
Reincarnated in Hajime No Ippo

Aspiring to become a boxer with almost no talent. Kenta went through blood, sweat and tears to have a chance at being known as a boxer, but... Luck wasn't on his side... The very first amateur boxing match of his career, Kenta suffered a very fatal injury to his knee. Everything he worked for tragically all went down the drain. 8 years of dedication just like that, went because of a injury. Ever since that moment in his life. Kenta dedication to the sport he loved, slowly died. But no matter what, he always hoped for a miracle. Hoping for a life changing event to happen, each year went past until Kenta finally acknowledge at the age of 28 that nothing was going to change. Just like that. Kenta worked a normal job barely scrapping living a normal life. To escape this painful reality, Kenta was lead towards the world of anime. Believing it to be disgusting at first, gradually Kenta came to love all sorts of anime ranging from Slice of life to Harem. But their was one specific anime that struck his heart deeply, Hajime no Ippo. An Anime that was based on his whole past dedication. Boxing I I I I I V Tags - Small Harem, No ruling System, Romance, MaybeNetori, comedy, HandsomeMc, KindMc, ChillMc, BadassMc, Smut, Lemons, R-18, Reincarnated, Hajime no Ippo and lastly, some drama. Warning - I do not own Hajime no Ippo neither the image, everything goes to its respectable writer/drawer.

TruckkunJr · アニメ&漫画
13 Chs

Chapter 2 - High School

Since the meeting Nyoko in the park, Kenta would regularly meet her. Sometimes they would hang out and have a drink while at other times she would give recommendations for his boxing skills.

Who wouldn't want some feedback on what you should improve when their is someone that has grew up to see all types of skills and techniques because of their family heritage. He wasn't going to pass up on it and she was good looking as well as very clever to boot.

So a months passed and Summer holidays was slowly leaving. The changes in Kenta was visibly evident, his Four pack was now evolved into a Six pack with more defined muscles. But his stats had barely went up while on the other hand his Skills had drastically improved to a decent level.

This is what his status after a month of training with Nyoko:


Name: Kenta Tachibana

Age: 14

Affiliations: None

Titles: None

Style: Southpaw and Out-Boxing

Strength: 26(Training)

Speed: 23 (Training)

Stamina: 20 (Training)

Durability: 24 (Training)

Intelligence: 23 (Training)

Charisma: 47 (God-Level Charisma)

Talent: 20 (Max)

Skills -

Hook - 29/100 (14/375xp) (Training)

Straight - 27/100 (68/345xp) (Training)

Jab - 31/100 (102/405xp) (Amateur)

Uppercut - 27/100 (160/345xp) (Training)

(NEW) Footwork - 28/100 (46/360xp) (Training)


Since going past level 25 on most of his skills, Kenta had difficulty leveling the skills up because of the increase after going past Level 20 which was 10 is now 15. But none the less, he trained hard and even got a new skill which was needed for his style, [Footwork]

While on looking his training, Nyoko long since titled Kenta talent on the same level as her brother, Miyata. Maybe even more with his high progression in physical ability. He had everything that her brother wanted, speed and power. Kenta was a prodigy and a huge one at that, Nyoko knew it and thought about introducing him to Kamogawa soon.

As for her parents. It was clear they could see their daughter being excited to always go out early in the morning to late out night. This just made them even more curious about the young lad that has surprisingly caught her attention.

Everything else in the month up to school was pretty normal with Kenta and Nyoko hanging out. They grew rather close with one another almost like they were a couple but unlike a couple, they were just close friends. Shocking enough, Kenta found out that Nyoko attended Shiritsu Zoshirushi Highschool like Ippo.

Kenta was excited to meet his future rival. And couldn't wait for another two years until Ippo started to attend gym. Then the plot will be coming around and all sorts of funny and exciting moments will happen.

Walking on a path next to the road, Kenta and Nyoko could be seen walking down it in their Schools clothes. Well if you take apart that Kenta's jacket is open showing his white shirt that barely covered his body. Bag over his shoulder, Nyoko turned her head to Kenta with excitement while holding her bag in both hands.

Nyoko: "So Kenta, are you excited to go back to school?" Looking to her, he just shrugged and said carelessly.

Kenta: "I don't really care. It's just school, everyone has to go to school once in their life." Continuing on with their walking, both individuals walked through the Gates and entered the builder.

