
Reincarnated as Trunks in One Piece

Lucas who was smart, intelligent and an otaku who loved watching anime died to unforeseen circumstances. Lucas was a successful owner of a multi-million company, however was assassinated from one of his rival companies. .......... A short while after his death he transcended to what people know as the God Of Reincarnation. ....... Reminder: 1. Sorry if there's any grammar mistakes, if there is please point it out and I'll try and fix it. 2. The story will be slow, what I mean by that is, instead of a quick paced arc or fight, it will take longer. 3. MC will be strong but not all the way through. 4.There will be Romance, but not too heavy and won't affect the story much, just an extra. 5. Not everything is going to happen exactly as in the manga and anime. Some plots will be made up. Mind you that the MC will be travelling alone for quite some time until he fully joins the crew. 6. I won't be able to upload chapters on a daily since I have school and will be busy most of the time. However, I will upload a minimum of 1 chapter a week. I can't think of anything else, so I guess enjoy?

BeanieWeenees · アニメ·コミックス
2 Chs

New Life

In the distance an old tall man slept on the soft, green grass. He wore a bright yellow shirt with orange palm trees on it. He wore grey shorts and slippers showcasing his hairy legs. The old man's body looked quite round with big, long muscular arms. He had short black hair at the top and grey on the sides with a black beard.

"WAAAAHHHHHHHH" Cried baby Trunks as he fell from the sky descending to the realm below only to be crushed to death before even getting a chance to live.

"AAAHH! Who dared to disturb my sleep? Hmmm? What's that up in the sky? WAIT! Is that a baby? No no no no, there's no way a baby would be falling from the sky right? Right?" As the old man contemplated if it was a baby or not, the baby approached the floor closer and closer. Until the old man could clearly see what it was that was falling.

"Oh crap! It is a baby." The old man said, speeding up trying to catch Trunks who was approaching his death second by second.

" I better save that baby or else I, Monkey D. Garp would be seen as a person who didn't save a baby who was in front of me."

As Trunks got closer and closer to the ground, which would turn him into mashed potatoes, Garp was getting closer to catching him. However, one thing led to another and an unexpected turn of events happened. A strong gust of wind changed the trajectory of Trunks who was about to be caught. Trunks was getting further away from Garp as the wind blew him, however, this also led to Trunks approaching the ground faster. As the last opportunity to catch Trunks, Garp put all his strength into his leg and leaped forward. He was going so fast that the human eye wouldn't be able to track him, unless trained to do so. Trunks was inches away from getting turned to mash potatoes, however, just before he touched the ground, Garp was able to put his hand under Trunks stopping his momentum, thus saving him.

"Sigh. You really did give me a lot of trouble kid." Garp sighed in relief as he looked at the baby. However, as he looked closer, he noticed something peculiar about him.

"Wait. Is that a tail? It must be fake right?" Garp contemplated. But as he looked closer he could see that it was indeed real.

'Tail? I don't remember anything about Trunks having a tail. Wait. How do I still have memories of Trunks and Dragon Ball? Didn't Zagreus erase the memories of my past life? Is THIS what he meant by saying it would be to my liking?' Trunks thought while trying to piece everything that has happened in the past 30 minutes.

"Now then , what should I do with you? Before that what is your name?" Garp who was still intrigued on the tail, left those thoughts as it wasn't as important now.

Garp noticed a name on Trunks' battle armour that looked identical to the one Vegeta uses.

"Trunks? What a peculiar name. No family name? It isn't rare in this world but isn't all that common either. Considering you fell from the sky, no family name and well, you have a tail. I assume you have nowhere to go right now? Shall I take you to an orphanage?"- Garp.

As soon as Trunks heard that, he started to cry. The reason being because, one he didn't know anything about this world, and didn't know how orphanage's worked in this world. But the main reason is because Trunks was at the verge of death but somehow this old man caught him despite being hundreds of meters from him. Which means that this man is strong and hasn't shown his true strength yet. So Trunks could take advantage of this to get stronger even if the old man didn't raise him himself.

"I guess you don't want to be in an orphanage? Hmmmm… What should I do? AH! I know how about I adopt you and turn you into the greatest Navy ever."

Trunks hearing this smiled, however, he didn't know what the navy was or what it did, or how this world worked, since he lost all his memories except those related to Trunks and his meeting with Zagreus.

"Alright. Considering your name is Trunks and you have no family name… How about you inherit our family's family name? So your new name from now on is Monkey D. Trunks. Despite sounding a bit odd I think it fits you considering you have a monkey tail. HAHAHAHAHA" Garp laughed sounding proud he came up with a name on the spot.

'Monkey D. Trunks? I guess I will take that, I mean better than going to an orphanage.

After Garp came to the conclusion to raise Trunks as his own grandson, he took him home and raised him for a while and then took him to Foosha Village so they could raise him because he was always busy..




Days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months, months turned into years.

9 years have passed since Trunks was brought to this world. Trunks has been training steadily. Although he isn't very strong because of the debuff Zagreus gave him which is understandable, because if he didn't Trunks would be as strong as a Rear or Vice Admiral and by the time he went to adventure he would be stronger than a Yonko. However Trunks was as strong as an adult, and considering his techniques could take out a mountain bandit with ease. Another thing Trunks learned was to fly.

Trunks who was also raised with a kid named Monkey D. Luffy, who is Garp's real grandson, which would make Luffy his younger brother. Luffy is 2 years younger than Trunks, which would make him 7 years old.

Trunks who had lost memories of his old world and this world, doesn't view the world as fiction like most fan-fictions. Trunks grew up perceiving this as the real world and has grown quite attached to it.

Trunks had heard adventure stories from a pirate named Red Hair Shanks. Trunks was fascinated by his adventures and the fights he has had. Trunks grew up fantasising himself as being a pirate which was the opposite of what Garp wished for him.

Garp heard that Luffy and Trunks wanted to become pirates and decided to visit them for the first time in many years. He had decided to give them to a mountain bandit named Dadan who was fed up of raising one child who was the definition of a troublemaker, but now had to raise another 2. Despite refusing Garp at first, she accepted in the end because she couldn't refuse him.

As time went on Trunks kept training according to the systems training menu. He had gotten stronger, not only that he had become good friends with the other kid Dadan was raising who was called Portgas D. Ace. He had also made another friend named Sabo.

Years had gone by, and the 4 had become brothers. They had fought together, slept together, ate together and even made a hideout and lived together.

One by one, however everyone left. Sabo mysteriously disappeared and Ace left for his journey to become a great pirate.

'I had decided that I didn't want to become a pirate king as it wasn't my thing, so I decided to join Luffy's crew. However, I will join later as I need to grow stronger and so does Luffy.'

My time was approaching to leave for my journey and adventure of pursuing strength .

Ummm. Sorry, I know this chapter is pretty rushed. It won't always be like this. The reason for it is because it would take too long for the story to start if I included his childhood. The story is about Trunks' adventures in this world. And the Story is going to start next chapter.

BeanieWeeneescreators' thoughts