
Reincarnated IN DXD

Reincarnated as Rias Twin Brother

taoone2 · アニメ·コミックス
19 Chs


when the party was over, and all the guests were sent home My family and I all went into the family room so they could each give us their presents.

From my parent's rias got a lot of Japanese kimonos and books on magic, I got a mineral mine that contained different types of magical metals such as meteoric iron and mithril. I was so happy cause now I had more materials to work with I did not have to pay for them.

From my brother and Grayifa 's rias got beautiful dresses and outfits for everyday occasions, she also got Japanese art antiques and a book on Japanese history. I got from them was something that shocked even me which was a special attributed crystal which is used in the making of evil pieces and only found in argreas

I was so excited that I'm filled with emotion that I ran up and hugged Sirzechs I even told him he was the best Big Brother in the whole wide world.

the shock everyone because this is the first time, I have ever shown so much emotion since the time I was born other than when I am showing off my new creations.

Sirzechs Pov

this is great my cute little brother is hugging me right now my best friend Ajuka was right these crystals were the perfect gift for maxius. I have never seen him show so much emotion other than when he is showing off his new inventions to the whole family. I guess that he was the perfect person to ask seeing as how maximus and him are so similar.

Maxius POV

then it was rias turn to give me a gift, she quickly asked one of the servants to bring her a rectangular box that was wrapped up in celebration for the occasion with a card that said to maximus from your elder sister rias. When I read that I got super annoyed "hey I already told you we're the same age "

"But I was born 2 minutes ahead of you that makes me older she said as she stuck her tongue at me.

I just took the box from her and opened it when I looked inside, I was shocked because what she gave me was a katana which moderately curved with a white edge and a distinct black hamon that has the appearance of flames. Its tsuba is golden and shaped like a Chrysanthemum; the hilt is a crimson red that matches our hair color.

I see you sometimes Practicing with a bokken in your lab and thought that this would make a perfect gift for you. So, I asked Souji to help me in getting a Wakizashi made for you because he said a katana would be too big for you to use at our age and height. The blade has been enchanted to have a sharp edge and generate heat on the edge of the blade to increase its cutting power. The Wakizashi is name Akira which means" light coming from the sun."

"Rias thank you so much for my gift."

she just looked at me with waiting eyes it did not take long for me to figure out she wanted a hug as well which I gave her. Now it is my turn to give her a gift, so I put my hand into a magic circle which I generated and pulled out 2 boxes Both the size of my palm. I gave Rias both boxes because these were presents, I had made especially for her.

"here you go Rias this is me just for you created by me "

when everyone heard that I made something they all could not help but be curious About what could it be after all knowing me it could not be anything ordinary. pass the boxes to Rias and she quickly grabs the boxes from my hands with excitement when she opened the first box, she saw a Crimson and black ring with gold engravings with the cat screaming.

when everyone saw it, they all had a look of disappointment like they got their hopes up for nothing.

I just smiled "what's wrong don't you like my gift "

"No maxius I'd like to give it just that I was expecting something different because you said you made it, "She said well pulling out the ring with the cat's face on it.

I just smiled and said do not be deceived by its appearance it is a very special ring.


all the adults looked at it with confusion because they already probe the ring and had sent nothing special about it.

"Put the ring on, then channel the power of destruction into the ring and see what happens."

Rias Did as she was told, and the ring started to glow, and then the light shot in front of the table and took the shape of a little kitten with red and black fur and blue eyes who immediately looked at rias with curiosity.

Everyone as you can imagine was shocked, they all had stunning looks on their faces it was so funny that will show them underestimating me is not something you should do.

"maxius what is that?"

This is Azuki I said as I point to the cat.

"Azuki "

"yes, she is a special gift I made for Riaz this kitten a special because just like mother, Big Brother and Rias she can also use the power of destruction."


"Show them Azuki"

little kitten just put her little paw in the air and showed its claws that were coded in the power of destruction. then it quickly retracts her claws and jumped into rias Lap and started to purr.

"so Rias are you still disappointed about my gift, huh "

everyone including Rias had a look of shame on their face after I said that and could not respond to me right away.

"Maxius, I am very sorry for doubting you and I love my gift," she said while petting azuki with her right hand.

"Do the earrings have the same ability "ask my father.

"no, their earrings are something else entirely, but they can only be used in a special circumstance which means they cannot be used yet. But keep them close to you because they will be a great help to you when the time is right."

"OK maxius I will thank you very much for my gifts and I love you very much, little brother."

"hey who are you calling Little Brother! "