
Reincarnated in Dragon Ball

A man is reincarnated into the world of Dragon Ball without a system, cheat, or any special powers with no idea what will happen to him if he dies again.

Monkey115 · アニメ·コミックス
24 Chs

Full Power

Goku jumped up covered in bits of debris and dust. "Okay!" He hopped back to Tora's side and they went through identical motions. "Kame" Tora and Goku spoke simultaneously. "Hame" Glowing lights appeared in both of their hands. "HA!" Blue-white light exploded forward with their palms as the Ki waves grew in size before fusing into one large Kamehameha.

King Gurumes was struck head on and fell backwards to the strong attack. When the blinding white light faded Tora and Goku looked up to see King Gurumes with only a minor injury. His massive body was smoking with a large bruise on his torso, but it only seemed to have made him angrier. "Seriously?" said Tora.

"What's going on? Shouldn't he have exploded or something?" asked a surprised Goku. Tora tried thinking as fast as he could "The Double Kamehameha didn't work so what will? The fusion dance? No, it's too risky. We've never practiced it and Goku doesn't know to raise or lower his Ki yet, matching our power would just be pure chance. If we got it wrong we'd just be in danger for thirty minutes. The pump up? It seemed easy enough to imitate, and King Gurumes isn't the dodging type..." Tora decided on his next plan. "Goku, let's run!" "What?"

Tora grabbed Goku and ran out the still open doors. Tora could hear King Gurumes following them, he was destroying his own castle just to fit into the halls. "Tora, where are we going?" asked a confused Goku. "We need to fuel up, this guy must have a huge kitchen around here somewhere. Let's go eat!" Tora said while still running.

Tora needed time before he could fire another Kamehameha, three minutes at least, but eating food could give Tora the extra energy they needed to win. The food the villagers offered was nice, but there wasn't nearly enough for two Saiyan stomachs. Goku sniffed the air "Tora, I smell something good this way!" Goku ran ahead into a room kicking the door open.

Inside they found a giant kitchen, its staff seems to have run away because of the commotion. It was filled with enough food to feed an army, or enough for two Saiyans in a hurry. They ate as fast as they could, Tora wasn't sure if this was for the insatiable king or his forces but he was glad there was so much to eat he had never been this hungry. Sounds of the castle being smashed echoed to the kitchen, the king was getting closer.

"Goku when he gets here you need to distract him for a bit okay?" Tora asked. "Yeah okay, but what are you gonna do?" Tora smiled. "I'm gonna fire the biggest shot I can at the guy." After a few more minutes it seemed like the fat but strong King Gurumes was right outside the kitchen.

He punched through the door as Goku was running up it. Goku managed to stop his punch with both of his hands, pushing back against the fist the size of his body. Meanwhile Tora had already begun to imitate Roshi's pump-up Full Power form.

Ki cycled though Tora's muscles as he forced them to expand. Tora's body felt like it was burning, but he pushed through the pain and continued cycling his Ki as Roshi had. His arms grew first, sprouting out unnaturally, then his torso, and finally his legs.

Tora looked like a comically baby-faced short body builder, but he has achieved the power he was hoping for. The maximum amount of Ki in his core had expanded with his body, and he rapidly raised his Ki to it's limit.

During Tora's transformation Goku continued fighting King Gurumes but was unable to hurt him. Instead Goku distracted him, throwing things and calling him names, while doing his best to block and attacks. Thankfully the king was a simple enemy, no technology, magic, or Ki techniques. It was relatively simple for Goku to keep him occupied, but it was still difficult.

Tora began the motions for his Full Power Kamehameha wave. "KA" He his wrists connected his palms, his movements were slow and careful making sure all his Ki would be in this attack. "ME" Tora move his hands to his side, he felt his while body shaking he was barely keeping the form together. "HA" Ripples of energy larger than any Tora had been able to create before had started to form. "ME" The ripples tried connecting, but it took a few tries before he completed the circuit correctly, but as soon it was finished the energy formed in a large blue ball in Tora's hands.

Thankfully Goku had been paying attention and dodged the next blow of the monster king before running and jumping behind Tora. "HA!" Tora shot his hands forward the large energy wave slammed into King Gurumes. It took fifteen seconds before he could see again, the blast had left a light to bright to look at, during that time thought Tora felt his body shrink back to normal feeling extremely empty.

When he could see again Tora saw that a large portion of the castle tower they were in was gone, instead leaving a giant hole. "Tora, how did you do that?!" "I-" Tora began coughing, he had pushed himself beyond his limits. Tora tried to talk again before passing out.

Tora woke up to the sound of Goku talking with someone. He opened his eyes to find he was in a bed in a small house, Goku was nearby talking to Pansy. "Goku?" He managed to get out of his dry throat. "Tora!" Goku and Pansy ran up to him.

"Are you okay?" asked Goku. "Yeah, I think so." Tora closed his eyes for a moment and examined his body, he was very low on Ki but other than that he was fine as far as he could tell. "Did I pass out because I used all my Ki?" Tora knew he had to be more careful in the future, if he let himself be incapacitated by overusing his Ki again, against a stronger or smarter opponent, he could have been killed. "Goku, what happened after I passed out?"