
Reincarnated in gate op

This is a translation of my story, please note that it was only translated by Google Translate. Also feel free to leave your comment. // Well, to begin with, this will be the first story I do so I hope you like it, although I only do it because I found the idea of ​​doing whatever you want in a fantasy world interesting and the idea of ​​reincarnation is something interesting as well. Like the idea of ​​traveling to other worlds, if you have any suggestions or something you want to add, comment as well as how fortunate you got here in the first place so thank you.// // The protagonist is good and bad, you could say his personality is changeable and somewhat strange, as he does bad things, he also does not know the reason why he does them but he does not like the idea that others do them, he thinks that only He has the right to do them, it seems wrong for others to do them, but if he does them, he does not care as well as he does not mind manipulating people or changing people in his favor or taste no matter who he is or because it is his love, If you can do it quickly, that's fine, but you will also take your time to do other things and also to take action in other places and events in the world.// // All credit to the respective creators of Gate: Jieitai Kanochi nite, Kaku Tatakaeri the only thing that belongs to me is my character and this fanfic itself.//

Keisolu · アニメ·コミックス
38 Chs

07 Fight and love the world.

[author: Well i just wanted to clarify some things about kei's relationship with esdeath which could be seen as very rushed or out of nowhere but for that i will explain it in the best possible way, point number one is that esdeath's personality didn't change much just the fact that she only shows expressions with kei and also when talking to ciel besides putting him in first priority no matter what, she blindly trusts his decisions besides supporting him in them and acting accordingly to get the most benefit out of the situation, point two is that she knows of ciel's existence as an artificial intelligence created by kei plus she gets along very well with ciel to the point of considering herself sisters plus ciel told esdeath that she is the wife (which she missed at the time but let it go as normal as soon as ciel started to tell her more details about the personality of kei. ) of kei making them become closer when ciel told her that she could also have a relationship with him even though she never wanted to tell kei because she thinks it's better to stay with him even if it's just as her maid rather than risk him leaving her (which clearly will never happen). although this doesn't go with her personality you could say it was like a block she imposed on herself and now that she is finally in a relationship with him she will go to great lengths to please kei although that doesn't make her a doll who will just say yes to everything, third point is that inside her head she puts kei as some kind of deity who is above all and ciel is next on the list because she is kei's partner and before she was placed much lower on this list although now she is placed in the same category as ciel].

While running with Esdeath I could see Itami running to help a woman only for me to later see how it is that he stepped in to help a policeman from being attacked by a soldier of the empire only for him to take away his weapon and then cut his jugular killing him but while this was happening I didn't realize how it is that five more soldiers approached in front of me only for me to unconsciously move my body and punch one of them, sending him flying to collide with two others, and the last two were shot in the head by Esdeath "Thank you" to which she replied "No problem Master Kei, it is my duty to protect you" to which I could only give a smile.

Following with the soldiers of the empire, the two of us with Esdeath continued advancing without any difficulty, Well, after all, Esdeath is shooting at anything that comes near me no matter what its complexion or whatever, while I only approached them to fight hand to hand, even though it wasn't a fight as such, they are being completely annihilated no matter how you look at it, even if they manage to hit with their swords, they are being completely annihilated no matter how you look at it. even if they manage to hit me with their swords or spears all they manage to do is tear my clothes but nothing else no matter how you try not even some arrows which managed to hit me did not do anything to me while on esdeath's side she seemed to be dancing with the enemies dodging them and shooting at them while from time to time she hit those who came too close but there came a time when it seemed that we were going to be overrun by the amount of enemies since one of the commanders realized that we were dangerous and decided that if they could not defeat us with force they defeated us with numbers. so with a large amount of soldiers and some dragons started to approach us but just at that moment ciel spoke on the phones of both "Darling the evacuation was completed now the self defense forces are on their way shall I start the clean up? "asked ciel.

