

The President of The United States of America is whisked back to Nazi Germany every night where he takes over the position of Hitler's Right Hand Man. He is confronted by a very different side of the story; the German side. Confronted by the suffering of the German people, of the ever-existing sanctions against them that were put up after World War I. As the start of WWII comes ever nearer he desperatly tries to stop Hitler from igniting the second World War, but will he suceed?

MaydayMarko · 歴史
64 Chs

Warning Notice

This book is a work of fiction. It is not an information source, the author takes no liability for false portrayal of historical events. The characters in this book are based on real characters, their dialogues* are made-up. The author takes no responsibility whatsoever of misportraying the aforementioned characters. 

This book does not mean to insult, offend or put-down anyone, any type of office or any government. 

This book is not a work of Propaganda, it does not mean to promote rascism, nazism, or anti-semitism. 

*Some of the speeches of historical characters actually took place