
Unofficial Matrimony (1)

Astra PoV

Winter continued to drag along slowly, but I had enjoyed these long, lazy days that we had now.

Ever since I made that pavilion for Rhefia and Aethisia, the two Deerkin exercised for hours on end, and I loved this newfound me time that I had.

It was with that time that I began to pray to Demetra; it started as a whim after asking for the blizzard to stop, but I began to give thanks to her after that.

My prayers started small and concise, thanking her for what she had done for me, before I moved on and began to simply tell her what was happening around me and how thankful I was to her.

This life around me wouldn't have happened without her, and I needed to make sure she knew; besides thanking her, I just enjoyed the act of unloading whatever was on my chest in the form of prayer, the short times of being in that meditative state doing wonders for my mind.

There was no noticeable change because I prayed, but I enjoyed the action and enjoyed the time spent, so I continued to do so.

That was just a small change to my routine, but it was impactful.

One night, when I had prayed before going to bed, Rhefia had watched me for a few moments before questioning me after I was done, her curiosity refreshing.

When I explained it to her, she seemed both surprised and happy about that, and I watched as she too began to resume her prayers; she had said that she didn't know whether or not she should pray again since being branded a traitor, but I convinced her there was no harm in it.

Our choice of Goddess was different, yes, but that didn't matter; from all Rhefia had said, the world didn't really discriminate against who you prayed to, though it was frowned upon to pray to certain Goddesses, like Moriartra, the Goddess of Murder, or Bolagtra, the Goddess of Forced Unions.

The only people who prayed to Goddesses like that were those that committed murder and rape, and tended to be known criminals.

So I guess it was slightly discriminatory, but no one went out of their way to pray to Goddesses like that unless they were already criminals, so few people ever saw prayers being sent to those kinds of Goddesses.

It was during one such prayer that Rhefia asked "I know we... technically agreed to it, but Astra..."

Grabbing my hands, the Deerkin licked her lips as she stared at me, her amber eye filled with slight worry as she asked "Would you... would you marry me when we reach a temple?"

My heart leapt into my throat as she said that, and I covered my mouth as I stared at her in shock.

She gulped as she saw that, before relief flooded over her as I nodded again, tears springing to my eyes.

"O-Of course I would, idiot~! I-I t-thought we already w-went over this!"

Her wide grin made me warm inside, and I instantly thrust myself into her arms, clinging tightly to her as I embraced her.

"Well... just wanted to double check, y'know? Make sure I remembered correctly..."

Glaring up at her, I tried to sound angry as I asked "So me birthing two of your children wasn't a good enough answer?!"

Giving me a wry smirk, she scratched her cheek as she looked away for a moment, her eyes filled with happiness as she muttered "It was, but..."

Rolling my eyes, I couldn't hold back my own grin anymore as I hugged her tighter, giggling to myself as I clung to her body.

Returning my embrace, she stroked my hair as she held me, before I felt something poking against my stomach.

Removing my face from her shoulder, I looked up at her through my lashes, leaning my head against her chest as I smiled seductively at her.

Rhefia bit her cheek before leaning down, her hand caressing my cheek before she gently pressed her lips against mine, passionately and tenderly kissing me.

Matching her kiss, I felt our tongues collide as she slid into my mouth, her minty taste numbing my mind instantly as she stood up, holding me in her arms.

Stumbling towards the bed, she continued to kiss me as she pressed me down on the bed, my back enveloped by the soft mattress.

Wrapping my legs around her waist, I moaned into her mouth as her cock rubbed against my cunt, while her hands slid down my body and began to remove my clothing from me.

Undoing the tie for the skirt, she revealed my drenched cunt with a smirk, before she stood up and swiftly tossed her clothes to the side, making me purse my lips as I took in her chiseled body again.

Reaching out, I placed my hands on her abs and traced the lines between each, making her smirk more as she flexed, enjoying the attention I gave her.

"Like what you see~?"

Leaning over me, Rhefia placed her hands on either side of my head as she leaned back down to kiss me again, the Deerkin shivering slightly as I moaned out "I love every inch of you, Rhefia..."

Slamming her lips onto my own, the Deerkin began to devour them as she slid a hand down to my breasts, pinching and twisting my nipple as she started to prepare me for her.

Gulping down her saliva, I whined slightly as she moved away, the Deerkin trailing her lips down my cheek, jaw, and neck, kissing me tenderly each time.

Reaching my collarbone, she sent her hand lower, replacing her fingers with her lips as she began to give attention to my tits, sucking on both as she slid her fingers over my moist lower lips.

My milk spurted into her mouth, and her eyes lit up as she began to drink each drop that landed on her tongue.

Flicking my clit a few times, she eventually slid a finger into my sensitive, needy pussy, plunging them into the wet opening and searching for the spots that made me jolt.

When she did discover those spots, the Deerkin smirked at me as she resumed her journey lower, releasing my breasts and kissing my belly and naval, before I gasped as she placed a kiss on my inner thighs.

Reaching down, I grabbed ahold of her antlers and tried to guide her towards my pussy lips, but the Deerkin stubbornly remained where she was, her heated gaze making me moan as her fingers sped up inside me, all while her lips and tongue remained so tantalizingly close.

"Come on Astra... Come on love... tell me what you want~!"

Her husky whisper made me shiver, and I bit my lip as I stared down at her, all while her fingers pumped away inside of me.

Brushing her other hand over my stomach, I gulped as I met her lovingly possessive gaze, and I opened my lips to respond, joy and delight springing to those amber orbs as she slid from my inner thighs to my cunt.

"P-Please make me cum, Rhefia~!"


Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts