The Arc Wave is a Titan Ordnance Ability that appears in Titanfall 2.[1] It is used by the class Ronin, as well as Ronin Prime.Swiping his sword across the ground, Ronin creates an electric wave that deals 1,000 damage to Titans and heavily damaging Pilots, slowing their movement and dash speed. While using Sword Core, the damage is increased to 1,500, and will always kill an enemy Pilot.
Phase Dash dashes the Titan forward and gives them partial invisibility & makes them invulnerable, It also allows them to move through anything except map geometry.
The Holo Pilot ability deploys a hologram that mimics its Pilots last move, deceiving enemies into believing it is a real enemy.
The A-Wall pilot will throw out a orange particle wall that rejects incoming shots from any weapon. It also amps outgoing shots to deal more damage.
The Pulse Blade is a Pilot Tactical Ability in Titanfall 2.[1]Lethal and deadly, the Pulse Blade can be thrown at an enemy and also provides a brief sonar pulse that can detect enemies even through walls similarly to Map Hack, Active Radar Pulse and Sonar Lock. It will instantly kill pilots and minions if thrown at them and will stick to Titans and walls. It can even damage(and thus kill) a Titan if it strikes a weak point, but does little damage.
Phase Shift is a Pilot Tactical Ability in Titanfall 2. This ability allows the Pilot to become invulnerable and invisible for 2 seconds at a time by entering an alternate dimension.
The Grapple ability deploys a grappling hook that can attach to walls or ledges. The line retracts, pulling the pilot to the hook's location. It is great for getting to hard to reach places quickly
Stim is a Pilot Tactical Ability that appears in Titanfall and Titanfall 2. It allows for a temporary boost to Pilot speed and doubles the pilot's health regeneration. This ability is handy for pilots who like to traverse the map quickly or find themselves injured often
Cloak is a pilot tactical ability appearing in Titanfall and Titanfall 2. It allows its user to become invisible for a short period of time.