
reincarnated as the villain

a guy is killed in the middle of the street while walking his sister to school and is then reincarnated in a new world of ???

x_xavier · アクション
3 Chs

set up

I Could go into great detail about my panic fit after realizing i had been reincarnated

But that would be far too boring so let's just skip ahead a month.

I'm now starting to understand the area surrounding me and thanks to being constantly carried around I've even been able to see a bit of what it looks like outside of my new home from what i can tell i seem to be in a fantasy type world that of which you'd see in games or read in books i've never really been into either of those things. I'm guessing that if I was this wouldn't feel so foreign to me.

Another thing is I seem not to have a father. If I do, I haven't seen him or anything that would seem to belong to a man.scumbag. I get a little sad thinking about it because of my sister so I try not to think about it too much, not to mention that my mother doesn't seem very wealthy which also puts me in a bad mood. huh enough thinking about that i have no choice but to just wait until im older to figure all this out

So a year went by and nothing eventful happened other than normal things learning to crawl then walk(which i'm kinda proud of it only took me 8 months) saying my first words but nothing really eventful happened up until this point i mean what'd you expect im a baby nothing eventful really happens. The house i'm staying in isn't that big either and since there's no form of entertainment i kinda just run around seeing if there's any new areas i haven't seen yet.

While exploring like i'd normally do i hear a loud thud almost as if a door had been swung open at full force letting curiosity take over i waddled my way to the door.why is she on the floor.

Who is that guy.a tall man who seemed to be at least 6 feet with physic of a bodybuilder my mother on the floor crying blood running down the side of her head she turned to look at me with tears in her eyes the man towering over her had started to laugh while i couldn't fully make it what he said it left me paralyzed he then closed the door and left i stood there for few minutes before crawling over to my mother and trying to hug her as i did so she held me stood looked at me and lightly smiled this made me feel more sad but worse than that i was fucking pissed off. I'm gonna kill him. I might not be able to now but i will

Im home" gauss she's back. i walked down stairs to greet her i then asked how was the market

With a almost bored look she stared at me uhh did i say something wrong (fable 3 years old)

"No no id just thought you'd have cared about your own mothers well being more"what is she saying im 3 am i really supposed to care about that.

i've been able to start talking pretty fluently recently on top of that i've been allowed to go outside more around a year ago the guy that used to come here to abuse my mother stopped coming from what i can gather by listening to our neighbors he's been drafted for the army gauss we all get what we deserve hope he dies.


In a few weeks I'll be going to the town market with my mother. It'll be my first time going from what my mothers told me there will be a bunch of different races so I shouldn't misbehave or she won't take me again.

I'm really looking forward to it though and if we're being honest i'm also a little scared i've gotten used to being home all the time so i really don't know what to expect "hey are even listening" nope