
Reincarnated In A Mashup Anime World With A Power Randomizer System.

An ancient soul travels beyond the unexplored void, hoping to find its place in the universe. Having the highest karma is not easy for the soul. Sadly, for it, the vast majority of gods and goddesses would go to war just to have a piece of him. By the time the soul realizes it, not only was it reincarnated as a human young adult by a mysterious higher being of the void, but his new world, unlike any other he had ever seen, was a crazy mash-up of the Anime and Manga he had watched and read in his last life. But that’s not all, for he also possessed a system gifted to him by the void itself. The Randomizer System. A system that provides “random” powers periodically. “I wouldn’t trade this for godhood even if I got wasted.” [ New Power Obtained!] [ Toxin Immunity Acquired] “Well, never mind.” And so, Adam’s story begins.

Azarothh · アニメ·コミックス
33 Chs

You won't be leaving tonight (partially +18)

"Honey, can you pinch me?"

Kenji turned to his wife and asked absentmindedly.

"Eh? Sure."

Hana responded cutely before pinching Kenji at the hip, the closest part of her husband's body she could reach without jumping.


Adam could only sigh at his parents' antics.


He asked seriously, though anyone that knew him well would tell there was some nervousness hidden behind his voice.

As Adam's awakening became a reality to them, both Kenji and Hana found themselves in a dilemma.

Throughout their life living together, Adam never had shown any interest in Hunting. Especially since that same occupation had taken the life of his biological parents away.

In a sense, this lack of interest provided some comfort for the couple, and they unconsciously wished for their son to be normal, even though they were hunters themselves.

Blame it on fear, if you may.

After many years of working as hunters, they both knew the dangers hunting monsters could bring about. A fear they shared at some point when Rumi debuted as a hunter herself.

But at the end of the day, it all came down to shame.

The shame of not being there for their friends during that dungeon break over a decade ago.

If they could prevent their son from going through all of that...

Now, that was all wishful thinking.

The light in Adam's eyes was that of someone adamant about accomplishing greatness. A light that resembled that of his deceased parents all too well.

So, even without asking, they knew.

" Since when?"

Adam analyzed his father's body language and to his surprise, it did not show any sign of disapproval.

" A week ago."

Nodding his head, the Bullman turned to his wife, who did the same with a tender smile.

" Is there anything else that you want to tell us, sweety?"

Hearing his mother's question, in that loving voice of hers, Adam thought on what to say next.

He did not know whether to laugh or cry when in an attempt to find support from his stepsister he found her still sniffing at his neck with a crazed blush on her face.

'She doesn't seem to be in the right mind to help...'

Smiling at Rumi's 'cute' actions as he kept holding her, Adam decided to answer his mother's query.

" I do, Mom."


*Star's Academy*

"Is Adam alright? He hasn't come to classes for a week now?"

A young man about the same age as Adam could be seen walking out of a big building.

Star's Academy was an internationally known university from Atlas, famous for its highly capable teachers and widely competent professionals who graduated from it.

Louis, like his colleagues, was a very capable youth who was walking the path to becoming a doctor.

He's known Adam for a long time, having shared his high school days with the latter in the same classroom.

Even though they had different career choices, they still shared a few courses at the same university, which allowed them to keep in touch.

While he wished to put his healing powers to use to save others as a doctor, Adam was more interested in taking as many courses as possible to start a business of his own later on.

Since he passed the overly difficult entrance exam with flying colors and was the son of a very prestigious hunter couple, no one cared about him doing unrelated courses while he was in the business section.

" I hope he is fine."

After sending a quick text to check on Adam, Louise saved his phone back in his pocket and walked down the stairs that led out of the school's premises.

He was going back to the dormitories associated with the school that was just across the street from him.

As someone that came from a very modest family, it was very convenient for him to live there. Not only would he save money from transportation fees, but the rent was pretty affordable as well, so it was a win-win for the young man.

As he was walking out of campus, a black business car suddenly parked in front of him, blocking the youth from crossing the street.

Lowering the window from the passenger's seat, a gorgeous dark-green-haired woman wearing sunglasses stared down at him.

Halting on his steps, he smiled politely and greeted the woman in question.

"Hey Fubuki, what brings you here... again?"

The woman remained silent as she inspected Louise's surroundings.

' So, he is not with him uh?'

A noticeable sad expression made its place on her face as she was unable to find who she was looking for.

Seeing this, Louise smiled wryly.

