
Reincarnated in Dragon Ball

A man is reincarnated into the world of Dragon Ball without a system, cheat, or any special powers with no idea what will happen to him if he dies again.

Monkey115 · アニメ·コミックス
24 Chs

Fungus Town

The gang traveled through Mushroom Forest, a part of the Diablo Desert covered in towering mushroom trees with pink and orange caps. The car Ox-King had given them was a little small so Tora, Bulma, and Goku were smooshed together in the back seat, the front of the car only had the driver seat where Oolong was.

"Isn't there suppose to be a town around here, Oolong?" said Tora unable to meditate stuck between Goku and Bulma. "I don't know. I've never been in this neck of the woods before!" The car started beeping, they were running out of fuel. Bulma and Oolong started arguing loudly until they managed to get to the nearby Fungus Town.

As they drove through they saw the citizens going about their day, many wore colored turbans and a variety of other head coverings. Bulma wasn't wearing Oolong's playboy bunny costume like she had in the original story and so the town wasn't scared of the gang entering the town. Goku waved hello to some of the people walking along the street to a friendly reception. Oolong pulled the car into the gas station and the hover car lowered onto the ground in front of a gas pump.

A man came out and said "Hello, can I help you?" "Fill her up, please." replied Oolong. Bulma decided to go shopping and Tora went with her hoping for some different clothes than his Tiger School gi, but Bulma pulled him into a store selling capsules first. She purchased ten or so capsules after browsing through a catalog for awhile, they only had the one catalog so Tora just stood to the side, on guard, in case the local gang of Fungus Town named The Rabbits showed up.

Afterward the two of them entered a clothing shop, most of the clothes seemed like costumes compared to what the townsfolk were wearing themselves. "I wonder if it's for tourists? Well I guess I am one." Tora picked out white baggy pants tied by a red sash, a long sleeve white undershirt shirt with a gold-lined red vest that had button up front. He kept his shoes, the store only sold sandals and Tora wasn't comfortable to fight in them.

Looking in the mirror it looked like a weird Aladdin costume but wearing a symbol of his father wasn't something Tora wanted to do if he could avoid it. Bulma picked out a genie costume, she didn't seem to like anything there but didn't want to keep wearing the same outfit more than two days. She bought the clothes and they left the store wearing them.

Bulma insisted they keep shopping and Tora ended up carrying two heavy bags of random goods she purchased. They eventually returned to Oolong and Goku who had been waiting for them at the gas station for Bulma to pay. After Bulma payed, they all heard a crash from down the street. Two men wearing black militant outfits with bunny ears and a patch with a bunny design on the chest were robbing an apple vendor.

After robbing the man, one of the two kicked a mother and her young son for crossing their path. "Holy cow! These goons are serious!" said a surprised Oolong. Tora noticed the goons had spotted them and he knew The Rabbits were going to cause trouble for them. "Goku, were taking them out, let's go!" Tora still hadn't tested his durability and he wasn't about to play around with men holding guns. Goku shoved his entire cheeseburger, they had bought him, into his mouth. "Hm, Okay." he said with a full mouth.

The two members of The Rabbits were walking toward them to sexually harass Bulma who they ogled from across the street before Tora and Goku sprinted at the two. Taken by surprise they pulled out their guns, Goku kicked the hand of the one he was attacking upwards and his pistol fire shot into the sky. Goku then punched him in the gut and then kicked him in the face sending back five feet, white eyed.

The goon Tora charged pulled up a machine gun but Tora jumped over him faster than he could keep the gun trailed on Tora. As soon as Tora landed behind the goon he elbowed him hard in the back and felt him fly forward, Tora then ran up while he was still down and kicked his head down into the earth, hard. Tora then grabbed their guns and broke them, finally able to relax once they were taken care of. "I don't think those guys are gonna hurt anyone now, Tora." Goku said with a big smile. Tora smiled back "You got that right."

As they were getting ready to leave the member of The Rabbits Goku had fought brought himself to all fours. "You're gonna pay for this, you brats!" He pulled out a walkie talkie "Boss it's Rabbit 2, come to town pronto! we have some troublemakers down here!" The crowd that had gathered seeing the fight began to panic and ran away to safety.

"A curse on you! Thanks to you, the boss is coming!" yelled the fleeing gas station owner. Every door in the town shut closed and not a soul could be seen on the streets. Oolong began complaining about the situation, wanting to leave right away but Bulma began arguing with him, Tora did his best to shut them out and think of a strategy. Rabbit 2 heckled them while they waited, practically giving away his bosses powers. "Well, it'll give me an excuse to what I'm about to do." Tora thought.

Eventually a white car modified to resemble a rabbit appeared driving in their direction. When it stopped an anthropomorphic bunny in fancy robes came out. Tora had since slowly backed away from everyone sneaking onto the roof above the gas station pumps, waiting for his target to get closer. Rabbit 1 was still unconscious, so when their leader showed up he held Goku responsible for knocking the two of them out.

"You call yourself Rabbits and you got beaten up by a kid?" lectured Monster Carrot who then jumped up to the gang still in the car. "Lets shake hands, baby!" he said, outstretching his right hand towards Bulma. "I wouldn't trust him, Bulma." said Oolong. "Hey, did you want to be friends with us?" asked Goku. "Certainly!" As soon as he said that Tora dove down from the roof above, his hands were held together above his head and as soon as he was in range he slammed them down onto Monster Carrot's neck who crashed into the dirt below.