
Reincarnated in a women dominated world

Coolkidsforsale · ファンタジー
1 Chs

Life After Death

Chapter: 1 Life After Death


In the universe is there really ever an end?

What classifies as and end?

For alot of my life those word were one of the things that had motivated me to survive in this cruel world, both of my parents died in a car crash leaving me to have to deal with their loan shark dept at the ripe ol age of nine

But it wasn't that bad as I looked back on it, could've been worse, they had taken me in to pay it off through working for them

And so I wasted 10 years of my life training under them and running missions only a few of them were ever truly hard and I love the hard missions it mixed up the normal mundane routine

During those missions I felt free and the happiest I could be at the time, probably because I loved a good fight, but that was the same reason I died

I died deciding to fight the worlds best in history assassin but in my eyes the best assassin is the one that's never known

So now I'm here floating around in a void with nothing to do probably gonna go insane soon