Right away they entered the building all eyes went to them with curious glares. Mainly all going to Kenta. Whispers were spoken among them straight away.

???: "He's hot. Do you think he has a girlfriend?"

???: "Looks like we have a hot guy who thinks he's all shit."

???: "He looks like he goes to the gym. Do you think he is a boxer?"

???: "Look at his Blonde hair and emerald eyes. Is he from a different country?"

Ignoring the chatter from the students, the couple walked onwards up to the stairs in silence until Nyoko looked at him teasingly.

Nyoko: "It seems your popular, Mr European." Smiling at him and tapping his back. Kenta just groaned and said.

Kenta: "You know I'm not Europe. So why are you saying that?" Glancing at her, Nyoko had her hands behind her back and whistled, innocently.

Nyoko: "What do you mean?" Acting innocently, Nyoko all of a sudden came out of her act and turned to Kenta.

Nyoko: "Sorry but this is my stop. I'll see you later." Waving goodbye, Kenta waves back and headed to the principals office to get his schedule.

(30 minutes later)

Coming out of the principles office, Kenta had his schedule in hand and tried to look for his class but no matter what couldn't find it. Going some stairs then a corridor, Kenta come to a halt.

Kenta: "Didn't I come down this area before..." Feeling his blood boil, Kenta put on a smile full of anger to calm himself down. In the end his anger took over causing him to throw away the schedule.

Kenta: "Fuck this! Why couldn't it of been more easy.... It wasn't like this in my past school." Mentioning his past life school, Kenta grabbed a chunk of his in anger.

???: "Excuse me? Do you need some help?"

Caught by surprised, Kenta turned to the person that spoke and just guess who he was facing. Well you couldn't really say facing when he was 5'6 and she was 5'1 but still. It was Kumi Mashiba. Love interest of Ippo's and little sister of Ryo Mashiba.

{A/N: Don't know what school she goes to so I suspected that she went to the same school as Ippo but made the excuse that Ippo had never seen her in the school. Plus it's interesting that Miyata and Ryo's sister's are in the same school.}

Kenta: "*sigh* I would appreciate it." loosening his grip on his own hair, he let out a tired sight which caused a giggle from the young girl.

Kumi: "*giggles* It's alright. You remind me a little of my older brother *giggle*" Smiling at him gently, Kenta returned his own smile and said.

Kenta: "Must be a cool guy than." tooting his own horn, Kumi laugh slightly and nodded.

Kumi: "Come. I'll show you where to go." Gesturing to follow. Kenta walked along side her without no hesitation, walking past corridor's and up stairs.

Taking a couple of minutes with some small talk and jokes causing Kenta to hear her sweet giggles or laugh. Finally, Kenta was Infront of a class with the right class number. Bowing slightly and a kiss on her hand for appreciation. Kumi had a visible blush.

Kenta: "Thanks. If it wasn't for you, I would of carried on being lost. If you need anything you can come to me." Going back to his full size, Kenta smiled down to her which she returned.

Kumi: "It's no problem... I'll be going, I've got my own classes. Don't get lost again when I'm gone. *giggles*" Walking away with a wave, Kenta laughed at her remark and entered the classroom.

Entering the class, Kenta was met with stares from everyone including the teacher.

Teacher: "Nice to see that the new students here. I thought you wasn't going to be here on your first day... Introduce yourself to the class." Speaking seriously, he gestured to the board. Shrugging his shoulder and saying, Kenta walked to the board writing his name.

Kenta: "Sure Teach." Getting a disapproval from the teacher because of the nickname. Kenta writes his name on the board and faced everyone.

Kenta: "The names, Kenta Tachibana. It's nice to meet you." Waving slightly, Kenta turned to the teacher and raised his eyebrow.

Knowing what he meant by the raised eyebrow, he said and point to a seat near the window.

Teacher: "You can sit over there near the window."

Doing as he said, Kenta walked past tables of whispering students and seated in the chair. Slouching in the chair, Kenta relaxed in the chair and paid some attention to the lesson.

Lesson going fast, break came quick and unluckily Kenta couldn't find Nyoko neither Kumi. So when Lunch came, Kenta went to try and find either girl but like before, he couldn't. On the other hand, both girls are currently seating together with some other girls.

Girl 1: "Did you hear Kumi, their is a new transfer student."

Girl 2: "He's apparently very hot and possibly a boxer." Hearing her friends, Kumi nodded and said to her friends with knowing smile.

