
Reincarnated in Marvel: My Cheat is OP

Reincarnated in Marvel fanfiction In a universe that is as dangerous as it can get with powerful people such as Gods and Immortals walking amongst the people. Read as a Guy from Earth is reincarnated here. I own nothing. I only wrote this because I am bored and wanted to try creating a fanfic. Such is life, watch anime ==> read manga ==> read light novels ==> read fanfictions ==> create a fanfic.

30Degree · アニメ·コミックス
19 Chs

Gwen Stacy

William's POV

After the dance we talked and got to know each other, it was fun. I didn't even notice the time passing until she got a text from her parents.

"Its Mom, she's telling me to come home or else Dad will come here in a police vehicle with the siren on to shut down the party."

I laughed but she just looked at me with a serious and fed-up expression. "Seriously?"

She sighed and puts a hand on her forehead. "... unfortunately yes. Tonight has been fun, Will. I'll see you at school."

"Wait, I'll escort you home."

She looked at me and smiled, "That's nice of you, Will. Thanks."

We waited a bit for the bus to arrive and then went inside and took a seat. During the bus ride, Gwen fell asleep while leaning on my shoulders. 'I guess she was tired but how tired was she to let her guard down like this? It is a good thing that I escorted her home.'

Until eventually we arrived at her stop so I, unfortunately, had to wake her up.

"Gwen... We're here."

She opens her eyes then looks around and blushed. "I'm sorry... I fell asleep."

"It's fine... you said it's not too far from here?"

She nods then we walked holding hands until we reached the front of her apartment.

"I think this is far enough or else Dad might see you. He can be overprotective sometimes..."

"Oh... Okay. I guess I'll see you at school?"

She nods, "Thanks for taking me home... I had a lot of fun tonight."

"I had fun as well..."

Then we both just stood there awkwardly. 'Shit... This is where I'll go for a kiss right?'

So I leaned forward, she looks at me and blushes but doesn't turn away. When are lips are about to touch...

*Beeeepppp* a car honked.

We quickly moved away from each other and I held my heart. It was beating so fast and I don't know if it is because of the car or her.

"It's already late! Go inside Gwen!"

I looked at where the voice came from, it was a police car right across the street. There is a black-haired guy sitting inside while the lights are turned off.

Gwen yells back, "Okay Dad!" Then she turns to me. "I'm sorry about my dad... I didn't know that he'll be there."

I smiled, "He is really overprotective of you huh? It looks like he was about to pick you up."

She sighs, "Oh you have no idea..."

"So... uh. Goodbye?" I said, still regretful for the missed opportunity.

She approached me quickly and kissed me on the cheeks.


"Inside! Gwen!"

"Okay, Dad!" She then waves at me and goes inside the building.

I was left standing outside holding my cheeks. I couldn't help but feel that this happened before... It's like deja vu. Then I felt a tear flow down my cheeks, I quickly wiped it up confused as to why.


"What are you still doing there? Go home!"

I was pulled out of my thoughts by Gwen's Dad. I looked at him and waved then quickly went home.


A few weeks have passed since then, it's December the air is colder and Christmas and New year are just around the corner.

During these few weeks, a Giant green monster attacked New York. I didn't see it because it happened in Manhattan and we are quite far from there, I only saw it on TV.

The Fantastic Four battled it and managed to drive it into the ocean. At first, I thought it was the Hulk but this was different it has scales and sharp claws that it uses to dig.

The media called it Giganto, an appropriate name but a bit uncreative. It destroyed a few buildings and caused a lot of deaths and injuries.

The Fantastic Four also revealed their Identities in public at the same time. Well, they didn't really try to hide it because they didn't even wear masks. They received a lot of backlash from the public for the damages they've caused and some are even blaming them for the deaths.

But it eventually quieted down after they said that they will pay for everything. The power of money at its finest. Now the public is calling them heroes again.

I also found out why Jessica didn't come to the homecoming. It turns out that they had a family outing that day but unfortunately they had an accident. Her whole family is dead and now she is all alone in a coma.

It was kinda a big deal for a while but as this is high school everyone soon went on with their lives. I visited her a few times and gave some flowers. We weren't really that close just classmates but no one deserves to go through something like that. She'll probably end up in a foster home after she wakes up...

