
Reincarnated in Cultivation Online

Reincarnated in Cultivation Online as Yuan with 3 more wishes. Cultivation Online synopsis: Alternate Earth with a VRMMORPG that lets you go to a Cultivation World. The OG protagonist is a blind cripple genius. Small Spoiler but you can cultivate in the real world. This will become an AU as the OG story is yet to finish. My english is not bad, but it isn't my first language and it will be pretty unedited.

JhongXina · アニメ·コミックス
4 Chs

Being Reborn

There was a little white ball of light floating in nothingness, simply existing. This nothingness was literally nothing, there was no color, light, matter, there was nothing. But the white light didn't care, strangely enough, it just continued to float about with no path or meaning.

After some unknown amount of time the little ball came upon a monument that said:

"Here adventurers' souls shall be rewarded with reincarnation to the world that they most desire. They also shall be granted 3 wishes, and so it shall be."

The little white ball of light thought. "WTF, what a bunch of lazy R.O.B.s not even talking to me themselves, bunch of lazy bums." In his own mind, as he didn't have a mouth he said. " I want to be reincarnated in the world of Cultivation Online."

After he said that the monument changed, erased the message to show what world he chose and that there were 3 wishes left.

After some thinking and planning, the light finally decided on his wishes and he said. " I want to be reincarnated with the best cultivation there is." After that the monument didn't change, and the light was bummed out, as he realised that some overpowered wishes wouldn't work, so he changed his plan and said.

" For my first wish I want to be reincarnated in the body of Yuan with all his memories and abilities but with my personality intact, 2 hours before he enters the game. For my second wish, I want my body to start healing after I move out, to keep it from the fake parents. For my third wish, I want to improve on the natural talent of Yuan and expand it even more."

After saying his wishes in his mind the monument started to change and displaying his chosen wishes and after a few minutes the little white ball of light suddenly vanished as if it never existed.


As I woke up I felt really strange, dieing, becoming a soul and then entering a crippeled body was a very new and strange experience. But after only a few minutes I was back to being alright, mentaly at least, as this body would take some time to heal. I have to say the Brain of Yuan is really amazing, I have literally perfect memory and I can see all my life and his almost perfectly to the minute details, also I can understand stuff so quickly, in his memory he simply looked a someone playing the harmonica and understood 100% of the actions, sounds and meaning, being able to play the harmonica like a master in the next second and improving on a rate so absurd that I think the next few days he was the best harmonica player in the world.

Just thinking about this cheat and his fate and past reincarnations I'm starting to feel excited for what's ahead, and I even asked for it to be improved, but can't really test it right now as I'm blind, nothing that can be fixed once the game starts.

After about an hour of waiting, just laying there motionless and in the dark I hear someone approaching me and saying in a cute girly voice.

"Brother! I got the game you wanted!"

Damn, it's so bad being in his body, I feel so vulnerable and powerless, but at least his sister cares about him very much and should help me in this time of need.

After I hear some rustling sound she says.

"Here, let me help you put it on…"

I feel as she lifts my head and puts a weird helmety thing in my head.

"Thank you…"

"Brother, although I will be busy with school this week, next week for sure, I will play with you."

" Ok"

"I will come back later, so until then, have fun!"

After saying that she leaves. Thinking about it, I decided to help her later for all she has done for Yuan and all she will do for me in the weeks to come, even if I don't feel anything for her right now.

This VR gear is really advanced as I can enter the game only by thinking about it and it doesn't require you to press anything. It's really weird, but if you know the story you know this thing TELEPORTS its users to a real world of cultivation, not that anybody knows this for now even I don't know how it really works as when I died the story wasn't finished yet.

It only took a few seconds and I could feel my mind whisking away as my body fell into a state similar to slumber. I could feel that I wasn't in bed anymore and was now standing in a black world with only white numbers floating above me, slowly counting down.




And I started to feel strange again as I had died, became a soul, lost my body movements for a few hours and started to feel them again with my vision returning as well. I didn't have an emotional breakdown like the yuan, because until I died I was perfectly normal so I only experienced being a cripple for a little time.

I kind of feel bad for him after seeing his memories becoming a cripple at 13 must have felt bad, and living until 18 without the ability to move is horrifying, I think personally I would ask for euthanasia. Not that I really know the feeling, as his memories to me are like a movie and don't affect me too much.

The countdown continued to lower as I planned and strategized for the future I knew, planning what to do and at what time.





«Welcome to Cultivation Online!»

As the system's notice appeared, the black space quickly brightened, becoming a bright white room. And right before me a crack appeared out of thin air, looking like a glass window being cracked.

Crack. Crack. Crack...

The crack grew larger and larger — until it was large enough for an adult to fit.

Suddenly, the large crack broke apart entirely, revealing the darkness behind it, and a what I must say must be the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my life and Yuan's, I really underestimated the beauty of the people in cultivation novels because reading about it and seeing for yourself is really different, I can't even describe how beautiful she is.

As she walked out she looked at me like I was some kind of animal on display, with a seemingly cold expression on her otherworldly face. She was dressed in a red and golden robe, something I have to adapt to, being a western and all, as both this world and the earth in the universe are based on chinese culture and cultivation stuff.

"Mortal, place your hand on this." She spoke like an emperor. I know why, as she is the leader of a very powerful faction in the upper worlds, but I still don't get why such a powerful woman is dealing with this crazy world hopping thing.