" He didn't come today either?"

She asked expectantly.

" No, he said he was busy with something and that it would take him a while to be done with it. Which you already know since I told you the same thing yesterday, and the day before, and the day before that..."

Louise suddenly shuddered when he noticed the palpable annoyance replacing Fubiki's sadness.

" B-by the way...!"

Changing the topic before she killed him was the right choice.

" You have been missing classes too, is everything alright?"

At this question, the young woman snorted in disinterest.

" If he is not coming what's the point? I also had some hunter jobs piling up so I'm taking the time now to finish them."

It wasn't rare for some hunters to study besides hunting.

Most people referred to them as 'part-time hunters', and Fubuki was one of them.

" I see."

Louise was secretly swearing at Adam for having so much luck in getting a beauty's attention yet being too dense to even realize it.

For as long as he's known his friend, he has always been like this.

'He's wasting that unfair handsomeness...'

Louise sighed mentally, hoping that someday his friend would become more aware of his ability to attract women.

" Let me know when you hear from him. Later."

With that, the car engine started and before he knew it, she was already gone.

He just remained on the sidewalk with a stiff smile for the few seconds that followed.

" Am I her secretary or something?"

Poor Louise had it hard...


- 1 hour later-

*Usagiyama's Residence*

" And that's pretty much it."

Sitting on a comfy couch in the living room, Adam finally finished going through the things he wanted his family to know.

Opposite him, Kenji and Hana sat on an equally comfortable couch, which surprisingly was holding the former's weight without any issue.

Kenji was a very tall individual, standing at a frightening 2 meters and 30 centimeters of height.

As a monstrosity in terms of strength, Adam couldn't even imagine how heavy he could be, yet the couch never faltered at his mercy.

" This... is too much information to digest."

Adam had gone through mostly everything that had happened to him over the past week, including his powers and the Ogre incident.

He did not mention anything regarding his past lives or the fact that he had an almost endless amount of Karma.

For one, he didn't want to scare them.

Awakeners or not, humans tend to be afraid of what they can't understand, and Adam was a perfect example of that.

And regarding his Karma, well...

It was too much of a hassle to explain.

Then, as if this endless set of surprises was not enough for the day, Rumi decided to stir up the already confusing mood even more.

Now sitting next to Adam, she suddenly said:

" Adam forgot to mention something."

In unison, all the eyes in the room went to her.

Crossing her arms and smirking from ear to ear she declared proudly:

"Adam proposed to me, and we are getting married!"


" Ara~"

The couple's reactions were vastly contrasting.

While Hana brimmed with happiness at the unexpected revelation, Kenji could swear he almost had a heart attack.

Adam, on the other hand, just looked at Rumi with a deadpan.

' I don't remember proposing though.'

Little did he know that ever since his 'joke' back at the Hunter Association, Rumi already considered him her fiancé. Not to mention the kiss...

Looking at her, he couldn't help but smile tenderly.

" What is the meaning of this?!"

Although he loved that side of Rumi, Adam couldn't help but think that this wasn't the best moment to bring this topic out. Especially since Rumi's declaration lacked certain parts that certainly made it all the harder for him to explain himself now.

" Pops, calm down."

Kenji was fuming with rage.

" How c-could you!?"

While Kenji stood up and started walking toward Rumi and Adam who were sitting comfortably, Hana took out a camera from God knows where and started taking pictures of her children with a crazed smile.

"Pops, Rumi is not-"

As Kenji walked closer to them, Adam was too busy trying to calm his father down that he missed an important detail...

" Explain yourself RUMI!"

Kenji was mad at Rumi, not him.

In response to her father's exclamation Rumi coiled around Adam possessively.

" I don't have to explain anything to ya old man!! He's mine!!"

In response to Rumi's declaration, Kenji's nostrils dilated even more.

" No, he is not! I will not allow this to happen, you are a bad influence for Adam!!"

"UH!? Da fuck ya say!?"

After saying this, Rumi let go of Adam and launched at Kenji, preparing to kick the latter's ribs.

The Bullman did nothing to stop it, and once Rumi's leg connected with his body a loud explosion-like sound was heard.



Rumi clicked her tongue in annoyance after seeing no sign of pain on her father's face after she delivered the strongest kick she could muster without outright destroying the house.

" Pfft, that didn't even tickle-"

Before the giant could finish his sentence, a piercing pain threatened to make him cry from behind his back.

