
Chapter 11: First Clash & Bounties

The neon guild returned to the Blue Sea, their ship laden with gold and valuable dials from Skypiea. Their successful venture had brought them great riches, but little did they know that a new challenge awaited them. As they sailed through the calm waters, a voice echoed across the ocean.

"Ahoy there! It's me, Foxy the Silver Fox! I challenge you to a Davy Back Fight!" shouted a mischievous voice from a nearby ship.

Z, ever ready for adventure, welcomed the challenge. "Very well, Foxy! We accept your challenge!"

The crew prepared themselves for a series of games that would test their skills and wits. Game after game, the neon guild outsmarted and outplayed Foxy's crew, winning each round with ease. Frustrated by his defeat, Foxy had no choice but to accept his loss.

However, as they celebrated their victory, a foreboding presence emerged from the horizon. It was none other than Admiral Akainu, one of the Marine's most formidable forces. His stern gaze fell upon the neon guild, and he condemned them as pirates, accusing them of undermining justice.

Z, always seeking peace, stepped forward, "Admiral Akainu, we are not your enemies. We strive to protect the innocent and uphold justice. We are the Neon Guild, and we-"

Before Z could finish his plea, Akainu interrupted with a resolute voice, "Words mean nothing to me, pirate scum. The Marines will not tolerate your presence."

With those words, Akainu ordered his Marines to attack, igniting a battle between the Neon Guild and the overwhelming might of the Marine forces. Enel, Jhonny, and Yosako stepped forward, their powers unleashed in a display of devastating force. The clash of devil fruits and Haki sent shockwaves across the battlefield.

Franz and Z watched from a distance, their eyes filled with a mixture of concern and curiosity. Franz, with his stoic face, felt a familiar boredom creeping in as he witnessed the futile attempts to match his power.

As the battle raged on, causing destruction in its wake, Franz could no longer stand idly by. With a single step, he propelled himself towards the navy ships, his fist connecting with the vessel, shattering it into pieces.

"I apologize," Franz murmured with a hint of regret in his voice. "But this battle is over."

The sheer power behind his punch left Akainu and his Vice Admirals in awe. They realized that they were no match for the might of Franz's strength. Fearing further devastation, Akainu made the decision to retreat, ordering his forces to withdraw.

In the aftermath of the battle, the Neon Guild stood victorious, albeit battered and bruised. They tended to their wounds and reflected on the events that had unfolded. It was a glimpse into the true potential of their power, as well as the challenges that lay ahead.

Z approached Franz, his gaze filled with a mix of gratitude and concern. "Franz, your strength is astounding. But we must be careful not to abuse it. We seek to bring justice, not to become tyrants ourselves."

Franz nodded, a newfound understanding in his eyes. "You are right, Z. I must control my power and use it responsibly. We will strive to be a force for good, protecting the innocent and standing against injustice."

And so, the Neon Guild sailed on, their resolve strengthened by their encounter with Admiral Akainu. They knew that their path would be filled with more challenges and adversaries, but they were prepared to face them head-on, for the sake of justice and the common people they swore to protect.


Word of the encounter between the Neon Guild and Admiral Akainu spread like wildfire, reaching the ears of the main headquarters of the Marines. The news sent shockwaves through their ranks, and a sense of urgency filled the air. High-ranking Marine officers gathered in a somber meeting to discuss the situation and evaluate their next course of action.

Tsuru, a wise and experienced Marine, spoke up, her voice carrying weight in the room. "Considering the power displayed by the Neon Guild, it might be beneficial to invite them to join the ranks of the Shichibukai. It could help us maintain some control and keep their actions in check."

Sengoku, the Fleet Admiral, raised an eyebrow. "While that may be a plausible option, I regret to inform you all that the decision has already been made by the Five Elders. They have deemed Z a threat that must be eliminated."

Gasps filled the room as the gravity of the situation sunk in. The Neon Guild, once seen as a group of adventurers fighting for justice, was now labeled as a target by the highest authorities in the World Government.

Tension hung heavy in the air, but amidst the uncertainty, a decision was reached. It was agreed that the Neon Guild would be issued bounties, with their collective bounty averaging a staggering one billion belly. However, recognizing Franz's immense power and potential danger, they set a significantly higher bounty for him, marking him as an individual of particular concern.

As the news of the Neon Guild's bounties spread across the world, it caught the attention of the Four Emperors, powerful pirates who ruled over sections of the treacherous New World. Their curiosity was piqued by the emergence of a new force that threatened the delicate balance of power.

Among those intrigued by the Neon Guild was Donquixote Doflamingo, a former Shichibukai with a keen eye for opportunities and chaos. He sensed the potential in aligning himself with the guild, and his machinations began to unfold.

Meanwhile, as the Neon Guild sailed through the seas, unaware of the bounty placed on their heads, they continued their quest for justice and adventure. Little did they know that the world was turning its gaze upon them, their actions garnering both admiration and enmity.

The path ahead was fraught with danger, as the Marines hunted them down, and the Four Emperors plotted their next moves. The Neon Guild would need to rely on their bonds, strength, and unwavering resolve to navigate the treacherous waters of the New World and fulfill their mission.

And so, the stage was set for a clash of powers, a battle for justice and survival in a world teetering on the edge of chaos. The Neon Guild's journey had only just begun, and their destinies were intertwined with the fates of the world's most influential players.

