
Reincarnated in Dragon Ball

A man is reincarnated into the world of Dragon Ball without a system, cheat, or any special powers with no idea what will happen to him if he dies again.

Monkey115 · アニメ·コミックス
24 Chs

Oolong's Mansion

"BAKOOM!" Oolong's handsome form became concealed in yellow and pink smoke before it cleared revealing the form of a large monstrous bull. Goku did not seem to care "Man, that's one big cow!" "I'm not a cow, I'm a bull! Can't you tell the difference?! And I'm a pretty mean one too!"

Bulma had stopped trying to open the door "What happened to the handsome man in the expensive clothes, this is just too weird!" "You knew he was a shapeshifter what kind of genius are you? Are you that blinded by wanting a man?" complained Tora.

"Shut up kid, what kind of girl do you think I am?! I'm not going to date a bull! Well plans off kiddo! It's time to take the bull by the horns, don't forget to find out where the girls are. And stay alive okay?" "Yeah, yeah I'm on it." Tora opened the door and saw Goku and Oolong standing off.

"Say your prayers, chico, your time has come! You've reached the end of the road there, muchacho!" Oolong kept trying to intimidate Goku who responded by smiling, laughing, and stretching. Tora ran up to Oolong from Sherman Priest's home unnoticed, and jump kicked into Oolong's side. Oolong slammed in the side of a building before falling over and in a second explosion of yellow and pink mist turned back to his true form a teenage anthropomorphic pig, wearing a Korean War-era Chinese People's Liberation Army uniform.

Oolong coughed in pain "Are you trying to kill me, stop! Please!" "You've got some things to answer for Oolong, Goku grab a rope." said Tora. Together they tied a rope around Oolong so he couldn't get away if transformed into something that could fly. The village and Bulma came out and saw Oolong's true form.

Bulma looked very happy that "her plan" worked out so well "Well now, porky. What do you have to say for yourself?" Goku nudged him "An apology would be nice." "All right then, I'm sorry." The villagers couldn't believe that a harmless pig had been terrifying them for so long. Grandma Paozu spoke up "Now where's my granddaughter? and the rest of the girls?" "They're... home." said Oolong "What home?" asked another villager. "Take us there Oolong." said Tora pushing him to walk forward.

Together they all walked out of Aru Village, Oolong leading the way with Goku holding the rope tied around his waist and Tora, Bulma, and the rest of the village right behind them. Oolong starting looking his eyes around shiftily but before Tora could say anything Goku said "Hey! If you're planning on turning into a bug, forget it! I'll squish you!" Oolong groaned and kept leading the way.

After a few more minutes he stopped and said "Here it is." Everyone looked and saw a very expensive looking and large traditional Chinese style building. "How'd you get such a big place?" Tora asked. From what Tora could remember after this he bums at Bulma's and then Master Roshi's for a long time. Oolong smiled "It wasn't easy kid. I had to rip off a lot of people." Goku looked at him. "And you're proud of that?"

Before Oolong could respond the parents of the missing girls ran inside, calling out to them. When they entered they saw something they were not expecting. Their daughters were living a spoiled life of luxury and even pushed Oolong around, he couldn't keep his secret, a five minute time limit for his transformations from them, and thus could not intimidate them at all.

Oolong told the villagers. "I was hoping the girls would cook for me and take care of my house, but they won't. All they wanna do is lay around. Take them off my hands. Pretty please?" "..." After a few moments of awkward silence Grandma Paozu turned to Bulma. "Well, this belongs to the three of you now." she said with a big smile handing the 6 star Dragon Ball to Bulma. "Wow, you made our day!" She responded.

After a night of sleep Tora, Goku, Bulma, and now Oolong were traveling toward the next Dragon Ball. They were all in Bulma's Capsule Boat, a yellow boat with a large red eight on the engine, traveling across a river near Oolong's mansion. "It was a good idea to travel down this river. We're making awesome time!" said Bulma. "That's great, but why is Oolong coming with us?" asked Goku. "I think she's got a thing for me kid." Oolong said with a gross grin.

"It was Tora's idea, Oolong's special powers might come in handy. That's why he's coming along." She said. Oolong glared at Tora, blaming him for his situation but when Tora looked up Oolong was too scared to maintain eye contact. "Hey Bulma, how much further?" Goku asked. "Well, we should almost be there now." Oolong started complaining "We've been driving forever, where in the world are we going?" "We're going to a place called Fire Mountain." said Bulma.

Oolong started to freak out. "Fire Mountain? Are you crazy?! There's not way you're draggin' me anywhere near that place!" "What's so scary about a mountain? asked Goku. "For starters, the place is always on fire, and it's the home of the terrible Ox-King! Do you understand now?" "That bad, huh?" asked Goku. "Relax Oolong, Goku and Tora are strong enough to take care of some old "ox"." said a very confident Bulma.

"I don't know about that! I've heard the Ox-King is the strongest guy in the whole world! They say he's over ten feet tall and weighs five hundred pounds and he's always of the prowl for anyone who might try to climb the mountain to get to his castle. He carries a giant battle axe, and let me tell you, he knows how to use it too! He's been terrorizing the countryside for years and they say that if you meet the Ox-King, there's only one thing you can do: Run! 'Cause if he catches you, you'll get a "really close shave"." Oolong ended holding his throat.

"Eh, I'm sure we'll figure something out." responded Tora causing Oolong to explode into an even longer tangent about how dangerous it was. Tora did his best to ignore the cry baby pig.