
Reincarnated as Rimuru in Tensura with wishes but god played with me

First few is mostly following the story I was just your average worker, I owned a million dollar business. That business was my life so I didn't have much of a life and it was boring. That was until a truck hit me at a stop light. I'm doing this for my entertainment so if you don't Like how it's going I don't care, please don't complain in the comments because they will be ignored. Thanks I hope you enjoy. I don't own the original work all credit goes to the author of that time I got reincarnated as a slime.

Busy_Driver · アニメ·コミックス
18 Chs

Conqueror flames

The next morning I was doing my normal trip around the village when I seen Shizu up on the cliff That looks over the town staring at the sunrise.

I made my way over to her. "It's beautiful isn't it?"

"You sure, I mean it sure is."

She looked at me and picked me up. "You're from Japan aren't you?"

"Not exactly, what gave it away?"

"What you said last night, one of my students told me about a game he played and that saying was in it."

"How long have you been in this world?"

She took off her mask. "About 70 years ago I came into this world, I'm what you call a summon."

A summon so she was used as a weapon, I feel bad for her.

"How did you come into this world."

I grumbled a bit. "I was in my car when a truck hit me."

"Oh no."

"Yeah but I became this amazing slime so it had its perks."

She chuckled.

(Sage can I show her some of my memories.)


That was a short response weird, ok.

"If you'd like I can show you what Japan looks like now."

"You can do that?"

"Easily, here lean down."

I tapped her on the head.

Then a memory from the memories I inherited started to play.

A elf girl on a computer, the girl on he computer started to slowly.

"Wait not that one, I promise it's not my memory."

"She was cute with her name?"

"I don't know her."

I started to play the right memory.

"Here pay attention to this instead."

It showed pictures in a book of the aftermath, then some of the more modern times and how we have advanced.

I looked up at her face and she had a tear in her eye.

"You ok?"

"Yeah, I'm just so happy everything has gotten better, I might never get to see it but I'm still beyond happy."

Now I feel sad.

Out of nowhere Kaijin yelled for me and walked towards us. "Rimuru I need your expertise on we're to place the next building."

I looked back up. "Sorry I have to bounce I hope you enjoy your time here."

As I was walking away with Kaijin he asked. "Why do you look down?"

"It's nothing, what building are we looking to place."

After that I went and helped them decide where to place the building for our sewage.

Shortly after I got done with that task I ran into Elyun.

"How is your morning?"

"I'm doing amazing, yourself?"

"Good, I came looking for you to tell you we will be leaving this evening and I was wandering if there is anything I could do to show our thanks for the food and shelter?"

I thought for a moment and tested the water. "Is it to much to ask to teach me magic, I seen your staff and I guessed your a magician."

I want to learn magic I tried to find it in the library in the Dwarf Kingdom but there wasn't any.

"Oh, let me think….. I don't see a reason on why I can't teach you a few spells.

Where would you like to start?"

"I'm fine with the basics."

After that, we went to a hut, and she taught me many things throughout the day.

Towards the middle of the day she said she had to stop so she could pack all her things and get ready.

So I decided to see what Shizu was doing, along the way I met up with Ranga, so I hopped on his back and we walked around until we found her on the cliff again.

We walked up to her.

" are you still enjoying the view?"

" I can't get over how well organized your village is."

" well thank you."

" I should go down and grab my stuff, We should be heading off soon."

" you do know you don't have to leave and you're welcome here anytime."

" thank you but I did come to this forest for another reason, and I must get back to it."

Darn I tried.

" well, I'll wait by the front to see you all off."

When she walked away I just sat on Ranga and talked while we waited.

We were sitting there way longer than I thought before I finally seen the four accompanied by Rigur, Rigurd and Ragean.

As we were making our way out of the village Shizu suddenly stopped and looked like a statue.

Elyun looked concerned. "Shizu are you ok?"

She didn't answer, then suddenly she screamed, while releasing a huge aura.

The three adventures was questioning what was going on.

