
Reincarnated as Naruto with A gamer System

gaming_saff · アニメ·コミックス
35 Chs

Chunin Exam(1), Picnic!

Naruto slept really good last night and wake up early

As he started to cook breakfast as Izumi waked up

(A/N in this novel with a bigass because,Why not? The picture is below and also just think she's asking sharingan ;-;)


"Your awake...good breakfast is almost ready!" Naruto said as made a few touches on the food and bring it to the table

The egg had a bacon made heart on it as the pancake had a edible rose on top

"Are you proposing me?"Izumi asked Naruto teasingly but Naruto straightforwardly replied

"Of course.."

An awkward silence have started to be for a few minutes as Naruto finished his food he said"I'm going it's almost chunin exam and I wasn't even in some of the missions"

"Yeah! They might be angry!"she said smiling at Naruto as he smiled back and left

At Training ground

Naruto saw Sasuke Sakura there as he greeted them

"Yo! How are you?"Naruto asked as Sasuke give a cold snort and Sakura just glared at his red hair and looked back

'did I do something wrong' Naruto thought as he shrugged it and waited for kakashi to arrive

When he arrives it was already 30 minutes

"Sorry guys I was lost in th-"as kakashi was about to continued he felt massive killing intent

As he looked Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke was glaring at him in killing intent

'well...' kakashi thought and apologized and said"I've gotten you guys the chunin exam ticket...you join the chunin exam it's your choice I won't force you"as kakashi said Naruto gaved him a signal to talk alone

As he got a eye smile everyone took the ticket and left

"Hey...why are they isolating me?"Naruto asked as kakashi said"well...you are hard to

Copy your style so..."

"Wait...you ruined everything! Kakashi! BAKA!! You are a Baka!!"Naruto yelled as he FTG away

"I spent my fucking four years at academy just so kakashi could ruin it in one year!"Naruto yelled as kakashi appeared behind and said

"Sorry Naruto...it was hokage-sama order"

"First tell me everything you did with my name!"Naruto said as kakashi explained

1 reason of hatred: Naruto never cooperates

2 reason of hatred: Naruto never helps in battle

3 and last reason: Naruto is weak!

When Naruto heard this reason his blood starts boiling

"I'm gonna wreck this chunin exam!"Naruto said and disappeared even his chakra wasn't sensable now

Kakashi just sighed and also left

As Naruto walked around he saw shikamaru choji and ino

"Hey! Ino shika cho!"Naruto said as the three looked back

"Where have you been Naruto we've seen the last time one year ago I think!"

Shikamaru said as he exaimed Naruto and felt'hes calm...and has intimidating aura around him...'shika thought as

Choji now said"want potato chips?" As everyone looked towards choji with everyone had black lines on their faces

"Choji is just choji huh?" Naruto said as get a nod from shika and ino

"Well Naruto you've indeed become handsome now!"ino raising a thumb towards him as he smiled politely as he said

"Let's go I'll treat y'all to a meal!"Naruto said and choji started having stars in his eyes

After a while at a bar B Q place we see Naruto,ino,shika and especially choji eating at an alarming rate

"Are you sure we won't be handed to the police if you don't have money?"shika asked as Naruto said"shika...I'm so poor now that.."Naruto took a pause as shika and ino glared at choji and he stops eating as shika

Went forward wanted to say'we can help you were friends aren't we?'

But"there's only money left..."Naruto completed his sentence as shika was shocked as well as ino but choji was happy and started eating

After a while


"Umm...thatll be...14,500 ryo" as the waiter said she looks nervous how these kids will pay for that fatso as Naruto extended his hand in 15,000 ryo

"500 ryo is your tip" as Naruto said she happyly took it and choji wasn't satisfied and started munching chips

Ino shika and Naruto then said in a low voice"fatso"

After a while Naruto ran into the temari siblings

As kankuro was about to hit konohamaru but his fist has blocked and almost instantly Naruto teleported a few foot steps away as Sakura and Sasuke also appeared

"Ohh you wanna fight then" just as kankuro was about to do something

Naruto said"the two idiots In the tree quickly came down...I don't have much time"Naruto said pointing to his left side tree as Gaara and Sasuke got out

'what...I didn't even sense him'sasuke thought and looked at Gaara

'hes even stronger than all us combined...we mustn't fight!'sasuke though as he dashes Infront of his teammates

"Hey Sasuke I planned a picnic wanna come I have Chicken from a 7 star restaurant"as Naruto said Sasuke looked behind dumbfoundedly

"Well...okay...!" Sasuke said so why should Sakura say no

"What's your name"Gaara asked but Sasuke replied

"Uchiha Sasuke"Sasuke said proudly of his bloodline

"No the red hair"Gaara said as Naruto said

"Your not qualified"Naruto said and a vein pop up on Gaara"we'll see" as Gaara said he started to leave

"Hey! What's your name?"Naruto asked as Sasuke look towards Naruto

"Still your not qualified"Gaara said regaining his dignity but

His dignity was crushed much much than before"not you, The beautiful Girl there, hey.."Naruto said looking at temari as she just blushes and

Sasuke thought'naruto is a good teammate... If I lost my reputation from a person he would do that to the person and will make him stand on equal ground with me...'sasuke feeling gratitude towards Naruto

Didn't show it as he might be teases later

"So let's go konohamaru go to your house and train the jutsu I gaved you!"konohamaru nodded and rushed to his house

Well apparently Naruto made konohamaru his follower earlier than usual

So he gave only one of his secret technique to him Rasengan

after a while

We see Naruto Sasuke and Sakura sitting on a mat in a ground as Naruto takes out three bowls of creamy ramen and a box of gamer made Crispy chicken!!

"What's this?"Sasuke asked in his cold attitude

"Well eat and find out"Naruto said as Sakura ate it and felt satisfied so much she was huffing

Sasuke wondered what it tasted that Sakura acted like that so he took a bite

'hehehe behold my Level 23 Cooking Skill'

Naruto said as he saw a blush on sasuke face

"Is it good?"Naruto asked

"It's so delicious.."Sasuke said and tears started to roll his eyes as he remembered his mother also cooked warm food for him

As Naruto was he comforts Sasuke

'and with this act...I have made a soft spot for me hehehe' Naruto thought as Sasuke hugs him and whispers in his ears

"Naruto...now I know how it feels like to have no parents...you didn't even see yours.."

Sasuke said differently as his voice contained grief , hatred suffering and resemblance at the same time

"Don't worry Sasuke we'll be great ninjas I'm sure one day!"Naruto said as determination again rolled in Sasuke eyes

As they parted ways