
Reincarnated as the Only Human

Astra woke up in a forest with no recollection of her precious life. The only thing she knew was that she had a system with two parts; one was a Survival System, and the other was a... Wait, what?! A Breeder System?! Finding herself in a forest, Astra now has to survive on her own, fending off the sexual and violent advances of all the other forest inhabitants; none of which are Human! Will Astra be able to survive on this hectic, pleasurable forest? Or will she lose herself to lust? --- Additional Notes: Female MC is pure Woman for now; there is futa, and all the characters are either women or futa. There will be both light hearted moments and dark moments, and this novel is mainly centered around her trying to survive in this new world, all while living her life to the fullest.

Ketsueki_Hasu · ファンタジー
704 Chs

Unofficial Matrimony (2)

My single plea to my wife made my whole world tremble, and I let out a euphoric scream as her tongue plunged into my pussy, all while two of her fingers tugged at my throbbing clit.

Prodding her tongue deep into my cunt, Rhefia eagerly drank down the spray of ejaculate that shot from my pussy as I came, her foreplay paying dividends as I shivered in agonizing pleasure.

Her amber eyes were bright with pride as I came all over her, and she began to poke her tongue against a sensitive spot, making me yelp as another small wave of organismic glee washed over me.

Cumming anew, I panted as I held onto her antlers, trying to ground myself in reality, only to shout as she doubled her efforts to devour me.

Tugging hard at my clit, she made me gasp as she gave me the right amount of pain, before evening it out with another deep prod inside my cunt, a jolt running up my spine as I pulled her deeper into my pussy.

Smearing her face with my cum, I couldn't help but moan as she continued to eat me out, the Deerkin enjoying the way she drove me insane with just her tongue.

Releasing my clit moments later, she grabbed my thighs and spread them apart, before pulling her tongue from my cunt.

Whining at the sudden loss of pleasure, I stared blankly down at her as she gently lapped at my lower lips, cleaning them off before moving towards my thighs.

The same tongue that had just been inside of me was now gliding over my very sensitive flesh, and I trembled as she cleaned off my inner thighs, each lick from her tongue sending jolts of pleasure rushing through my body and mind.

Smirking up at me, Rhefia pulled away completely as she wiped her face off, her voice husky as she said "That was great, Astra... Your taste is so damn addicting... same goes for you moans too~!"

Blushing slightly at that, I licked my lips as I tried to respond, only to fall silent as my wife stood up, her haughty smirk making me shiver as I saw her thick cock pulsing with need.

Stroking it slowly with one hand, I stared intently at the droplet of clear liquid that oozed from the tip, my mind blanking as I felt my womb ache.

Rhefia's breathing was slightly labored as she stared down at me, and I shivered as she asked "Like always, dear, the choice is yours... are we making love, or am I taking you like a common whore?"

Gulping at her words, I shivered as I contemplated the two options.

Did I want her to fuck me until I was unconscious, pouring her cum inside me like some toilet?

Or did I want to be embraced by her as she gently and tenderly claimed me, smothering me with her love?

Spreading my legs wide, I raised my arms and beckoned for her to approach, the Deerkin instantly catching on as she smiled warmly down at me.

Placing a soft kiss on my lips, she guided her cock into my messy cunt with ease, sliding it in in one thrust, her tip kissing my cervix as we began to embrace.

Wrapping my legs around her waist, I hugged her muscular torso and responded to her passionate kiss with my own passion and love, our tongues coiling together as she began to gyrate her hips.

Losing ourselves to the others taste, I moaned into her mouth as her cock continuously ground against my cervix, while her hands roamed around my back as she lifted me into her embrace.

Separating for a moment, Rhefia drew in breath as she stared down at me, her eyes hot as she whispered "I'm going to continue to say it Astra... I love you. I love you so, so damn much... You were the best thing to happen to me, and I want to remind you of that whenever I can..."

Nuzzling against my cheek, the Deerkin smiled tenderly at me as I kissed her neck, before muttering "Thank you for everything, Astra... two beautiful daughters, a warm home, incredible sex... thank you for setting me straight and pushing me back to who I was, who I really am..."

She began to place kiss after kiss on my cheeks, making me giggle as she muttered a different thanks between each.

"Astra... when we reach a temple in one of the cities, I can't wait to tell the world that you are mine, and I am yours... to make this love of ours truly official, before the Goddesses and all of Teran."

Nodding, I giggled again as she gently kissed behind my ear, before I whispered "Like you, I'm so thankful and happy that I met you first in this world... I'm so happy that we made love that night and you got me pregnant with Camara... I'm so happy that you decided to stay with me and have another child... I love you so, so, so much Rhefia..."

Trailing my hands over her broad back, I traced out random patterns with my fingers, making her shiver as I whispered some more into her ear.

"I can't wait to stand proudly beside you Rhefia, as your wife... To have us bound together through marriage. I can't wait to give you more children, to watch them grow and live while we grow old together..."

Pulling away, we smiled warmly and lovingly at one another before kissing, what we needed to say now spoken.

All that was left was to make love, and we reminded each other how incredible the other felt throughout the night.

Our gentle embrace remained all night long, and we alternated between Rhefia thrusting into me and me bouncing on her, never once breaking that embrace as we clung to one another, like we were afraid that letting go would make the other fade away.

By the time we finally fell asleep, the sun had started to peek through our windows, shining its light over our sweaty bodies and exhausted faces.

However, sharing one last kiss, we passed out atop one another, feeling thrilled and elated at the night that had transpired.

It was all words we had spoken before, things we both knew, but to say it aloud and swear ourselves to one another made it special.

Because, while we may not have an official union before the Goddesses just yet, we were now, in my eyes, married.

I was her wife, and she was mine.

We were together, now and forever.


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