News of the encounter between the Neon Guild and Admiral Akainu had reached every corner of the world. The World Government, fearing their growing influence, had made the decision to eliminate the Guild's captain, Z, labeling him as the Devil Admiral. As a result, the bounties on the members of the Neon Guild were issued, each reflecting their unique abilities and threat level.

Z, the Devil Admiral, known for his tactical genius and mastery of the Six Marine Styles, had a bounty of 1.2 billion belly. His prowess in combat, combined with his leadership skills, made him a formidable force to be reckoned with. The World Government recognized him as a significant threat, comparable to the executives of the Four Emperors.

Franz, the Fist God, possessed immense physical strength and an enigmatic aura. His stoic demeanor and awe-inspiring power drew attention from friend and foe alike. Due to his mysterious nature, his bounty was set at a staggering 1.5 billion belly, surpassing even Z's. The World Government believed that there was more to Franz than met the eye, and they feared his untapped potential.

Jhonny, dubbed the Madman Jhonny, wielded the Strength-Strength Fruit, granting him superhuman strength. His wild and unpredictable fighting style, combined with his devil fruit abilities, posed a great danger to anyone who crossed his path. His bounty was set at 800 million belly, reflecting his chaotic nature and immense destructive capabilities.

Yosako, known as the Swift Swordman, possessed incredible speed and mastery of the Sword-Sword Fruit, allowing her to move like a blur and strike with deadly precision. Her agility and swordsmanship made her a formidable opponent on the battlefield. Her bounty was valued at 600 million belly, recognizing her as a significant threat to the World Government's interests.

Enel, the Thunder God, was bestowed with the powers of the Goro Goro no Mi, enabling him to control lightning itself. His devastating attacks and near-omniscient observation haki made him a force to be reckoned with. The World Government feared his god-like powers, and his bounty was set at 900 million belly.

It was clear that the Neon Guild had caught the attention of the world, as their bounties matched those of the executives of the Four Emperors, signaling their growing notoriety and the perceived threat they posed. The higher bounty for Franz, in particular, indicated the World Government's suspicion that he held untapped power beyond anyone's imagination.

As the news spread, bounty hunters and adventurers from all corners of the world set their sights on the Neon Guild. The lure of the substantial rewards enticed both those seeking glory and those hoping to eliminate a perceived threat.

The stage was now set for a grand showdown, with the Neon Guild at the center of attention. They would need to navigate the treacherous waters of the New World, evading not only the Four Emperors but also the relentless pursuit of the Marines.

The path ahead was fraught with danger, but the Neon Guild remained steadfast in their quest for justice and adventure. The world had cast them as outlaws, but they would fight against the shadows that loomed over them, forging their own path amidst chaos and uncertainty.

Emperor Kaido, known as the "Strongest Creature in the World," sat atop his throne, a devilish grin on his face. He spoke to his subordinates, assessing the power of the Neon Guild. "So, they've made quite a name for themselves, eh? The Devil Admiral and the Fist God... Impressive titles, but they won't stand a chance against my overwhelming might. I'll crush them like ants beneath my feet."

Emperor Shanks, his calm demeanor belying his formidable strength, raised an eyebrow as he heard the news. "The Neon Guild, you say? They must be quite the crew to have caught the attention of the World Government. It seems they possess some intriguing individuals. Perhaps they are worthy of our attention, but let's not underestimate them. They may prove to be a pleasant surprise."

Emperor Whitebeard, his booming voice resonating through his ship, regarded the bounty posters of the Neon Guild with a mix of curiosity and wariness. "Z, Franz, Jhonny, Yosako, and Enel... These youngsters have made quite a stir. Their bounties rival some of the strongest in the New World. It's been a while since I've seen such potential. They might just become a force to be reckoned with. We'll keep an eye on them."

Emperor Big Mom, her insatiable hunger never far from her thoughts, chuckled at the news. "Oh, look at these little pests thinking they can challenge the likes of us. The Neon Guild, was it? They may have some tricks up their sleeves, but I will feast on their dreams and ambitions. Let them come. I'll show them the true meaning of power."

Among the Seven Warlords of the Sea, the conversation about the Neon Guild was equally intriguing.

Dracule Mihawk, the greatest swordsman in the world, studied the bounties with a keen eye. "Z, Franz, and Yosako... Their skills are impressive, especially this yosako I remember this person is just a small character in east blue. It seems they have potential, but they still have a long way to go to truly challenge the world's strongest. Nevertheless, I shall keep a watchful eye on their progress."

Donquixote Doflamingo, always one to seek chaos and opportunity, grinned devilishly. "Ah, the Neon Guild. Their rise to infamy presents an interesting opportunity. Let them clash with the Marines and the Emperors. In the chaos, we can find our own path to power. They might prove to be useful pawns in this grand game."

Boa Hancock, the beautiful and prideful pirate empress, scoffed at the news. "The Neon Guild? A bunch of upstarts with inflated egos, no doubt. They will learn the hard way that true power lies with the likes of us, the Warlords. I have no interest in them unless they dare to challenge my authority."

As the world braced itself for the clash between the Neon Guild, the Four Emperors, and the Warlords, the stage was set for an epic battle. The arrogance of the Emperors and the Warlords clashed with the determination and growing strength of the Neon Guild. Only time would reveal the true extent of their power and the fate that awaited them in the tumultuous seas of the New World.