But just as I was about to answer I heard a voice whisper softly in my ear "don't let them hurt him protect him." and just at that moment I could see how all the horses and dragons became more erratic just so that moment later they threw their riders and began to attack the other soldiers alleging those of me and esdeath which we were with our mouths open, but coming out of my astonishment I wanted to ask ciel a question so I asked her mentally 'ciel what just happened? ' I asked ciel to which she replied with a somewhat mischievous tone 'Darling what you just saw was the love of the world or in this case one of the effects of having the title (loved by the world) which is only achieved by making the world as such become completely submissive towards you, 'well no wonder you have this title after all you are completely irresistible Darling~~~ so much so that even the world couldn't hide its love for you' this response left me with my mouth open because as far as I remember I haven't met the world and neither have I done anything to earn their affection with those thoughts I could only snap out of my thoughts and say out loud for esdeath to also hear me "start the cleansing ciel" to which I received an immediate response "sure Darlign".

That said I could hear how all the drones around deployed their weapons and began to shoot mercilessly against all the soldiers and creatures they brought with them except for the dragons and horses and some drones that deployed nets and other forms to catch the people that seemed important among them all and while this happened I started to walk towards the portal, I knew that this would not take long plus the self defense forces were already on their way I could also see how some troops managed to escape through the portal back to their world but it was only a few but I also noticed that something strange when I approached the portal and that was that the closer I got the more I had the feeling of being dizzy and sleepy Besides that I could clearly feel what at first I assumed was mana and although in this world it has mana it is only such a small amount that it can barely feel it at first but when the serum began to take effect I had a greater perception about the mana and my body unconsciously started to leak it somehow even though I didn't put too much interest into it at first I believed that the amount I was filtering was too little so I consciously concentrated and began to filter it in greater quantity and that is how I continued to do it during all this time (although this is what attracted the attention of the world because when he began to filter the mana and what for him was a minuscule amount for someone who had experience about magic would realize that what he was really doing was to concentrate the mana in a very small quantity). that what he was really doing was concentrating the mana to its purest form this made that when he raised the amount of mana that he was filtering he became like a pillar of energy in the whole world a pillar which only the world as such could see and could feel how it was starting to heal little by little the world it was at that moment that he received the title (beloved by the world. ), until now that I feel the great amount that is emitting the portal I began to feel nauseous in addition to being very sleepy which was noticed by esdeath.

Which by the time I tried to do something also started to have the same symptoms as me although she to a lesser extent so in this situation I decided to ask ciel what was going on 'ciel what is happening to us? ' I asked knowing that if for some reason it was something bad she would act immediately to have a contingency creating abilities without caring about anything but my safety and esdeath's in this case 'darling what you are experiencing right now is the creation of your magic core the same is for esdeath but in a different way for her it would be the creation of her magic pool and the creation of her magic don't worry this will only happen to some people in this world but it will only be a few and they will be nothing compared to you or esdeath darling and in esdeath's case she will have about twenty times more mana than a normal person this is because she is now your partner so she also gets some enhancements in this aspect. ' after thinking about it for a moment I asked ciel another question 'are there any side effects during the creation of my magic core and esdeath's mana pool ciel? ' to which she replied 'yes you will have to be asleep for two days or more while it is being created what you are feeling now are the symptoms before the creation starts and you fall asleep darling' with that in mind and knowing that this will be the best excuse to explain how I can use magic I came up with a plan and for that I need esdeath's and ciel's help.

with this in mind i started talking to ciel 'ciel buy from the store an ice magic that is much more powerful than the teigu that esdeath had in the anime and integrate it with her making her awaken the ice element plus don't let her go to sleep and create her mana pool with the store plus explain to esdeath that she has nothing to worry about while i sleep please ciel' to which she replied 'sure darling right away' and right after that she can see how esdeath had some kind of white glow around her only for right after that her skin tone will turn to a white color making her eyes and hair glow white. but esdeath didn't take long with the commotion because right after that she turned to my direction seeing how it is that I looked like I was barely keeping myself 'Esdeath you don't have to worry right now darling he is suffering some changes in his body just like you did but apparently his will be bigger than yours right now he is just going into a kind of hibernation so there won't be any problems with the changes in his body so for now you have to protect him and take him back.' ciel said making esdeath immediately understand the situation and started to approach me to take me back but before she arrived my consciousness was gone the last thing I could see was esdeath's determined face and a system screen that I didn't manage to read before i fell completely asleep.



[Hidden mission completed]

[become a demi-god]

[the requirements for the hidden mission were completed thanks to the title (loved by the world) and the interaction with a large concentrated amount of Mana the demi-god race will be added along with its advantages].
