
chapter 4 Kaguya's first

to remind, no harem

Sona was shocked she didn't expect that her parents would accept the deal Serafall had presented. but that made her happy and for the rest of the time before the party, she went to her room to prepare for the party. when the party started SOna went down to the hall in which a ton of nobles were standing around. when Sona saw the children part she sighed and walked over and saw the different heirs in the room taking between themself 

when she entered the room all the kids saw her and stared at her and walked a bit away from her. this was expected from Sona no nobody from the lower clans would want to talk to her since making her upset would land them in trouble so they might as well be safe. yeah not the mindset you would expect from a bunch of ten-year-olds but you have to remember that they are heirs of the noble clans 

but Sona wasn't the only one getting walked away from Sona! come here and talk with us a red-haired girl said at the corner of the room. Rias since when have you been here I haven't seen you anywhere. I came in by teleportation with my brother and Greffia an hour ago

I see *I guess it makes sense why bother coming by the door and since Lucifer-Sama is here I guess the other Satans may also be here. but it can just be that he came in because of rias and not business but why will his queen come here then*. *mumble*

Sona! Sona! Sona!! Sona got back to reality because of RIas's shouts. RIas I am sorry I got carried away with some thoughts. It's okay now let's get back to the conversation but before that Rias looked around her to the stares of the other nobles at the big room, we should get some privacy. 

Sona and Rias walked to the corner of the room where the nobles of the pure blood were sitting and talking to each other. Seraog I brought Sona here Seraorg nodded with a sad look Seraorg's mother had just entered sleep and didn't wake up so it was only natural that he was sad Sona realized. 

Rias I don't think you should you should bother him he is clearly in a bad state Sona whispered to Rias. no, he is ok Seraorg are you ok, yes I am great you see Sona you are just worried for no reason. shut up and come here Sona dragged Rias away from Seraorg. Rias let's talk to somebody else ok then let's talk to him 

Rias pointed at a blonde ten-year-old sitting alone he is the youngest son of the Phoenix family. that's who he is then I am surprised that he came here he doesn't usually go out for formal events. why not I remember him at my birthday party, well you are the Gremory heir so it is not that surprising that he will be there as a member of the Phoenix clan

yes but he also played the piano it was really good everybody was amazed by his play, hey Sona do you think that he is gonna play here too. well it's possible and it will explain better why he is here but it feels like it's not the only reason

Ed was sad no he was depressed he was separated from his Kaguya he couldn't care about the other kids in the room he was contained in he wanted to see Kaguya. and soon he will see Kaguya but she is not allowed to enter the kid's room for nobles and is taken to the reincarnated devil's room until the time he and Kaguya will play the violin and the piano for the nobles. so Ed was waiting for the moment a person would call him out, and if he was correct as he was sure that he was, a person would come in at any moment now

And like Edward Phoenix thought soon a servant in a tuxedo entered the child room and called him out. Edward quickly jumped up and walked to the entrance of the room, he asked the servant where he was supposed to walk to and started fast walking

as I entered the room I was Kaguya practicing with the violin for the last time before the show. Kaguya! I missed you so much, master I don't think- shhh its ok I know you missed your beloved but it's ok now I am here no old men will force us away. Master yes there are people behind you, Ed,

what? a loud cough that took Kaguya's and Edward's attention was resounding in the room. Edward Pheonix I came here to make sure that you are ready for the show in a couple of minutes but it looks like I was worrying for nothing. that will most probably be the case Ed straightened up and entered business mode, mister Sitri i am as well as I should be. I can see that by your ... lively nature, * what was the pause for* Edward thought. 

Either way, as for your age I assume that you came back from the kid's space * why are you acting like you aren't the one to order those servents to force me there *. yes, I stayed there until I was called here for the prep time before the show. so I was correct did you meet my daughter in that room? yes sir she was there as for my recollections, but I didn't have any conversation with her. I see but it will not be a problem since you both are pillars i am sure that you will have a lot of time to talk with her on another occasion either way I am sure that you are busy so I won't bother you.

* door slam * 

* Finally that old man left i thought I was never gonna happen * Kaguya are you ready for the show? I am sure that if I am to leave right now I will be flawless but it won't hurt practicing to make sure. As you please, ok then we should get started with the pre-show practice session.

* at the great hall of the Sitri estate *

Kaguya are you ready Edward said, yes most surely Kaguya replaid, ok then we should start.