Well i was just a nobody who liked checking out the most op character on wikis and fandom. I have seem alot of op characters but the one that sticks out the most for me Is the Celestialsapien from ben 10. It was powerful enough to change the design of the all ben 10 omniverse that was how powerful it is. I never thought I well be something this ridiculously OP alien but seems like that's how life rows now
Did you know that life is a story your own personal story that you can edit at your own leisure but never got a time to write or read it, it's sad knowing that you have the pen to your life only to find out that you have no ink that's what happening right now as life flashed before my eyes
_-_-_-. 3 hours earlier .-_-_-_-
welcome to my story called life have you ever had a feeling like you are made to do something great but the pages of your book was to small to write anything on it, that's how I feel all the time maybe am not alone in this but at some point we just grow out of it but not me if I can't write my own story I will read someone's else's.
At one point in my life I came across novels and fanfiction but at some point in time every story sounded the same or read the same if a protagonist isn't arrogant then his lustful even if they transcends they still come back for motal flesh it's weird that an all powerful being behaves or thinks like us mortals that's why I like to read about over powered character makes me wonder what I will do in their place
That's when I came across the most balanced nigh omnipotent character a Celestialsapien this being prefer to shrouded their existence at the Forge of Creation, as opposed to being involved with the "petty going-ons" of the rest of existence. the reason why they are balanced is because of this, Celestialsapiens possess two personalities that are "sort of" part of their DNA, such as a Voice of Love and Compassion and a Voice of Rage and Aggression. Both of a Celestialsapien's personalities have to agree with each other for the Celestialsapien to perform any sort of action. However, due to their contrasting personalities, this hardly ever happens.When it does happen, it usually takes thousands of years. When the Celestialsapien speaks, both voices speak in unison and, depending on what the voices agree on, they say "Seconded!", or "Motion carried!" if they agree; they say "Motion denied!" if they disagree.
[ Celestialsapien ]
Forge of Creation
Celestialsapiens are the most powerful species in the Multiverse, being capable of controlling reality, space and time. Their reality warping is seemingly without limit - a Celestialsapien can make its very thoughts become reality and survive anything up to (and including) the destruction of the entire universe around them. However, they have to follow rules that regulate the use of their powers, such as the Multiverse Preservation Act. It is very dangerous to disturb them while debating as "they can just blink, and you'd be gone".
Celestialsapiens are apparently immortal, or at least extremely long-lived, as they can live for hundreds of billion of years before even being considered "mature".
Their omnipotence gives other abilities that do not truly require much decision making or thought to access, such as allowing them to near instantly regenerate from any physical damage, seamlessly fly through air and space (being able to move across entire solar systems in less than a millisecond), grow to the size of a sun, have the strength to smash planets to pieces in one punch, distorting and reversing time for specific targets, being able to telekinetically move targets, deflecting energy blasts with their hands, generating force fields that explode into waves of force when punched, transforming into and create black hole-like voids and teleporting in a clear haze.
Galactic Gladiator
Celestialsapiens are a race of omnipotent beings native to the Forge of Creation
Celestialsapiens are silhouette-like humanoids that can range from any size. Their bodies are black with white outlines and have white star-like dots scattered inside them. As of Omniverse, their heads can possess either a black flaming tip with stars inside, two long horns on the sides of their head, or three trident-like horns on their forehead. Their face only consists of white pupil-less eyes, but occasionally they can sport facial hair colored the same as their bodies such as a beard. Celestialsapiens tend to have a rather large size.
A baby Celestialsapien
Infant Celestialsapiens have the body shape of a human baby, male Celestialsapiens have the body of a muscular male adult human, and female Celestialsapiens have the shape of a thin female adult human.
During Ultimate Alien, Celestialsapiens have shown to have no clothing, while Omniverse showed them to have an attire of bluish-metallic gladiator armor and bandages. The design of the armor depends on the Celestialsapien who wears it.
Alien X is a somewhat unique case, as he has three personalities. In his case, at least two out of the three have to agree on any action, otherwise, Alien X will remain motionless. In Omniverse, all three personalities must agree.
Celestialsapiens don't ever do anything fun. They spend all their time in unending debates, both in parliament and internally. Debates on a subject can last for eons, and even then end in stalemate or be set aside for later discussion
" Damn now that's a balanced overpowered character giving so much power to a single being is just ridiculous what where the creators of ben10 thinking its like cosmic armor superman all over again"
but when I think about it isn't dc just as ridiculous as ben10 or maybe far more because I once found a wiki about the overvoid and it wasn't present to read did you know that dc exists because it written on the body of the overvoid it literally exists because someone imagined of something ridiculous as a DC Comics maybe the overvoid is the same as Marvel because at one point it was written as it is the source and only reason DC and Marvel exist because it is written on the overvoid
' imagine that shit man the ONE ABOVE ALL exists because the overvoid let's it happen same goes to dc THE PRECENCE now that's creative thinking if you have no plot to came up with no problem the overvoid as plot manipulation you want new Multiverse badguy don't worry overvoid as it covered ' just thinking about it gives me a headache
\ _narrators POV_ /
While our mc is walking forgetting about the basic road rules he falls in an open man cover falling to his death
" please look forward to the mc finding out were he is " see you on the next chapter