Turning his head robotically, Kenji almost peed himself after seeing the "sweet" smile on his wife's face as she slightly pierced a single-clawed finger on his lower back.


Even Adam felt goosebumps just from listening to Hana's voice.


" Sit. Down."

Like an obedient child, Kenji returned to the couch and sat down without asking questions.

"Now, you two sit back together, I wanna try a new angle~."

Not willing to go against the current Hana, Rumi rushed back to Adam's embrace as well. She managed to take a glance at Hana's ''smile'', so she wasn't feeling too brave.

"Good~. I will frame them later and place them next to our wedding pictures~."

Kenji shuddered at that statement as he felt it was directed at him.

"YES! That sounds like a good idea!!"

"Hohoho, isn't ~?"

Then, for the next couple of minutes, Hana went around the duo taking pictures until she felt satisfied.

' This family is too much...'

Adam also had it rough...


The night arrived smoothly and the family parted ways toward their respective bedrooms.

After the small incident, Adam explained to his parents that although Rumi skipped some steps, he was willing to marry her but not anytime soon.

This put a smile on Hana's face who was extremely happy to see Adam and Rumi in a relationship. Kenji was still worried that Rumi would ruin his cute son but, in the end, he had to conceive defeat and let go.

Rumi on the other hand felt triumphant.

Unlike what Adam thought, this was not a clumsy declaration made from her misconception, but a tactic she orchestrated to secure their relationship.

If Adam did not like her, he could have just denied her claim, but he didn't, so everything went according to her plan.

'Hehehe~ Now I can officially shoo that Fubuki bitch away!'

Apart from this, and as Adam was expecting, Kenji suggested that he should join Zenith Guild. Not only was it the guild his parents founded, but it would also be relatively easier for him to "level up" if he had access to the dungeons under the Guild's ownership.

Zenith might not be in the top three anymore, but it was well within the top ten in Star City, where the strongest hunters from Atlas resided.

Although the proposition sounded tempting, Adam still declined.

He wished to explore his powers cautiously, especially now that he knew someone was targeting him. But if he came into the guild, he would become famous immediately, alerting whoever was after him.

Not only was he a monstrous existence that would probably reach S rank in a few days, but he was also the son of two of the strongest hunters that had ever lived.

The only reason why he wasn't getting famous already was that after his first dungeon ride, he started disguising himself every time he entered a new dungeon.

He even went the extra mile and changed his ID.

This was perfectly legal since the Hunter Association respected the privacy of its hunters, as they were free to get code names and hide their faces if they wished to do so.

It only took a few minutes for Adam to receive an Awakener ID with the code name: RED and pyrokinesis as his new power.

This would usually take a few business days but with the help of a certain dragoness, the process was done immediately. She even allowed Adam to keep his old ID and did not ask any questions regarding his new fire-based power.

With this, Adam now had two identities, which would help him greatly to move around without worries and eventually lure whoever wanted him dead.

Connections came very handy at times like these. Normal hunters couldn't get a second identity after all.

' I should visit her in these days. She has been a huge help lately.'

He knew there wasn't such a thing as a free meal in the world of hunters, and she would most likely ask him for something in return soon.

But he didn't care. As long as he could get stronger, he would do anything he was asked for unless it didn't align with his beliefs.

Kenji gave up on trying to recruit him once Adam promised he would join the guild in one way or another in the future, but he couldn't help and was worried about the Ogre incident.

Eventually, he convinced Adam to let the guild help him whenever he was in a pinch.

He didn't spell it out to Kenji but the big guy was too much of a veteran to believe the incident was just a coincidence.

' In the end, it went better than I expected.'

Thinking back on the stressful day he just had, Adam lay lazily on his bed.

Hana always made sure to clean his old room every once in a while, in case he wanted to stay the night one day. So, his room was impeccable and ready for him to rest.

Just when he was about to fall asleep a disturbing voice called out to him.



{I'm sorry to interrupt your sleep, but there is something I need to report.}

The more Adam leveled up the stronger and more intelligent his shadows became. By now, Ragnar could speak like any average human, and his intelligence wasn't far behind the smart ones.

His other shadows were getting there but they were still lacking. It seemed as though some of them needed to evolve more before they could speak fluently due to their original races being low-ranked.

Ogres could say a few words and could be understood if one lowered their IQ to their level, but spiders, wolves, goblins? They were far too animalistic to speak.

' Is ok Ragnar, I'm hearing you.'