I moved my hand and placed it on the crystal ball, as words began appearing inside the artefact.

Name: ???

Cultivation: None

Legacy: None

Bloodline: None

Physique: Heaven Refining Physique

Physical Strength: 34

Mental Strength: 275

Soul Strength: 1,210

Physical Defense: 10

Mental Defense: 1,121

It's really funny seeing her break down in disbelief. Of course Yuan didn't know why but his stats and physique are super OP. Soul Strength is supposed to be the hardest thing to train and even high level cultivators have difficulty increasing it with techniques special for that, but being super OP, every time I increase my cultivation my Soul Strength increases, thanks to my OP bloodline that isn't showing.

"Heaven Refining Physique!" Her hands trembled along with the crystal ball in her grasp. "Not to mention his Soul Strength is at the rank of Spirit Warrior despite being only a mortal with no cultivation — No, that is nothing when compared to his physique!"

I almost chuckled at her reaction. After her outburst I can see she is thinking about roping me into her faction.

"What is your name?" she asked me with a serious expression.

"It 's Yuan." I choose this because my old name will be really out of place and I am in his body.

"Take this token and keep it with you until we meet next time." She retrieved a jade medallion from thin air and suddenly tossed it to me. "I don't have much time left here. Make sure you don't lose the token, I will see you again."

Knowing about it I just nod, as words appear in my sight.

«Character evaluation complete. Teleportation will occur in 10 seconds.»



When the timer reached zero my vision suddenly twisted and I found myself on some kind of stage where many people that wore the same white robe as him were gathered in a spacious area.

"Welcome, Mortals! I am Elder Song, in charge of making sure that before you all leave this place and adventure this vast world that you will have a goal of what you want to do here set in your mind." An old man in blue robes suddenly greeted everybody with a booming voice, causing everybody there to look above them.

After that whole boring shenanigan where he gave a brief tutorial, asking about our physiques and giving us the basic qi gathering technique I was teleported to a random location. By the way my physique is ranked Celestial which I think is 3 ranks above Divine, it didn't explain it yet when I was reading but I i think it goes Mortal, Earth, Heaven, Divine, Ancient, Mythic, some other and than Celestial, not sure, but I guess now that I'm living here I will find out eventually.

After being teleported I opened the map with a little anxiety, but seeing that I was in the middle of a forest and at the Eastern Continent I was relieved, because at the start the OG Yuan had a super lucky encounter and I didn't know if I would get it.

After walking a bit and making some noise on purpose I hear a little sweet voice.

"Umm… excuse me, the brother over there…"

Standing right behind me was a cute little girl in red robes who looked to be around 10 years old, hugging a red ball in one arm and a book in the other. YES!!! I screamed in my mind. I went to the exact same place, must be fate.

" Hello there, I'm Yuan."

" I'm Xiao Hua, but how did Brother Yuan manage to get in here?" She asked him with a curious gaze.

I have to say she is really cute and adorable.

" I'm sorry if I'm not supposed to be here. You see, I was teleported here without my will. If you can help I will leave." I say in an apologetic and awkward tone.

Like I expected she says "Brother Yuan, since you are already here, why don't you play with Xiao Hua?"

" Play with you?"

"Xiao Hua is always alone and it is boring to play with herself."

" I see, I can play with you. It's not like I have anything better to do." I only agreed because I know what will happen.

"Really? You will play with Xiao Hua?" Her eyes glittered like the tiny stars in the sky, and her bright expression was adorable enough to soften the hearts of even the cruelest killers out there.

" Sure, but what do you want to play? I don't know many games."

"Then Xiao Hua will throw the ball to you, and you will throw it back, okay?" She placed the book down and showed him the ball.

After "playing", more like full on physical training, for a few hours I was like a dead man walking. Seeing me in my worst state she asks.

"What's wrong, Brother Yuan? You do not look so good… Are you sick?"

" No… but… I'm… super… tired…" I say in between breaths.

"Then do you want to take a rest before we resume?"

"Okay… but please take it easy next time"

We sit down in a tree and we start talking.

"Where is Brother Yuan from?" she asked.

"I am from a faraway realm called Earth."


" Yeah it's like a hidden realm far far away. Do you want me to tell you about it?"

"Yes! I never heard of a realm named Earth!"

And so I began telling her about the Earth in this universe from the memories of Yuan with a few additicios of my Earth. An hour of storytelling later Xiao Hua says. "Since Brother Yuan played with Xiao Hua and even told her stories, Xiao Hua shall also tell you stories". "This is Xiao Hua's gratitude to you, Brother Yuan!"

Of course I accepted it, thinking about the Divine grade skill she will teach me.

When she started talking I couldn't understand a single thing about the mysterious chant, but with time I continually increased my understanding. After about 20 minutes in a trance-like state I heard a strange sound and opened my eyes.

«You have learned Heaven's Secret Art»

" Wow… " It was so strange learning a cultivation skill in real life that I became dazed.

Xiao Hua smiled gently upon hearing my mumble.

And suddenly, above the sky for every player to witness, a grand system notice appears.

«Player Yuan has become the world's first player to have learned a Divine-rank Skill! Congratulations!»

I will change stupid things about the story, like that it requires a button to enter because in multiple parts of the story he enters the game alone in his room while he is still a cripple.

JhongXinacreators' thoughts