it's funny pushing his buttons.

"What I'm trying to say is... fuck your dad. If he can't even see that much in you who cares about him? Do what you fucking want, he ain't telling you what to do."

"Huh... Thanks man!" I smiled and then punched him in the shoulder. Then when he was about to punch me back I stood up. "I gotta go to the restroom brb."

While walking I thought about what Flash said,

'Do what I want huh? I didn't know that I needed to hear that... I still study every day to maintain my high grades while still practicing. Even though I didn't really need to do that and just getting an average grade is fine but I still do it anyway. I just didn't want to disappoint my parents... They have a lot of expectations from me, especially Dad.'

Then when I finally reached the restroom I looked at myself in the mirror and saw a handsome guy with black hair and brown eyes. I touched my face and smiled the one in the mirror did the same.

'I am different from who I was before... I may not like that I was reborn in Marvel but this is still a new life. I will make the best of it, I will do what I haven't done in my past life... It is to enjoy my life.'

When I got back to the Gym I felt better and ready to play. The second quarter is just about to begin and the score is 24-19 in favor of the enemy.

"Thompson be ready you'll sub for Anderson."

"Yes, coach!"

This is not a great start but it's fine the game is just beginning.


The referee blew his whistle signaling for the two-minute break before the start of another quarter.

"Okay! The game is just beginning we can win this! So here is what we are going to do..."

While the coach is discussing the play I was a little distracted by the performance of the cheerleaders. Damn, they are fucking good... And this is not just my hormones talking.

"That's it! Now on Three!"



The second quarter started off great. Flash is the power forward and he kept on going in the offensive. He is so aggressive that he carried the team and by the end of the quarter the score is 46-38 in our favor.

"Nice one Flash!"

"You dominated it out there!"

"That was an excellent performance Thompson, keep it up."

Everybody praised Flash even the coach while he took a seat.

"I'll sub you out in the third quarter and put you back in at the last quarter so that you can rest." The coach said to Flash when devising the strategy.

"I'm fine coach... the half-time break is enough." Flash said while steadying his breathing.

The coach looked at him carefully and then said, "...Okay but I'll sub you out if I see that you can't take it."

Flash just smiled confidently, "This is Flash Thompson you are talking to coach, of course, I can take it!"

The band performance ended and the third quarter is about to begin where we will switch sides.

It started out great but the other team started double-teaming Flash because of that Flash wasn't able to score as much. Then from the bench, I can see him frowning and getting a bit more aggressive.

Flash has the ball and he is moving on the offensive but he was stopped by two guys blocking him from two sides. He can't move and with the shot clock ticking he is getting more and more impatient. Then he decided to shoot but it was slapped out of his hands and bounced off bounds.

"Fuck!" Flash shouted then ran back to our side of the court.

The score is 50-47 still in our favor but the other team is catching up fast. Flash has the ball but he was stopped again from making a score. His impatience is turning into anger. Until he finally snapped and decided to rush forward but he was blocked, he tried to move to the left and he is blocked again. He managed to stop and tried to move to the right but the guy blocking him suddenly fell down.



"What do you mean foul? I barely even touched him!"

The guy smiled and then he was helped by his teammates to stand up.

The referee didn't care and the guy made a free throw and it lands. Flash didn't even touch him but the referee can't see it from his angle.

It happened again two more times until finally, the coach called for a time-out.

"Thompson you need to calm down I'll put you back after. Accardi, you're up."

"Yes, coach!" I shouted and then removed my t-shirt revealing the jersey underneath. My position is a power forward but sometimes I like being the shooting guard.

The score is 55-52 in the enemy team's favor, we are behind by three points. There are only about two minutes left in this quarter. We need to catch up.

I am in the half-court line when the ball was passed to me. A tall guy immediately blocked me.

He smiled and said, "Now that the annoying guy is out we will outscore you guys so bad on your own turf."

I looked at him with a puzzled face 'Is that supposed to be trash talk?'

I couldn't care less about what he said so I stepped two steps to the right and suddenly pulled back when he shifted his weight to follow me. After pulling back I changed direction and moved to the left and passed him. Just before I reach the paint I took a shot and the ball went to the basket with a swish.

I can hear the crowd cheering and I can't help but smile. My nervousness turned to excitement in an instant.

We are now tied and the ball is theirs we need a lot of turnovers or threes so that we will leave them behind. Maybe I'll do both...

The guy with the ball tried to rush to my right and into the basket but I managed to intercept him. He clicked his tongue and did a crossover by switching the ball between his hands then he followed it with a fake to the left and tried to go to the right again.

I managed to block him but then he did something stupid and flashy. He tried to pass the ball between my legs but I moved my hand behind me and caught it. Then I did a crossover and passed him. With no one in front of me, I arrived near the paint and shoot for a three. The ball went in with no net.

I'm feeling good I can do this!

The third quarter ended with a score of 68-57 with us in the lead.

When I reached the bench I was panting and sweaty. The guys slapped my back hard making me wince and they said.

"Nice one Will!"

"Keep it up!"

"You kept on raining threes, they didn't even stand a chance!"

I sat down then the coach asked me.

"Can you keep up that kind of game Accardi?"

I smiled, "I can do this all day, coach."

He nodded then looked at Flash. "I'll sub you for Taylor. You'll be the power forward and Accardi you'll be the small forward."

I just nodded still feeling exhausted.

The last quarter started and we won the tip-off. I managed to catch the ball then I rushed forward but was immediately blocked in the half-court line. I looked to my right and saw Flash getting doubled team again.

With no one to pass to I dribbled the ball from my right hand to the left slowly but the next moment I dribbled the ball hard back to my right hand and leaned my body to the right.

The irregular change of pace threw my defender off and he immediately leaned to the right. But I straightened my torso and smoothly passed to the left. He tried to follow me but he fell to the floor after losing his balance.

I smirked and shoot for a three and it swirled around the ring before going in. The crowd immediately cheered loudly after.

They started double-teaming me after because of that I can't score as much but Flash is now free to score again.

In the end, we won with a score of 93-76 in our favor.

"Fuck Yeah! We Won"

"Nice Game Will, Flash!"

"They didn't even stand a chance hahaha!"

The team congratulated me and Flash. The whole crowd cheered for our team.

I laughed and smiled while they congratulate me. 'This is the fulfilling life that I imagined back in my past life... I can't believe that I am really living it right now.'

I didn't know what the hell is wrong with me. I decided to add the game instead of just writing that they won and celebrated. Because of that it became really long so I decided to cut it there. If I didn't this chapter will be posted at probably two days from now instead of today.

30Degreecreators' thoughts