
Reincarnated in black clover as badass character

How simple human being get into the world magic with thrill of fighting strong people Author: i add some extra character which you get to know in story

Desiboyz · アニメ·コミックス
9 Chs


This not the time for thinking about future. First i should find some food and shelter first. I walked out of ocean. Infront of me is a grass land. I walk through it in hopes of finding food and shelter

I know that in order to use powerful magic in the world i need a grimore and i can't get it until i turn 15. So until then i need shelter,food,information and train to improve my and skill. i am glad Yami know how to use ki. In clover kingdom everyone belive magic is everything. But as viewer i know how badass this ability is.

As i walk i see a road infront of me. I am sure that this road will lead me to a village. I walk along the road and 50 minute later. I find a village. That body really shake me how this body able walk around 1 hour 30 min with such a little fatigue. My original body will pass out after 30 minute of straight walk.

Although i say a village there are only 25 house or so and just by looking at it i can tell tat they are poor. I walk into the village and i see there are only old people here. while walking a an old lady came to me

Old lady : "hello child, who are you? you don't look like you belong there, where are you came from?

Me : "I got shock they are speaking english" I not let that shock to see in my face, Hello my name is Yami, i am orphan came here in hope for finding a place to live. Can you guide me village head house

Old lady : You are quite mature for your age. But this village has been attacked by bandit in past that so every youngster and child has moved to another village. You can stay here for the night. I will inform the village head. Now follow me

The old lady led the way and i follower her i looked around while walking and people are giving me questioning look. The old lady led to me a old house

The old lady tell me that person name is aron he is the head of this village.

Aron : Young child what is you name

me: it Yami sir

Aron : "Welcome to TOLSA village". So Yami you want to stay here for tonight. ok you can stay here for tonight. By the way you can call me grandpa aron.

Me : "Thank you grandpa aron"

Yami Pov

TOLSA village never heard of this village in anime.

I am quite sure the people of the people of the village are supicious of me. Well who wouldn't when a kid come out of nowhere and asks for a place to stay and adding my look. I look quite different from them ( i look cool and handsome and also got quite mad how Yami do not care of his handsome face if i got that kind of face in my previous life. i can easily become lady killer)

Well i am glad that they show no hostility towards me. according to anime Yami have to go throw lot of discrimination. i think that only came from Noble and Royalty shit. they can't accept the fact some below them getting ahead them.

I went to a corner and start meditating to increase my magic power. I learn this technique after reading lots of manhwa. in this technique i need to circulate my mana to whole body so my body can get used to it.

In second step i need to release all my mana. I can feel that if you exhaust your magic power your mana capacity will increase slowly while replenshing itself naturally.

In 3rd step i need to absorb man from surrounding to make my foundation strong. Man it exhausting i can feel my mana increase but not that degree. how in the world anybody can't come up with this idea.