Kumi: "Oh I know. I met him in the hallways, he was lost so I helped him." Getting an onslaught of questions, Kumi tried to calm them down. When she was able, she looked to her best friend Nyoko founding her actions weird. She wasn't telling them off because of boys. Kumi knew Boys were almost like infections to Nyoko.

Kumi: "Nyoko, your acting weird?"

Putting on a worried face, Nyoko just raised her eyebrow and said.

Nyoko: "What do you mean weird? I'm acting perfectly normal." Speaking serious while eating, Kumi came out of her seat in lightning speed and put her hand on Nyoko's forehead.

Kumi: "You aren't ill... So what's wrong with you?" Speaking even more worried, this caused Nyoko to swat her hand away and spoke angrily while folding her arms.

Nyoko: "Kumi! I'm fine! *sigh* .... I wish Kenta was here." Speaking in a whisper, unfortunately Kumi heard it and cranked her neck in an unnatural pace and said in shock.

Kumi: "You said Kenta, did you?" Nodding to her best friends question, Kumi asked again more curiosity this time.

Kumi: "How do you know him?" Putting her finger in her chin, Nyoko turned to the girls and said dreamily

Nyoko: "We met at the park, he was working out and I gave him a drink then we became friends."

Seeing the expression, Kumi knew what it meant and smiled inside for her best friend. She knew how stressful it was for her friend to have to cope with a boxing family. She was glad that she could have something which could help her be less stressful.

After the little conversation with the girls, the rest of the day was Kenta being bored out of his mind and the girls talking about Kenta or in Kumi and Nyoko's Case. What they did on the summer break. Eventually the slow day went past and the bell rang to signify that school was over. Packing up and leaving, Kenta let out a tired yawn.

Kenta: "Damn... I knew school was boring but not that much." Expressing his torture, he rubbed his eyes and was outside in full view of the gates.

Walking ahead, he stopped and leaned on the gate to wait for Nyoko. At last after 10 minutes, Nyoko came out with Kumi. Kenta eyes widened for a second and soon after laugh inside of how funny it was that Miyata's sister was walking with Ryo's.

Kenta: "Hey ladies." Waving his arms at them, smile on his face. Both girls looked at him with also a pleasant to the eye smile.

Kumi: "Hi Kenta. Is it alright if I walk with you and Nyoko?" Having no reason to deny her request, he said.

Kenta: "Nah, it's fine really... You ready Nyoko?" Waving one of his hand like it didn't matter, Kenta turned to ask the quiet Nyoko.

Nyoko: "Um. I'm always ready." Agreeing, the three headed out to walk back home. Along the way nothing happened, just chatting and talking about stuff. Kenta listening while the girls talk. Until Nyoko turned around and addressed him.

Nyoko: "Kenta what do you think about joining a gym? I know a place where you could train. It would evolve your style while learning even more stuff at the same time." Stopping for a second, Kenta looked at Nyoko and said his honest opinion.

Kenta: "I'm alright about the idea. after all, it can help me improve my abilities." Clapping her hands together excitingly, she said to him.

Nyoko: "Great! Next week meet me at the park and I'll take you to the gym." Saying a sure in reply, Kenta was excited to go to a gym and if his guess was correct it meant that she would introduce him to Kamogawa Boxing gym where Takamura, Aoki, Kimura and Miyata are currently at.

In the middle of them, Kumi was frowning at all of this clearly all of this was to her disapproval but she didn't want to mention her opinion because it could affect Kenta's decision.

Gradually after 15 minutes of walking, Kenta was at his apartment block. Turning around, he said his goodbyes with the girls also returning it. Going into his apartment, Kenta went for a shower and got into his gym clothes for some indoor training.

He needed to be prepared for the possible trial that will be given by Kamogawa gym. If his instincts were telling him, it wouldn't be easy being accepted apart of the gym.


How are you guys liking the fanfic?

Currently I'm trying to keep the pace at a good flow but I don't know if I'm going to fast or not because I'm trying to give some details about the span of 2 years fast so we can get to Canon. All of the good stuff is in Canon including the banter with Takamura.

Please give me some ideas. So write on this Paragraph for some ideas of Moves or plot. Anything ingenral that could improve the fanfic.

Anyways hope this Fanfic is doing what it's suppose to and that is entertainment. This will be all, thanks for the positive comments and Bye! 👋👋👋