If I were the one in her position... If something like that happened where every thing is fine a second ago then suddenly my whole family is dead... I'll probably find someone to blame. Stan Lee, fate, the whole universe... or maybe even myself.

On a more happier note Gwen and I started spending more time with each other. I don't if we are officially dating or something but I'm too afraid to ask...

We started eating lunch together and if both of us has nothing going on after school we hangout. Gwen does ballet after school meanwhile I have practice so it doesn't happen that often.

I watched her practice ballet sometimes and damn... watching her makes me want to try ballet as well. She just looks so graceful everytime I see it.

Gwen is in the last year of highschool and next year she'll be going to college at Empire State University. Gwen is so fucking smart its ridiculous... Compared to her I feel like an elementary student trying to impress a college professor.

Right now we are at the Gym just hanging out, I just finished my practice and Gwen just came by.

"Here, have some water." Gwen said while handling me a bottle of water.


Then I sat down next to her in the bleachers. She then moved closer to me and excitedly whispers to my ear like a kid sharing a secret.

"You won't believe what I've overheard from Dad. There is a guy in a red and yellow suit fighting crime can you believe that? I think they call him the devil of hell's kitchen."

I almost spilled the water when I've heard what she said. There is only one devil I know in Marvel...

"Daredevil?" I unconsciously said out loud.

She looks at me, confused. "What? You mean like those stuntmen?"

"No... it's nothing. Tell me more about this devil that you're talking about."

She just stares at me, "You're not telling me something..."

I just looked at her with a confused expression.

She sighs, "Fine keep your secrets. Anyway.... Dad has been trying hard to catch this guy but so far he hasn't succeeded."

"Why? I think this guy is just trying to help. Shouldn't they be cooperating together or something."

"Precisely! That's what I've told Dad but he just said that I don't understand how the world works..."

"I'm sure your Dad is just doing his job. But... you really like this kind of stuff huh?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well... You're a fan of the Fantastic Four right? I think you even bought a poster of them."

She blushes and turns away from me. "Well I just thought that they're cool. You know fighting bad guys and saving the day..."

"I think you can also do that by you know... Working a job? Maybe a lawyer or a doctor anything really. Contribute to society that kind of stuff."

She glares at me and pouts. "But that's boring... Do you hate heroes, Will? I've noticed this as well, everytime I talk about this kind of stuff you dismiss it like its something ridiculous."

"Well... Not really. I just think that the whole notion of heroes and villains is stupid. Dressing up in a tight suit to fight crime seems arrogant don't you think? They are essentially putting justice in their own hands."

"Then what do you think they should do? Just let the innocent get hurt? Doing nothing means they are letting the evil win."

I just smiles and nod because I don't want us to have an argument over something as ridiculous as heroes.

"Your right... With great power comes great responsibility. So... you have any plans tomorrow?" I quickly changed the subject.

"Oh... I almost forgot. I was about to ask you the same question. I was planning to invite you to our home for the Christmas eve."

"Really? But I don't think you're Dad likes me that much..."

She nods, "You're right... Dad is just a bit overprotective but I'm sure my Mom will like you... Oh, I know why don't you invite your parents as well?"

"Are you sure? It's going to be fine to your parents?"

She smiles confidently, "I'm sure."


After that I asked both Mom and Dad if they wanted to go and they agreed.

Right now we are outside the door of their apartment, waiting. Mom is wearing a red sweater and black pencil skirt with heels. Dad is wearing a black suit and a fedora hat. I am wearing a long sleeve white and black pants.

We are also carrying some food that Mom cooked.

"I'm feeling nervous. Do you think they will like my cooking? How is my hair is it ok?" Mom said while brushing her hair with her fingers.

"Now I'm also feeling nervous... Why did you have to say that Mom?"

'I just realized that this is the first time that I will her parents properly. What if they don't like me and they don't want me with Gwen?'

Dad sighed, "It's just a dinner no need to be so nervous."

"That's easy for you to say... You didn't even meet my parents when we got married so you don't how Will feels right now." Then Mom patted me in the shoulders. "Don't be nervous sweetie. It's going to be fine."

