
Reincarnated in Hajime No Ippo

Aspiring to become a boxer with almost no talent. Kenta went through blood, sweat and tears to have a chance at being known as a boxer, but... Luck wasn't on his side... The very first amateur boxing match of his career, Kenta suffered a very fatal injury to his knee. Everything he worked for tragically all went down the drain. 8 years of dedication just like that, went because of a injury. Ever since that moment in his life. Kenta dedication to the sport he loved, slowly died. But no matter what, he always hoped for a miracle. Hoping for a life changing event to happen, each year went past until Kenta finally acknowledge at the age of 28 that nothing was going to change. Just like that. Kenta worked a normal job barely scrapping living a normal life. To escape this painful reality, Kenta was lead towards the world of anime. Believing it to be disgusting at first, gradually Kenta came to love all sorts of anime ranging from Slice of life to Harem. But their was one specific anime that struck his heart deeply, Hajime no Ippo. An Anime that was based on his whole past dedication. Boxing I I I I I V Tags - Small Harem, No ruling System, Romance, MaybeNetori, comedy, HandsomeMc, KindMc, ChillMc, BadassMc, Smut, Lemons, R-18, Reincarnated, Hajime no Ippo and lastly, some drama. Warning - I do not own Hajime no Ippo neither the image, everything goes to its respectable writer/drawer.

TruckkunJr · アニメ&漫画
13 Chs

Chapter 9 - Understanding

{A/N: Sorry for the Upload issue, but sadly you won't being having that a chapter a day. I'll be throwing them out as quick as I can but it most likely only be 1-2 a week. It all depends on how long I'm available. Also gonna fix the dump of Nyoko's past in the latest chapter and explain in more depth.}

My name is Nyoko Miyata. Sister of Ichiro Miyata and daughter of the famous Hiroshi Miyata. I was a normal girl... A happy girl... Before thing spiralled out of control. Everything started to descend downwards a couple of weeks after my 13th birthday.

I was seated on a swing, waiting for my father to pick me up from the park. It was the typical Tuesday night. After my tennis club were finished, he would usually wait for me and take me back home.

...But this time, he wasn't here... He told me before I arrived explaining he would be late. The only thing he said was for me to wait for him, in quote, 'I won't be too long, I'll come pick you up as soon as possible.'

Despite the darkness covering the whole park, except the swing I currently occupied. I didn't feel nothing, no urgency to escape from this shady location or urge to stay away. This wasn't a movie where the female lead suddenly gets attacked and killed in a suspicious place.

As such... I stayed here for 20 minutes and waited for him to appear. The cold wind brushed against my shallow attire, my school uniform did nothing to help stop the wind.

It felt like hours in the park. Darkness surrounded my sides, wherever I tired to look, all that I could see was black. Now and than, I would see in the darkness, sudden shifts... But... I took it as a sign of tiredness.... Stupid thinking.

All that it took for me to go was another 20 minutes. So I stood up. About to walk forward before, a big shadow covered my own. Eyes widening in fright and realization, I was gonna step forward and run away.

...It wasn't... that... Simple...

His massive hand gripped my wrist while his other covered my mouth. All the effort of shouting was muted by his palm. I struggled in his grip as best as I could, to no prevail, his gripped held me their while his laughter entered my ear drums.

Tears left my eyes. No matter how much I struggled and tried to escape, he kept his posture. More laughter erupted from him and seemingly from the area. He seemed to enjoy my struggle in sadistic glee.

Once he started to walk back to behind the tree line did I actually realize something... ....There was more than one person...

Infront of me was two men. One of them was small and fat while the other was lanky and skinny. Just like the person behind me, they were laughing in sadistic glee while looking at me in disgusting pleasure.

A shiver of utter disgust and fear would crawl down my spine when my eyes would meet theirs. Their intention were obvious, they wanted to do something to me. Something someone my age shouldn't experience.

I felt hopeless. Memories of Ichiro, Mother and Father kept on flashing through my mind. I wanted to cry, believing that I will never see them again.