{I scouted the surrounding area as you requested, and I have found something strange.}

Adam took a moment to think as he sat on the bed.

' Continue.'

{As I was returning from scouting the perimeters, I saw a weird-looking black machine with four rounded rubbers at the side that stayed outside of the house for approximately one hour. A woman I believe would be considered ''beautiful'' by human standards kept looking through some weird artifact from within the machine. Eventually, she left the scene in clear disappointment.}

Adam almost fell from the bed, as all the tension Ragnar made him feel left his body.

' Ragnar, describe the woman.'

{Your wish is my command, master. The human female was slender, yet her mammary organs were full. She had greenish-toned hair and-}

'That's enough, I already know who it is. Return to my shadow.'

{As you wish, master.}


Adam lay back on his bed as a big sigh escaped his lips.

'I forgot about Fubuki. Poor girl is so obsessed with me, and my stupid past self didn't even notice.'

Thinking back on Fubuki, Adam couldn't help but smile.

The young woman's personality was very faithful to the character from One Punch Man that Adam remembered from his past life.

In front of most people, she was cold-hearted and egocentric. A defense mechanism she developed due to her inferiority complex towards her sister, a powerhouse that could rival both Kenji and Irene.

Yet, when it came to Adam, she was the exact opposite.

'Stalking is not good though. I might have to do something about her.'

As he was too absorbed in his internal dilemmas, Adam was unable to notice when someone entered his room.

The intruder approached his bed with sneaky steps, like a predator in the process of ambushing their prey.

Like a gazelle about to be attacked by a lioness, Adam's nose twitched reflexively, and when the smell of his attacker reached his nostrils, a nervous smile could be seen on his face.

" Rumi, what are you doing?"

Not caring that she had been caught, the bunny persisted in her assault, as she got closer and closer to Adam from the opposite side of the room, who didn't bother to turn to see her.

If he did, there would be no going back. The smell of her arousal and his growing anticipation was more than enough to prove this point.


Rumi's voice portrayed a primal desire that he knew too well.

As someone who has lived countless lives, he had done and seen almost everything there is to do and see in bed.

But even then, the urges he contained, betrayed any experience his soul could naturally retain.

He may never carry clear memories from his past lives, but his body remembers. Whenever he had sexual intercourse, he would naturally know what to do and how to behave.

This wasn't the case in his first life, nor the second one, not even the third. But as a being that had experienced millions of lives, it was common sense that he had acquired an abysmal amount of sexual experience along the way.

Yet, the way his heart was beating said otherwise. His carnal maturity becoming nothing more than a mirage from a far-forgotten dream.

" Rumi, this is too soo-"

Before Adam could say another word, Rumi came into his view. The bunny had climbed up the bed and sat comfortably on his waist. As he was lying in a supine position, he did not need to move to see her now.


As his eyes fell on Rumi's bare body, he lost track of time and space.

God knows he tried not to get lost in her curves, but even faith had its limits, and he was never devoted to the divine anyways.

So, he got lost, willingly, glancing at every millimeter of tanned skin that was displayed for him to see.

Before he knew it, he was already sitting, making the physical contact they were sharing all the more intimate.

Unconsciously, his hands made their way toward her thighs, and as soon as he touched them an electric impulse ran down Rumi's back, and the letter moaned sensually at the unexpected stimulus.

Continuing with his inspection, he traveled his way toward her upper body, exploring her waists before he reached her toned abs, which he did not forget to massage with utmost care.

Once he reached her bosom, he became entranced by the areolas guarding her nipples. A lighter color could be seen in them which caught Adam off guard as he was accustomed to seeing darker areolas in women with a darker skin tone.

Mesmerized by this discovery he cupped her under-breasts with his hands, bringing her nipples closer for him to see.

"A man can never unravel the mysteries of the universe without using all of his senses."

As a fervent believer of that quote, said by no one in specific, Adam inspected, smelled, felt, and tasted Rumi's unflowered nipples.


And ultimately, the sweet sound of her moans, and the fifth sense he was missing, made its presence known.

But, as an avid explorer, Adam was not satisfied with just the universe.

He needed more.

" Rumi, there is no going back now... You won't be leaving this room tonight."

And so, the predator became the prey.








I have been toooooooooooo busy. So yeah, shame on me.

The next chap will be a bit spicy, but it will be my first time writing something of the sort so please bear with my inexperience.

Anywho, I hope you have a great day.

Don't forget to leave suggestions, I love to read feedback.