Gido remembered something. "She's The conqueror of the flame, she has the Ifrit spirit it's over A rank we didn't sign up for this."

She dropped to her knees then her mask cracked then shortly after a pillar of flame shot up in her place.

Elyun screamed. "Look up its Shizu."

In the sky is Shizu floating with flames surrounding her.

Her mask flys out of the spiral of flames landing in front of me.

I looked up to see her eyes are glowing red and tears falling down her face but they don't make it far before they evaporate due to the heat.

Then the flames completely engulf her and when the flame's disappear there is a flame spirit in her place.

I started to think so all I could hear was there words not who was speaking.

"So it is her.

Who the hero of the guild from 50 years ago how's that possible.

I thought she was retired

I don't know but I'm sure it's her."

I looked at my people. "Go evacuate the town."

"Are you sure? What about yourself?" Rigurd questioned.

"That's an order, move!"

"Yes, as you wish lord Rimuru."

"Ranga be ready."

"Yes." He said from my shadow.

Suddenly Ifrit released a huge shock wave and three pillars of flames shot up and three chimeras appeared and flew around spreading fire.

"Hey, what the hell are you doing, we are building a town here."

Then the three adventures tried to face him but I put a quick stop to that and tied their legs up.

"Sorry but I can't have anyone die today especially humans sent to investigate the area.

I thought for a while and decided water of course.

So I sent a Water Blade at Ifrit but it evaporated before it could make contact. So I ignored it for the moment and moved onto the chimeras I tried Water Blade again and surprisingly it worked.

For all of two seconds, it did reach them but they instantly regrew what I cut off with fire.

While I was thinking there was a sudden. " Icicle Lance." From Elyun.

To my surprise the lance that was shot at Ifrit actually made contact and injured it.

(If I use Predator on that spell I'll learn it instantly correct?)

(Answer; yes.)

Good I just remembered that I read that magic is the most effective way to get rid of spirits.

That must be why Water Blade did so much it's not magic.

"Hey shoot one at me."

"Are you sure?"

"Just do it."

"Your funeral."

I used Predator and instantly mastered it.

I looked at the chimeras and had an idea.


He popped out of my shadow.

"Yes master."

"Jump in front of them but don't get hurt."

Then I hopped on his back.

As we went in front of the I released a bunch of Icicle Lances, about 7-10 lances attacked a chimera at once.

What I didn't expect was an explosion shortly after impact.

It's was a large explosion and once the wind and fire stopped I seen the three passed out with burn marks all over there bodies.

I went over to them and threw healing potions on them. " oops forgot about them."

"Ranga bring them to safety."

"Yes, right away."

I rolled back to the main baddy Ifrit.

"Just you and me now buddy."

Then he made enough clones to surround me and lowered himself to the ground and were he touched it turned to lava.

If I wasn't fighting you right now I'd think this is so cool.

Let's try magic. "Icicle Machine Gun."

I wound myself up and when I released myself I spun really fast, then I released almost to many to count Icicle Lances.

It destroyed everything but the original body.

Ok, so good to know that skill doesn't work on him.

Let's try Steal Thread, and it burned up like the water.

Then a spell circle appeared underneath me.

Then a pillar of flame surrounded me then engulfed me completely.

Oh no I'm going to wait, (I have a resistance to flames don't I?)

(You have thermal fluctuation resistance, and all attacks are being nullified.)

(Oh so these flames are nothing.)


(Is there attitude in you voice.) I got nothing.

He picked the wrong slime.

Ok let's end this.

Let's combine Sticky Thread and Steal Thread to make Sticky Steal Thread then surround it with ice magic.

(Would you like to commence action?)

(Of course.)

Then I launched my amazing idea at Ifirt and wrapped him in my new Sticky Steal Thread making him unable to move.

I bounced out of the flames.

"Thanks for the free sauna useage , it's good to use one every once and a while.

Let's get this done, you've destroyed enough of my town."

(Would you like to use the skill Predator on individual Ifirit.)

(Jeez I can't believe you have to ask these questions anymore, of course.)