Luckily, like the gods were looking up on me. A flash of light went towards me and my kidnappers direction. Hurried footsteps were fast approaching. Taking this moment of distraction as an opportunity. I put all my strength in my jaw and chewed into the kidnappers hand.

Once he grip loosened, I ran and ran, their yells and fast steps were slowly receding away each step I took. The thought of looking behind or stopping never crossed my mind.

I later on was found by the authority, they explained how they were tracking a group of individuals because of past crimes committed. Being questioned and assured, the police called up my family.

Despite my desperate attempts of them not to. Soon, Mother, Father and Ichiro drove as quick as they could to me. Mother was crying and hugging me to dear life, as for Ichiro and father. Both were infuriated and thankful.

Life wasn't the same after that day, each night would become sleepless and in the morning my social life would slowly diminish. It was only because of Kumi and my family that helped me with what I experienced.

Although every day I was plagued with nightmares, things started to stop finally after I met him. He helped me just by being next to me. Since the incident, the thought of even talking to the opposite sex frightened me. But he was different somehow. I didn't feel that sense of being scared.

His smile lightened my dark days, his bad attempts of making me laugh would always cause me too respond with giggles. Their wasn't a day without his figure flashing in my eyes, making me blush in embarrassment. He didn't look at me as the same as everyone.

I don't know how he slowly creeped inside my heart like a parasite, yet, I accepted it with arms open.

I... Shouldn't of responded like that. S-slapping him in the face for something I initiated, full well knowing what I was doing. Having full knowledgement of taking advantage of him in a tired state.

H-how do I make it up to him... And when?


Leaning on the bag, Kenta observed Ippo and his training. Currently Ippo was doing mitts with Coach Kamogawa, not bad to say the least for someone that had only started. Maybe things were being rushed a bit especially since Ippo was supposed to fight Miyata in short time frame. While watching this, his mind strayed away from his current thoughts to what happened yesterday.

Most likely because of what arised between him and Nyoko, she had chose not to appear in the gym. He didn't really know why. Up till yesterday nothing happened between them that would cause such a severe reaction from her.

Things like relationships wasn't something he specialised in. For Christ sake, he was a boxer whom dedicated himself to only that. Boxing in his past life, was the only thing he cared about even now. Relationships to his former self, believed such a thing as only a nuisance.

Yet now, his opinion on such a thing changed, when he met Nyoko. It was nice chatting and talking about boxing with such excitement. Unlike the normal reaction given by other people when they saw this side of him, she didn't show any signs of awkwardness or being bothered.

She actually sat with him, brained stormed with the same excitement! Kenta knew immediately... From the hard thumping beat of his heart seemingly feeling like it wanted to jump out his chest. To the bubbly and warm tingling sensation in his core. The man fell. And fell hard he did.

It is rare to meet a beautiful girl, who held near the same amount of passion in the same sport. And a sport you wanted to go professional in more so. That wasn't the only thing, from the few interactions he had with her. She was clearly intelligent. Causing her to be more of a catch if their was one.

Unfortunately, with no relationship experience, all Kenta could do was focuse mainly on his boxing and be as bold as possible. Don't lump him up in the same category as Ippo, he wasn't the personification shyness.

Kenta knew of his looks, and by no means should he fear chasing her off because of it. Narcissistic and knowing you was hot, wasn't the same thing. Maybe he was slightly arrogant and quite confident in himself. But what was bad about that.

Setting it aside for now, he went back to his observation. Kenta already knew of Ippo's Talent which was mostly just barely below Miyata. Unlike other Systems, it didn't have observe so Kenta could only estimate Ippo's stats and knowledge from the anime. As Bias as it was, Kenta loved him yet he knew that Ippo was only a great boxer because of the dempsey roll and Explosive talent by being raised in a fishmen business. Without this talent and technique, Ippo wouldn't be even near Miyata.

Keep in mind, Miyata had to go through trial and error just to find or create an opening in Ippo's boxing. Miyata didn't have Ippo's Strength. Strength to break through any wall even the most tightest with just a simple punch.

