
Reincarnated in Marvel: My Cheat is OP [Rewritten]

Reincarnated in a dangerous universe, what are you going to do? Read as Will tries to overcome all the challenges and dangers he faces whether seen or unseen. ---------- I'm bored so I made a fanfic. I own nothing it's made with entertainment purposes in mind.

30Degree · アニメ·コミックス
27 Chs

Chapter 13: Dad's Protection

"Sometimes protecting someone is the most dangerous thing a person can do."

"Being a role model is the most powerful form of educating…too often fathers neglect it because they get so caught up in making a living they forget to make a life."

-John Wooden


Will Allan Foundre POV

July 30, 2005

A month has passed and a lot has happened and at the same time, nothing has changed. Mom is still in a coma, Dad is still at the hospital and I am still training every day. I finished assimilating both of the cards but I decided not to use the gacha for now because I want to use it to heal Mom. The good news is Dad is now able to walk properly but needs to stay for further monitoring.

One day Dad told me something that will stay with me.

That day I was in the hospital when Uncle Pierre came to visit. He looked at me for a moment and I can hear guilt and resolve from him.

"It's done." He said to Dad.

Dad then looked at Uncle Pierre for a while and I can hear anger from him and then replied,

"I see..." As neutral as possible with nothing of the anger that I can hear coming from him.

There was a tense silence in the room before Uncle Pierre said to Dad,

"I'll see you in the office and I hope for your swift recovery."

Dad just looked at him and nod then Uncle Pierre left. Is there something going on between Dad and Uncle Pierre? Why is Dad so angry at him? So I decided to ask him.

"What's wrong Dad? What happened to you and Uncle Pierre?" Dad and Uncle Pierre are very close because unlike Uncle Charles who doesn't have his own family they both do, I remember seeing them bragging to each other about who has the best kid or the best wife.

Dad just looked at me and ruffled my hair and said with a calm tone, "Well, your Uncle Pierre just did something really stupid and I haven't forgiven him for it. "then he added under his breath "...and I don't think I ever will." but I still heard it.

"What did he do?" I asked because Dad is really angry, I can hear it. What could Uncle Pierre do that Dad will never forgive him?

"It's not like I can't understand what he did, I am willing to do anything to keep you guys safe but he- *sighh* you're too young to understand it."

Then he stared into my eyes and said seriously, "I may not always be there for you because of how busy I am but... remember this, I am willing to take a shower of bullets or make a deal with the Devil to keep you guys safe." he said with a voice full of resolve that I couldn't help but just nod.

Since that day I kept thinking about what he said.

Protecting huh? Is that why Dad did what he did, to keep us safe? He compromised and negotiated even when he almost died that day...

What about me? I am training so that what happened that day will never happen again, because that day I realized something... no matter how much I want to be left alone, trouble will always come.

This is a shitty Universe, it is a universe where a crazy alien wants to maintain the balance of the Universe by killing half of it. Who the fuck does he think he is? The Avatar? Maintain the balance... what kind of shitty reason is that? I remember reading it in a wiki that the real reason he did it is because he wants to impress a woman. What a simp...

*sighh* stop thinking stupid things, this is why I can't meditate.

I am currently on the roof of Uncle Charles' condo, training the Seventh form: Flaming thunder god. It will be my first time trying this move because although I finished assimilating Zenitsu's card it is just the knowledge and I need to pound it in my body.

I am still not sure if my body can take this move because when I tried the Thunderclap and Flash: Godspeed my legs were rendered useless due to muscle fatigue and exhaustion. Because of that I just rested and played games the whole day but now I know that I can do it.

I held my sword in my leftside, parallel to the ground, lowered my stance more than usual and grabbed the hilt of the sword with my right hand. *inhale**exhale*

'Seventh Form: Flaming Thunder God'

Then I dashed forward at blinding speeds and unleash a singular forward slash at a low stance.


Then I looked at where I was before and saw that it was cracked and looked where I am currently, I am at the edge of the rooftop and the guardrails are slashed. Then I looked at my sword and saw that it has a lot of cracks...

I then took a deep breath cause I know the pain is coming and it is just delayed...

"AGGHHhh... fuuuuuckkk it hurtss..." I rolled on the ground feeling pain all over my legs. I am getting used to pain now because of all the training I am doing but that doesn't mean I am immune to pain.

I just lay down on the ground and looked at the stars, I hope Uncle Charles won't see the cracked ground and the slashed guardrails. I'll move a chair on the ground and the slash is barely noticeable I'm sure It will be fine.

This rooftop is the one where we spend our New year with Uncle Pierre and his family and Uncle Charles, the fireworks looked amazing here...

I just stayed there for a while then I stood up and went back inside, limping a bit and using the sword as a cane. I'll just play some games after this because playing games is the closes thing I have for meditation, where I can forget all the things that are happening around me.

Maybe if I keep playing games I will summon a power like the Gamer hahaha...