
Reincarnated as ???

Bagelly · ファンタジー
8 Chs

New life

I opened up my status as i woke up.


Name: ???

Race: Human Adult <5%> 2/2

Rank: Earth

Wait.. earth? Why am i stronger in my human form?

<As you gain bloodlines the weaker bloodlines will gain strength as well>

Well this is amazing as well isnt it! I jumped out of bed and walked out the door. Anyways why was i able to combine the two bloodlines? But not the human?

<once a bloodline reaches its max experience it can combine with other bloodlines>

I bumped into a man on the way out the door falling to the ground. " HOW DARE YOU TOUCH ME " i heard a loud arrogant voice above my head. " i apologize" i said quickly as i walked past him. " GUARDS GRAB HIM" he yelled as two people i hadnt seen before grabbed me by the arms. I looked at the man clearly. He had red eyes and white hair. He was wearing incredibly nice clothes and was staring daggers at me. " im sorry for anything i did just let me go" i said trying to deescalate the situation. " what a useless person.. i cant believe someone of his class is even allowed to see me." he said. I went silent as white noise raged in my ears. Useless person..? You dare call me.. useless? You know nothing about me.. "absorb" i said quietly. The two people beside me suddenly turned into dust and were pulled inside of me.

<New Blo->

"Absorb" the second guard disappeared as well. The white haired person looked at me in shock and whimpered. " you wouldnt dare t-t-touch me! " he screamed. " the vampires would hunt you down!" he yelled with a little more confidence. "The vampires?" I whispered. " you think im scared of a thing like that?" i said slightly louder as i walked towards him. He fell to the ground once again and his pants turned a darker color stained with piss. " im sorry! Im so sorry for what i did! J-just please spare me!" He whimpered "Im the future king of vampires please!". Thats suprising. I kept walking until i was right next to him. 'Absorb' i said in my head. He dissolved into my hand.

<You have run out of your free absorbs>

So thats why i was able to absorb them when they werent dead.. anyways its time for me to leave the settlement. Its not safe here anymore and i need to find more bloodlines.

New bloodlines:

Vampire elder <100%> 4/4

Royal vampire Child <67%> 1/4

Vampire (Sky)

The vampires are the creatures of the night, basing most of their strength in their bloodline. Higher forms of the vampires exist the stronger the bloodline.

Royal vampire <grandmaster>

The second strongest form of vampire only under the primordial vampires, capable of using blood control and bat form. as while the aura of a royal vampire is more kinglike, the aura of a primordial vampire is more ancient.

A large smile jumped across my face. This was perfect! I ran down the stairs and left the building. I did have one problem though. I had no more money. I decided it would probably be a good idea to find a way to make money.

Its been around a week since then. I had applied for the hunters union under what people called the holy union. The reason i did so was because they would give out quests based with rewards that people would apply to it. Since then i had made a pretty large sum of money at around 2 large silver.

The money system in this world was quite simple really with ten small coppers to be equal to one large copper while ten large copper would equal one small silver all the way up to large gold coin. The only coin above that is the platinum coin which can buy an entire building each.

I was now on a mission that would give an entire large silver which would let me live comfortably for over a month. The downside was that i was supposed to hunt down the titan falcon which is a grandmaster rank bird. I stalked through the grass sweating. The bird was in a small patch of grass around thirty feet in front of me. I switched my bloodline from Human to fenx once again since the fenx had the highest speed amongst the bloodlines. I stalked around the bushes careful not to step on any branches before i pounced towards the bird. It noticed me and started flying away but right before it got away i had bitten its legs therefor trapping it. I swung it towards a nearby tree which it then proceeded to smash into it getting knocked out. I turned back into a human and walked over to it. I cut off its beak and absorbed it. I shuddered as i absorbed its energy. My chest started to glow since there was so much energy inside of it and my vision started to go dark before everything went back to normal.

<New bloodline>

Titan falcon <100%> 2/2

<you have absorbed a unique titan falcon! Energy gained from falcon X5>

<nameless exp gained 247%>