

"It took a long time for them to reach the surface of the ocean. 'Look! This guy got so small,' said Luffy while showing them the Balloon octopus. Gohan took the octopus from him. 'You did a good job! Now you can go back,' said Gohan, and he threw him towards the direction of Sky Island.

'Ok! Everyone, time to get back to your training,' said Gohan, and everyone sighed in defeat.

Meanwhile in Jaya, 'Bellamy... I am quite disappointed. You have harmed my reputation. Now I want to hear a reason to allow you to live,' said Doflamingo as he grabbed Bellamy's hair and lifted him up. 'I am sorry! But please give me another chance. We got beaten because that guy was too strong,' said Bellamy with a nervous voice.

'Then it's your fault for offending him. I don't need people who don't know their limits,' said Doflamingo with a smile. 'We fought him because he said that he's going to kill you,' said Bellamy in desperation.

Doflamingo let go of him and covered his own eyes with his hand and started laughing. 'Fuhuhuh....huhuhahahaha ....'. His conqueror haki got unleashed upon everyone present. People started dropping down, but Doflamingo kept laughing loudly.

'Gohan!! You have my attention now. I will be waiting for you, so don't disappoint me,' he said and jumped towards the sky and disappeared.

After a while, the Straw Hats reached The Long Ring Long Land Island. 'Wow! It's a plain!' said Luffy. 'It's more than a plain, look closely,' said Gohan. 'Those trees are so tall,' said Usopp. 'Look, everyone! There's someone walking,' said Chopper.

Usopp looked closely and said in surprise, 'That's a bear! But why is it so tall?' 'Let's go find out! This place looks interesting,' said Luffy as he jumped down and started running away. 'Wait for me,' shouted Usopp and jumped down as well.

'You guys go ahead, I will come after taking care of some annoying people,' said Gohan as he looked towards a certain direction. 'Annoying people? Who? Is someone coming to cause trouble?' asked Vivi. Gohan nodded his head and said, 'Yes, but they are just a bunch of weaklings. So you guys go ahead.'

Everyone left the ship to explore the island except Gohan and Merry. 'Why didn't you go with them?' asked Gohan while looking at Merry. 'I have never watched you guys fight against other pirates, so I want to see you fight,' said Merry with anticipation. Gohan smiled and thought, 'Well, it's not technically a fight.'

After a few minutes, they saw a large ship sailing towards them. 'Let's go, Merry, I don't want them to reach the island. It will be troublesome if they started running in different directions,' said Gohan as he picked her up.

On the Foxy Pirates' ship, 'Captain, there's a pirate ship ahead,' said a man. Silver Fox took the binoculars from that man to have a look. 'Isn't that the famous Straw Hat Pirates? Finally, I can get some strong crewmates,' said Foxy with a smile.

Some of the people on the deck started sweating from his remarks. 'But Captain Foxy, they have killed hundreds of people. There's a rumor that even they themselves don't remember how many people they have killed,' said one of the men.

Foxy got nervous but said with an awkward laugh, 'We don't have to worry! It's not like we are having a war with them. We are going to challenge them to a Davy Back fight. Even if they are ruthless, they can't be that unreasonable. Right?'

But suddenly Gohan's voice rang out, 'And what if we are that unreasonable?' Everyone turned their heads and saw Gohan sitting on the mast. Merry was sitting beside him. 'Poisonous tongue, Gohan!!!' 'Stay away from him' 'Yes, even his breath is poisonous.' Everyone started backing away; some people even thought about jumping into the water.

Gohan's smile froze; he gritted his teeth and muttered, 'Smoker!!!' 'You guys!... I just wanted to have some fun with you, but now you have offended me,' said Gohan. He appeared before Foxy and knocked him out with a punch. 'Captain Foxy!' shouted Foxy Pirates.

Gohan started the beatdown of the Foxy Pirates. 'You guys are lucky that Merry is here, or you would have died because of that bastard Smoker!' muttered Gohan in frustration. He left some people so that they could sail away. 'I don't want to see you guys in the Grand Line again. Do you get it?' warned Gohan.

Five men who were lucky to not get knocked out by him nodded their heads in fear and started sailing away. Gohan and Merry appeared on the island. 'Now... where should we go?' asked Gohan, but Merry didn't reply. Gohan looked at Merry and saw that she looked upset for some reason.

'What happened, Merry?' asked Gohan in confusion. 'It was no fun at all! We got there, and you made everyone sleep. Fights are supposed to be exciting, full of drama and emotions,' said Merry as she was indignant. Gohan's face twitched, and he asked, 'Who told you that?'

'Usopp told me. He also told me that you like to spoil the fun for everyone. He was right! You are no fun,' accused Merry with an angry face, but her expression made her look even cuter. Gohan bent down and pinched her cheeks. 'Sorry for ruining your fun, but I promise you that the next fight you will see will be the best fight ever,' said Gohan with a smile.

'Hmph! I will believe it when I see it,' said Merry with a pout. Suddenly Gohan sensed someone. 'Hm? So he's on his way here,' said Gohan. Merry looked towards the direction where Gohan was looking and asked, 'Who's that? That person feels strong. He is way stronger than the captain.'

Gohan got surprised by this and asked, 'You can sense him?' Merry nodded her head. 'What else can you do?' asked Gohan. 'I can control my main body and protect it by covering it with Ki. I don't know if I can do anything else,' said Merry with a thoughtful look.

'That's great!' said Gohan. 'Yes! I am great! The great Going Merry,' said Merry while looking proud of herself. 'Looks like I will have to talk with Usopp,' thought Gohan. 'Ok! Let's get going; we have to welcome our guest,' said Gohan with a smile.