
Reincarnated as Potgas D Ace Twin

I died only to wake up to a man telling me how he's going me and my brother into great marines, wait what marines !! and since when did I have a brother? thats when it all hit like tsunami, memories of the body im currently in . After going through that pain and digesting everything after five all i could say was fuck im in onepiece and double fuck im ace's big brother. This fan-fic will follow the original onepiece with my own elements and also its my first time writing anything like this so please indulge me

DaoistqNItDR · ファンタジー
1 Chs


You know what, Death won't be that Bad, that's what I've been thinking of for that last twenty years and to be honest I will end this pitiful existence I find my self in but that will hurt my siblings. Siblings not by blood but love each and everyone of them to heaven and earth, and you must be thinking why, because they are the ones who make this life worth shit . Twenty years ago the sperm and ovary donors who brought me to this world thought an orphanage raising their child is better than them so they dumped me in front of one and that's where I've been and loved since I can remember . Mother Hagar who has been working here for 60years has been taking care of kids like me for almost all her life and she hasn't once complained or anything and trust me I would if I was in her shoes because some of these kids deserve to be abandoned by their parents. They make her life miserable but the old hag is always smiling and trust me that smile can melt the devil heart, so imagine my rage when instead of breaking in banks or some rich dude's home these fucking thieves came to rub a fucking orphanage. We had received some donations from some good people earlier that day and both mother Hagar , the kids and other sisters working with her were happy because it's almost Christmas and the squad can finally look up to it . 50000$ that's the amount received and I know this because I help with the administration of the orphanage whilst other grownups like go look for jobs outside or go to school. you might be wondering why I'm not part of those guys, well because the universe decided to fuck me up by making paralysed from the waist down so I've been in a wheelchair since I tried walking when I was 2 years old and failed. I was basically Stephen Hawkins but better because unlike him I could move my upper body and I was smarter than him by a long mile I mean Einstein level genius so by 15 I've already completed MIT as a computer genius and also made many companies livid when I rejected their offers to work as an accountant for my home hahahaha. I think they are still pissed but who the fuck cares , to me the orphanage is my home my world my universe and everything so working there was my first and last choice instead of apple, Amazon and those fuckers. Anyway life after graduating as been cool , I wake up early in the morning, eat and go to work take a break in the afternoon around 12, go back 2 hours later and close at 5pm , meet my siblings and banter then go back to my control room which is where the magic happens. I play video games which I'm good at and trust me I'm fucking good at it . I stop when I'm bored or tired then watch anime till I sleep around 11pm. speaking of animes aside from the big three there are few animes that can replace those three for me , I mean demon slayer is fine but MHA and the rest are mid so I read the mangas and other books like the sherlock Holmes books, the art of war (favorite) the Harry Potter and Game of thrones books . life has been good but I can't pretend to be happy, not being able to go where I want whenever I want is fucking sad and mother can see but doesn't know how to comfort me , she promised to have a talk with me that night but unfortunately the universe once again decided iiiittttssss TIME!!!! (like that ufc anouncer lol) and so the rubbers came for our Christmas money that night, most of the guys were asleep except me and mother so they came for us , two guys. I had two options sit still and refuse to give them the money and let the old hag die which she will gladly do to save her boy but I chose another one option which was roll my wheelchair to intercept the one with the gun so that mom can run away for help and I nearly succeed in letting her go but got shot when I was struggling with the dude. Still I didn't give up , he thought I was dead so lowered his guard which I pounced on by taking the gun and shooting both fuckers hehe hehehehe, man that was gangster is all could think of as I blurry faces of mom and my siblings crying as they surrounded my body. I thanked mom for everything and my siblings for their love and if there was a God somewhere him or her too for finally answering my prayers. As I close my eyes for my eternal rest , I hear something that was the beginning of all types of craziness be the voice said INDEED THAT WAS GANGSTER HAHAHAH

ME: who the fuck are you and why I'm I alive


ME: fuck you u piece of shit






ME : FUCK!!.

and that's how I met the crazy fucker that gave me family and more hahahaha