
Reincarnated in a world with zombies

If you ask me what my dream is, I would answer that it is to be able to enter a world where I can annihilate zombies. I am a new author This is my first novel My native language is not English

Slan · アニメ·コミックス
3 Chs


[I rewrote the chapters]

The noise of the rain is comforting, but from what I remember, the forecast said I would have a day without rain, but I'm not complaining, it's night anyway.

As for my life, it could be considered normal, I have a brother and a sister, my parents are affectionate, but every now and then they have arguments, I try not to get too involved in their affairs.

I'm 17, I have black hair, black eyes, milky skin, I'm 6'0, my face could be considered above average, I'm in high school, I have no friends, I'm a loner.

I've been thinking about joining the army, since I don't have a goal in life, so my grandfather has been telling us that there has been a lot of tension between countries, and they have been doing little skirmishes and they are sending more and more soldiers, most likely a war will break out.

[4 Years Later]

We've been at war for about 4 years now, and I don't think it's going to end soon, I've been in the army for about 5 years, I joined at 18 with the help of my grandfather, my parents didn't let me, but when I turned 18 they didn't have a choice anymore.

At first there was not much tension, it seemed that things had calmed down, but suddenly it exploded with more power when an allied country bombed the enemy, since then we have been at war.

This time we had to rescue some soldiers who had been kidnapped by the enemy. We couldn't just leave them, since among them were pardons with a high rank.

We thought it would be a mission like the one we had been doing, but when we had secured the soldiers they started to ambush us from the buildings we had to disperse, I along with 14 other soldiers took shelter in a building.

There were some enemies but I eliminated them quickly

"We may be shot here, as most of the enemies have followed us, the others may have already reached the extraction point, we have to hold on as best we can and pray for help to come," I told them as I reloaded my weapon.

"You're right, we have to do everything we can," said one soldier as he shot at the enemy.

"I'm waiting for them to send reinforcements.

[1 hour later]

We had no escape, we were running out of bullets, and 5 soldiers had died and wounded 2 of our soldiers, if their wounds were not attended to they would die within 10 minutes".

[10 minutes later]

The wounded soldiers had died from a hemorrhage, only 7 of our soldiers were left, and we ran out of bullets.

In the end we chose to commit suicide and kill them with the few grenades we had left.

"It was a pleasure, soldier, if we are going to die we have to take those sons of bitches with us.

"It was an honor, Captain," they all shouted at the same time.

We pulled the grenade.