
Some Financial Discussion Part 1

Three days later, in the Palace of Versailles, Napoleon remained confined to his office, deprived of any opportunity to spend time with his family. He rubbed his temples in frustration and muttered to himself.

"I'm starting to despise this bureaucratic work. It feels like every day is just another day of endless paperwork."

Glancing at the towering stack of documents awaiting his attention, he sighed deeply. The never-ending administrative duties were taking a toll on him.

"At this point, I'd prefer to be on the battlefield," Napoleon grumbled. "There, the paperwork is minimal, and the focus is on combat rather than these endless documents."

Napoleon leaned back in his ornate chair, his thoughts drifting momentarily from the burdens of his office to memories of past battles and campaigns. He missed the thrill of leading his troops into the chaos of war, the smell of gunpowder in the air, and the strategic challenges that had once consumed his mind.