
Reincarnated In HP world with Power of Destruction

Power 1.Unlimited Power of Destruction 2.Perfect control 3.Tom Riddle's Magic Talent, and lot of Magical Energy Orphan trope Harem 1.Nymphadora Tonks 2.Luna Lovegood 3.Fleur Delacour 4.Daphne Greengrass 5.Astoria Greengrass 6.Hermione Granger Summary: MC is OP as fk but don't act cold towards people he care and actually listens to them (beta naive mc) He is Heir of an ancient noble family. A lot of MC's ass kissing, cringe af, ya this is it. I won't recommend you reading this shit. There are way way better ff available on webnovel read those than wasting your time here. why am I writing this then? cause I'm a fking loser. You're not right? sorry just got upset due to criticism. Ahh I should just delete this shit and do something productive with my life. You can't satisfy everyone. some like Hermione, some hate her to guts. fking idiots.

Agwinz · 書籍·文学
94 Chs

Punching Voldemort

[Alice Longbottom POV]

I couldn't believe my eyes. The most powerful wizard, the second coming of Merlin, was laid on the ground sobbing. I could see another old man holding the body of a woman. She's dead.

The horrified faces of Professor McGonagall and Sirius were similar to mine. Seeing us, he stopped crying, wiping his eyes with his hand as he sat down on the ground, but he still had those hollow eyes, they had lost their shine.

"What happened, Headmaster? Are you hurt?" asked Sirius, he patted Headmaster's shoulder, but the man didn't respond.

There was no sign of visible injury on him, but he looked mentally tired. What could hurt him so much? This was an easy battle for him, I was sure this old man could take on hundreds of dark creatures without breaking a sweat.

Professor McGonagal couldn't take it anymore, she was getting anxious "Albus! Harry's missing," hearing this, he abruptly stood up, his eyes returned to normal. He looked back towards the old man and walked out without saying anything. Weird, connecting the dots I assume that man and woman were friends of his and he was mourning her death.

We all followed him, leaving that man behind. "Where are you going, Albus? What happened? Talk to us," pleaded Professor McGonagall. She was worried; we all were. The man we looked up to, the symbol of strength, looked so feeble.

"Minerva, we are going to Hogwarts. I... I have to talk to someone. Only he can do everything right." What? Who was he talking about?

In a bright red fire, Fawkes appeared and disappeared with him, leaving us all behind. We all looked at each other and decided to head to Hogwarts too.

As we reached the middle of Hogsmeade, I saw Frank, who was still glaring at me. Heh, like he could do anything to me. Seeing Greyback, I couldn't control myself. He was a Death Eater, and I had vowed to kill them. I won't remain passive anymore. They had stolen my son's childhood from me, and I would never forgive them for it.

After getting a second chance at life, I had decided to make sure nobody could hurt my family, but still couldn't protect my godson, if something happened to him, I won't be able to forgive myself.

[POV end]

[Agustus POV]

I lay in my Slytherin room's bed, a beautiful woman resting on me, her head nestled against my chest as I ran my fingers through her hair.

"Hela," she didn't look up, just hummed in acknowledgment.

"I love you." This time, she raised her head, smiled, and moved towards my face, kissing me.

"I love you too, my lord." I wrapped my hands around her naked body, hugging her tightly.

"Sometimes I feel I don't give you enough time." We haven't gone out since our last date; she gets busy in her realm, so we couldn't spend much time together.

"We talk to each other every few minutes, I do miss you though, I have decided, I will sleep with you daily from now on." She said this in a commanding manner, I can't refuse her, and only an idiot would refuse her.

"It would be an honour to accompany you every night my lady." That line earned me another fierce kiss.

As we were busy with our cuddling, we heard a knock on my door.

Hm, it was late, around 11; who could be here at this time? She nodded at me understandingly, I kissed her again, and wore my clothes, then apparated outside.

Dumbledore. What is he doing here? He looked like he had just returned from a war.

Seeing me, he looked relieved. "Harry is missing; an elf took him away. I was at Hogsmeade fighting werewolves and vampires." This made me raise my eyebrows. So this is why he left the great hall mid dinner.

He really fought some creatures, but he's really that weak he couldn't handle them? No he isn't, he can easily handle them, something happened, I guessed looking at his eyes.

I sighed. Now I am a babysitter. I have to look after the Boy Who Lived to make sure he doesn't die. I want Potter's votes and money. I would talk to Sirius about this.

"Okay, I'll bring him back. Tell Sirius he owes me." To which he nodded.

I spread my Power of Destruction and tried to find him. It didn't take long to sense him. I apparated directly there, seeing Potter on the ground while Voldemort stood in front of me.

Kneeling before him were around 30 Death Eaters, as I have significantly reduced their numbers already.

Seeing me, they all turned towards me, while I apparated Potter to the Great Hall, as I don't want him messing with my fun here.

[POV end]

[Third person POV]

"How dare you! He was supposed to die here today!" Voldemort roared towards Peverell. The boy gave him a smirk in return.

"Don't shout. I know you're old, but unlike you, I can hear perfectly," he replied, while looking around curiously.

As some recognized his face, a few Death Eaters didn't wait a second and apparated out. They had witnessed the power of that boy and were more terrified of that little demon compared to the Dark Lord.

Seeing his subordinates fleeing, he became more enraged and pointed his wand towards Agustus. He won't stand this humiliation, he vowed to kill those traitors in most painful manner.

"You shouldn't have come here, Peverell. You will die here. Beg me, I might spare you." Voldemort again shouted haughtily, he was in his weakened state during that last confrontation, this time he wanted to kill the boy. Asking him to beg was for his own enjoyment, he won't spare him today.

Agustus looked at Voldemort with contempt.

'How can someone have so many screws loose? Did he forgot what happened last time?' he thought. He didn't even take out his wand. Out of all death eaters, now only twenty were kneeling on the ground looking at everything cautiously.

"Did you forget, Tommy boy, how you ran away from me last time?" He said taunting the dark lord. The statement made death eaters mouth to hung open as they thought how bold the boy was in front of one of the most powerful dark wizard.

"Avada Kedavra," he didn't wait a second to launch the killing curse, as he already missed killing Potter, he wanted to this boy to die as soon as possible.

The boy sighed as the curse disappeared into nothingness, people couldn't believe it, those who didn't know anything about the boy were now scared of him. Seeing this, only two Death Eaters were left, others ran away.

While Voldemort looked angry and scared, "How!"

This was the second time his killing curse had been ineffective. He seriously questioned the reliability of the curse.

This was like a flashback of his last fight with the boy. He had not gotten an answer about this boy's strange power. He knows the Most about dark magic but this was something he had never seen, the power nullify his spells.

After a few minutes, we see a Dark Lord Voldemort beaten to a pulp. Agustus had not used magic at all; he had punched the noseless bastard's face multiple times.

He had stunned Barty Crouch Jr., but Snape saw everything which happened to voldemort, and he was horrified at the sight.

He didn't want to kill the man, as it would make everything boring, and it was Potter's job to kill him. Right now, the boy was only in his second year. Maybe after a few years, he could confront him.

Seeing himself beaten like this, voldemort apparated, leaving two Death Eaters behind. Agustus could've stopped him, but right now, he wanted to torture someone else.

Severus Snape who has been trying to apparate but failing was his target. He grabbed the man with his greasy hair and apparated to the Drakul Manor.

[POV end]


100k words👍 gimme stones.

Next chapter's gonna be fun. See ya tomorrow.