

The President of The United States of America is whisked back to Nazi Germany every night where he takes over the position of Hitler's Right Hand Man. He is confronted by a very different side of the story; the German side. Confronted by the suffering of the German people, of the ever-existing sanctions against them that were put up after World War I. As the start of WWII comes ever nearer he desperatly tries to stop Hitler from igniting the second World War, but will he suceed?

MaydayMarko · 歴史
64 Chs

List of Characters (grouped)

The President's Family

President Alistair Bowmore - US President

Monica Bowmore - First Lady

The Presidents Employees

Lottie Gibson - Vice President of the United States

Abby - Secretary

The Presidents Friends

Barry Stein - body double and good friend

Daria Stein - Barry's wife, friend of Monica's

Nazi Germany

Adolf Hitler - Reichskanzler 

Joseph Goebbels - Reichspropagandaleiter

Eva Braun - Hitler's lover

Kurt Kettler - Hitler's friend

Anneliese Bachner - Alistair's lover

Bernd Braunschweig - An old translator

Vitia Malinkow - the Soviet Spy


Elisabeth Warner-Minogue - journalist

Samuel Keith - CEO of CarboCar and Co

Brigitte Bittinger - Bundeskanzerlin of Germany