"Stop that Mom. You're only making me even more nervous. And what's taking them so long?"

"It's because we haven't even knocked or ring the doorbell yet." Dad said while looking at us like we're idiots.

"Why didn't you say so!" Mom said then pressed the doorbell.

"Just a sec!"

Then the door was opened by a beautiful blonde woman that looks a lot like Gwen.

"Oh... You guys must me the Accardi Family and you must be Will. My daughter can't stop talking about you."

"Good evening, I'm Elizabeth Accardi but you can call me Elise and this is my husband Leonardo and you can also call him Leo if you want. I also brought some food I hope you'll like it."

"Thank you, Elise. I'm Helen and my husband is George. Oh where are my manners why don't you come in first?"

"Thanks for having us, Helen."

"No need to be polite, Elise. After all we're going to be in-laws in the future."

Mom laughed, "You're right..."

Looks like they are getting along just fine. Me and Dad followed behind them and once inside I saw a lot of family pictures. There is even a picture of Gwen as a child, she looks adorable.

George Stacy, Gwen's Dad is sitting on the dining table while looking at the news paper. When he saw us another round of introduction happened and we sat down.

It started great, Mom and Mrs.Stacy are getting along and the Atmosphere in the dining table is harmonious.

But then Mr, Stacy suddenly talked to Dad and asked, "So... Leonardo Accardi right? What's your job?" It was a harmless question but the way he said it just doesn't feel right.

Dad looked at Mr. Stacy for a moment then answered, "Me and a good friend of mine started a hotel business years ago. You may have heard of it, Mazzini Hotel."

"Yes, I've heard of it... I also heard some rumors about it being a place where some big shots drug lords gather."

Dad glared at him, "You're a cop aren't you? So why are you listening to some baseless rumors?"

Mr. Stacy nods, "You're right it was some just rumors. But before your family came here to New York... What did you do back in Italy?"

"... What are you implying here? That I'm moved here from Italy to start a drug business?"

"Hey... I'm not the one who said it but... What if that's true? How can I trust my daughter to a family that has some shady past?"

The atmosphere became tense and they are only staring at each other. Until finally Mrs. Helen said, "I think that's enough George. They are our guest here why are you antagonizing them?"

"I'm not antagonizing them, I'm just asking some questions."

Gwen then yelled, "Dad! Did you do a background check on them?! Why would you do that!"

"... Yes, I wanted to see who are the persons you are associating with. And so far I'm not really impressed."

Dad then stood up, "I see now that our family isn't welcome here... We will see are selves out." Then he walked away while I was just sitting there wondering where it went wrong.

Mom then stood up as well and smiled, "Thanks for the food Helen it was delicious. Come on Will let's go."

I followed after them and Gwen immediately chased after us.


"Stay here Gwen we are going to have a talk after this."

"No, Dad! You don't get to tell me what to do!" Then she slams the door shut.

Mom looked at us and she smiled, "I'll get you guys some privacy."

Now there is only the two of us in the hallway. The door didn't open again so I guessed Mr. Stacy let us have some space or Mrs. Stacy stopped him.

Gwen looks at me and apologized, "I'm really sorry about my Dad... I didn't know that he will do that. If I only know this will happen..."

I held her hand and squeezed it, "You didn't know that this will happen... you only want for your parents to get along with mine right?"

She nods, "...I really like you Will. I don't want us to drift apart because of this..."

"I like you as well, Gwen. But who cares what you're father thinks right? We will just keep it a secret." Then I leaned forward and kissed her. This time there was no interuption and we stayed like that for a few seconds.

When I moved away Gwen is blushing so hard. She can't even look me in the eyes so she buries her face in my chest.

"...W-wow your heart is beating so fast." She whispers.

"That's because of you..."

So... This chapter was supposed to be about spiderman but I wanted to at least show Gwen and Will's relationship. And one of the reasons that I made this fanfic is because of her.

I don't really like this chapter that much.. so you can skip this chapter if you want.

Tell me if it's cringe because I can't really tell. Probably because I'm the author. I've only realized while I was rereading that this fanfic has a lot of angst and I don't even like angst

30Degreecreators' thoughts