
Reincarnated In A Urban Cultivation World

William reincarnates in Body of a Villain Follower. Wait... He is actually the right-hand man of Villainous Young Master Li Yonggang, son of Emperor of Magic City. Wait.... Li Yonggang wants him to kidnap the Iceberg President. Don't that mean, some Dog-Blood routine is currently underway since the Licking-Dog now wants to kidnap object of his affection. Wait.... He isn't the only Reincarnator. ________________ Please point out any mistake/typo you notice, so that the work can be improved. Your Views/suggestions ( in short = comments) are always appreciated.

DaoistCktI5R · 都市
6 Chs

I became a Villain's Follower

[ Ding ! You have entered a Cultivation World. ]

[ Because of your unfair death you have been given a second chance and system to assist you. ]

[ You have been granted Evil Deeds System. ]

[ Depending on how much people will curse you for your deeds if they are revealed, you can earn Evil Deeds Points. You will get extra points if your Evil Deeds are revealed. ]

[ Caution ! You are not alone to have reincarnated and granted a cheat to climb to peak of life. Everyone cheat is different and depends on their ideals, personalities and wishes. ]

With the strange notifications, a stream of data poured into William's mind.


After 2 seconds, William suddenly felt nausea again.

Of course, it wasn't because he was pregnant.


After vomiting two times in row, William body stopped feeling discomfort and dizziness.


William shouted in his mind in shock.

'Will my System be able to detect other Reincarnators? My identity in this world is a lacky of Unanimous King of this City called 'Magic City'. A very commonly used City name in Urban Cultivation Novels and Villain Reincarnated in Mixture of Urban Cultivation Novels.' William thought after having calmed down a little.

William identity in this world is

Yu Biao, male, 26 years old, both parents dead. Works for Li Family.

Single, no girlfriend or wife. Like to force and threaten girls to have sex with him.

It would have been a good position if this was a world where people can't get strong, unfortunately this is a Urban Cultivation Novel like world.

Head of Li Family where he works is Li Tai, and he is called Emperor of Magic City, he only has one son who was once a lecherous little bastard and for three years now has been a licking dog of a famous Iceberg President of Magic City.

In Urban Cultivation Novels there are only two endings for such typical Villainous Families if they appear in plot.

Either they are destroyed by Protagonist or someone transmigrates in family Young Master's Body, save the family from destruction and becomes a Protagonist Hunter.

'I wonder what will be the case this time. After all, System mentioned there will be multiple Reincarnated Individuals.' A Smile unconsciously spread on Yu Biao face as he thought of how complex the situation might get.

' To enjoy that situation and fulfill my desires ofcourse I have to be strong enough that no one can stop me. System, show me my Information. '

[ Name - Yu Biao ]

[ Age - 26 / Male ]

[ Evil Deeds Points - 0 ]

[ Status - Little Villain's Right Hand Man ( Changing ) ]

[ Physical Strength - 7 ]

[ Intelligence - 6 ]

[ Charm - 63 ]

[ 10 is limit of Physical and Intelligence attributes for any normal human. While 100 is Limit for Charm Attribute. ]

Skills -

Hand to Hand Combat ( Skilled ) , Driving ( Beginner ) , Cold Weapons ( Beginner )

[ Mastery Levels - Beginner < Skilled < Master < Advanced < Legendary ]

{ Shop }

{ Items - Fall in Love*3 }

( Fall in Love - As long as you wish for a native of this world to fall in love with you. They will. They will also do anything you say no matter what it is. It don't work on reincarnated individuals. )

' It is as I thought, I am a Villain Follower. This identity makes it convenient to commit Evil too. Now comes the real problem. How do I get Evil Deed Points and for how long can I commit Evil under banner of Li Family before it is destroyed by Protagonist.'

' I also can't ignore the possibility of someone transmigrating in Li Yonggang, young master of Li Family and detecting me with his System and then killing me. '



Yu Biao phone rang breaking him out of his thoughts.

Seeing it was Li Yonggang calling Yu Biao immediately answered the call.

His job in Li Family after all was being Li Yonggang personal bodyguard. It's just Li Yonggang is currently in his villa and Yu Biao is in Li Yonggang's Villa bathroom because the original body owner was feeling dizzy before his transmigration and then he got caught up in thoughts.

" Why are you still not coming out? Do you have bad stomach? Don't delay my good thing. Just admit it if you can't come, I will not cut your salary for it. " Li Yonggang anxious voice came from phone.

" Young Master, I am coming out. I was just washing my face. I apologise for the delay. " Yu Biao made an excuse.

" Whatever, come out fast. You need to immediately leave. Call me as soon it is done. " Li Yonggang said and hung up the phone.

" Good thing, my ass. Don't you just want to kidnap the Iceberg President Mei Qing. " Yu Biao muttered, put phone back in pocket washed his face and went out and drove away in a car under expectant eyes of Li Yonggang with two cars following behind his.

For this mission, Li Yonggang had assigned 7 Little Brothers including Yu Biao. Even through one of them was Li Tai men assigned to report Li Yonggang moves to him.

Everyone working for Li Family knew Li Tai has assigned a person named Bai Zhao to report everything that Li Yonggang do to him.

Excluding him, five people were Little Brothers who must obey Yu Biao's orders for this mission.

- Info Drop -

• Status displayed by Systems are based on future without interference by any Reincarnators.

• Reincarnators can't find each other with their Systems.

• Words such as Reincarnator/Regressor etc. will only be displayed on Status of Original Characters of that world Reincarnators are in. They will have no knowledge of Reincarnators.

• Words Reincarnator will be automatically hidden from Status, so Reincarnators can't find each other through it.

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