
reincarnated in high school DXD with Ultimate Gacha/ normal system

Zachatack · アニメ·コミックス
6 Chs

Chat with ROB 1

After all that pain I suddenly became aware of my new surroundings. I was sitting in the most comfortable plush black leather recliner chair, Facing some unknown man, who was looking at me with appreciation and for some unknown reason gratitude. Then he spoke. Leonardo you have met all the requirements, that the Biblical God of high school DXD. Has set for one to be granted the right. For the second seat of his old heaven, with the right to inherit the entirety of his powers and authority. Along with his throne of ruling over the earth, as well as most of the other dimensions. Otherwise known as the realms of the High School DxD world. With these realms, the only one that you are aware of. That is the one ruled by the demon race. The other ones are unimportant for you right now. Giving him a funny look I said sir, since you know my name. By what name should I call you. Hahaha sorry son about that. I got to exited after finally finding someone. Who is worthy of reincarnating and hopefully taking the spot of that young pup. The Biblical God who ascended to the next stage of a being and left the world of high school DXD. Awkwardly scratching my cheek I asked so sir what should I call you by. Hahaha sorry aboutthat again you can call me ROB since it's the closest thing you know of to what I am. Also since I already know what you're next question will be. Yes you will be protected and by the much more powerful archangels of the old heaven.

Danielle the archangel of time and peace. Eva the archangel of justice and warth. Daniel the archangel of law preservation and death. Demeter archangel of life growth and decay. Ishtar archangel of wealth, desires urges and order. As well as being the leader of the old Heavenly host. As well as the one in charge of judging if you fail in upholding your new position and the one who must then strip you of your power.

Umbrella OK then ROB before I accept or decline this opportunity. Could you please answer some of my questions. Shrue ask away. OK first can I get a certain number of wishes fulfilled. Secondly what are the limitations imposed on me if I were to accept this position. Hahaha those are excellent questions. Firstly yes you can have some wishes fulfilled. However the number of wishes depends upon what they are. Secondly your limitations in actions are as simple as to avoid behaving in a wat like the old primordial humans did as a spices. That resulted in there cures. This dose not means you can't exhibit those actions. So long as it is in order to protect/ preserve others. With the other racies involved in this and not turned into into subordinates/ slaves of humans. OK just to clarify for example when the Hero Faction of the chaos brigade, will go into the Yoki Faction territory to use Yasaka, in there ritual that would be grounds ot exteerimate them. In that situation yes that would be barely out of line due to the nature of there actions. However the right choice here, would be to send Archangels Eva and Ishtar to judge them. As well as to seal there powers and abilitys. Also in this case when you send them in the future since I know why you are asking this. They should also be Authorized to confiscate all instruments for harm from the truly guilty and have them placed in heaven Amory. Which you will be granted use of once you meet the Third of the four trials of worthiness. Wich you have men the first one by being here as for the other participating members they should be given a contract of truthful servitude and redemption to you. So you can lead them away from their negative and harmful path of action, and allowing them in their servitude. A chance to change there ways Towards helpfulness as well as giving them a chance to redemption through helping others

Then would you mind telling me how I should approach freeing Valiry Teeps and punish her brother as well as the other evil doers. Also one last theng here can I judge people, in this type of setting for what they are destend to do if some on dose not interced. Hahaha that is fine in that case you should willingly share your memories with the Archangel of Justice and of warth Eva. As well as the archangel of wealth, desires, urges and order. Ishtar. To have them judge the guilty for their sin along those who were going to make sins. As well as have them cleanse the bloodline of dragons if those experiments already started. Then they would offer her on your behalf a contract of protection and servitude. This contract however will place the restriction on you. That any action you take with her, must be completely consensual.