Miyata evidently knew he couldn't battle that kind of power head on with his own. So he decided to evolve his Techniques and Speed until that explosive power would slowly dwindle into nothingness. What was the use of power if you can't successfully connect with what you want to punch?

Seeing the dedication and inspiration of Miyata's desire to be better than Ippo and overcome him. Kenta even at the worst moment of his life always attempted to strive forward even through difficulties. He didn't have talent, he wasn't born with it unlike other's.

Takamura pointed it out in his own way. Like he said once, "Fact's is genius's can take all the hard work of the common folk, and turn the entire thing around, so that it's like it was all for nothing." He wasn't wrong, it could take a person without talent to train for most of their life's to all of a sudden, be caught up with someone with talent who has only trained measly compared to them.

Why only now can you understand how hateful reality is truly. As saddening as it is to accept it, Kenta no longer had to feel angered by his misfortune. Now he was just like every other genius. The irony honestly. Letting out a chuckle, Kenta smiled.

Takamura: "What got you in the mood?" Head twisting to his Direction, Takamura stood next to him.

Kenta: "Just thinking of how suddenly my life changed. Though I guess nothing changes you. Always and somehow, weirdly popping up at the most randomist of moments." Cheekily smiling, Kenta put his hand back of his head, sticking his lips out. In response to the clear jab given, Takamura's vein popped out of his forehead.

Takamura: "Hmmm, what did you say?" Takamura face in Kenta's, eyes darkened, a small creepy smile adoring his mouth. Kenta had no choice.

Kenta: "Takamura! Look! Behind you! There is a femal-"

Takamura: "Huh!? Where!?" Jumping behind him, Takamura head frantically looked everywhere. Once he turned back, there where Kenta stood before was empty.

Takamura "Where is that little shit!!! I'm gonna kill him! Once I get ahold of him, I'll teach him a lesson for messing with his senior's heart!"

While Takamura was left causing mayhem in the gym, Kenta long since left the area. Ten minutes later, Kenta was laying on the grass where Ippo first started his journey, gazing at the water.

Unknown to him, stopping not far away was... Kumi? Holding her bike, she stood there and gazed at Kenta's unmoving form. The sun lighting his tanned skin up, making the already good looking teen even more desirable.

Although, this caught her attention first, she soon saw the tense face on the blond. It was rare to see such a person like Kenta overwhelmed by something to cause him to show it on his exterior.

It weirdly enough caused her to feel uncomfortable inside, like seeing such a expression didn't suit him. She didn't like him... How could she, they didn't speak often. Nowhere on the same line as him and Nyoko.

Furthermore, if she even did. How could she compare to Nyoko. She wasn't as beautiful as her or as gifted as her. How could such a person like Kenta ever be hers?

Kumi: 'It's alright Kumi... It's only one guy, its not like their is only one in the world. You'll find the right one... Eventually.'

Peddling away past the lying Kenta, she didn't bat an eye to him, in fear of being acknowledged by his presence. All the way going to work, Kumi head didn't look up, mainly looking down not showing her face for some reason.

Unfortunate for the young lass. She wasn't as successful as she thought. Opening his right eye, Kenta peered at the slowly disappearing back of Kumi's. His face blank, devoid of emotions, he stayed their looking near that direction where she left.

Until his smile grew and grew, until finally it basically touched the side of his face. An absolute twisted, disgusting, feral smile came from his face. Like another person now possessed him.


Got my inspiration back from watching some boxing, come back to this so don't know if it's daily but at least it's not dropped.

As I've said before, this MC is showing traits of a villain and their will be situation where this "dark side" comes out. Mostly when he is in the ring however, this side will influence him. He might do some stupid stuff cause of it but don't forget he's still human.

All I'm saying is this "dark side" brings out a more... Instinctual in himself, almost... Animal like.

Sounds interesting if just like, the green eye glow fighting spirit thing, Hawks red eye thing and Takamura's blue eyed one. They bring out the personality of the person. I'd say similar to zone in Kuroko, yet, this brings out something inside them boosting their abilities and strength.