
Reincarnated As Muichiro Tokito

What happens when someone reincarnates as Muichiro Tokito in Demon Slayer, but things in this world are different from the original story. Please note I'm just writing this for fun. P.S: English is my 3rd language so there will be quite a few of mistakes but it should be readable. [Cover is not mine] Discord: https://discord.gg/7Zws4xjx8T

FallenEclipse · アニメ·コミックス
33 Chs

Bullying (1)

"Hey, Mui, mind if I ask you a question?" Makomo asked as she sat on a roof next to Muichiro, who, was just staring at the sky. Sabito was sitting next to her eating some something he got from some of the stalls.

"Yeah, sure." Muichiro said not really paying any attention though.

"You are a Hashira, so if someone, a slayer maybe were to start traveling with a demon. What would happen?" Makomo asked causing Sabito to almost spit out his meal.

"Uhm." Muichiro closed his eyes trying to remember something. "If that were to happen, then the demon and the slayer would be put to death. Anyone that knew an didn't report it world probably be force to leave the Corps, and that's if they got off easy, that is. Why, you know someone travel with a demon?"

Makomo was going to speak when Sabito covered her mouth. The two shared a look and Sabito uncovered her mouth.

"We do not know a member of the Demon Slayer Corps who is travel with a demon." Sabito said using VERY specific words.

"Well, whatever." Muichiro said. "I don't really care." Muichiro shrugged making the two sigh in a bit of relief. They weren't really surprised by what he said either. The two just had to hope things work out in the future.

Muichiro laid on the roof looking back at the clouds. The boy's eyes were hazy and got a little bull. Muichiro had only been away from Mitsuri for a few minutes yet he felt empty. Maybe he was too possessive, no, he definitely was. He should work on that but he probably wouldn't.

Luckily, he only had to wait a few minutes before Mitsuri came back. She saw Sadito and Makomo whispering to each other then looked at the boy. She walked over to the boy and crouched down in front of him.

Muichiro sensed her aura and opened his eyes. His dark eyes gained a little light when he saw her, making the girl smile a bit.

"Hello~." Mitsuri said softly pocking on of his cheeks.

"Hi." Muichiro mumbled taking a glanced at her hand, if it was anyone else he would of cut their hand off but it was her. "What did you find out?"

"Nothing useful." She shook her head. "Every night people go missing around the town, it's almost completely random. The only thing consistent is that it's alway people under thirty, not very useful though."

"Hm." Muichiro sat up. He gave her back her sword. "How annoying. Not long until dark, let's just wait I guess." Muichiro shrugged.

He didn't feel like doing any detective work, just kill some demons and be done with it. Maybe they should of ran a little slower and arrived there at night. At least they wouldn't have to wait around from the sun to go down. Muichiro quickly stood up making the three other slayers look at him.

"Uhm." Muichiro put his hand under his chin and tilted his head upwards a bit. 'What was I going to say again? Damn. I can't remember.' By the placing of the sun, he estimated that it was maybe four in the afternoon, five at the very most. "Let's wait until night. Mitsuri and I will take care of the demon while you two can just look on in awe."

Muichiro nodded his head. He jumped off the roof leaving a red Sabito and a sighing Makomo. Mitsuri didn't know what to say to that, so she just followed after him making sure he doesn't get into any mischief.


Well. Mitsuri TRIED to keep Muichiro out of trouble, but she failed. Muichiro was arguing with the a shop owner on the sidewalk, well, more like the shop owner was just yelling at Muichiro while the boy stood there eating mochi. He blinked a few times not even paying attention to the guy in front of him.

Muichiro didn't even know why he was there to begin with.

Mitsuri had left for a minute and she returned to this?! She looked for Sabito and Makomo and found them... sitting on a roof snickering at what was happening. A sighed left her mouth as she made he way towards the boy.

Mitsuri tapped on his shoulder getting his attention immediately.

"Mui, what did you do?"

Muichiro stopped eating his mochi and tilted his head. What did he do, she says. He didn't do anything. He was pretty sure at least.

"Nothing, I was just eating my mochi when this guy started yelling for no reason." Muichiro said with a shrug. The shop owner looked completely baffled at what he had just said.

"Stop lying, kid! You stole my goods and ran off!" He yelled back making the two Pillars share a look. Muichiro was many things but a thief wasn't amount them. Wait, no, what's a lie. He would probably steel something he found interesting.

"Uhm, I have money, and lots of it." Muichiro said. "Why would I steel if I have money, and you said I ran off after. You're shop is right there." Muichiro pointed at the small shop across the street. "If I was going to steal wouldn't I of ran away, not a few meters away?"

Muichiro looked at the man as if he was an idiot. Mitsuri wanted to intervene but the girl, along with Muichiro suddenly looked at a roof in the distance. The pair frowned feeling a bit off. They weren't scared but definitely conserved.

The two, exspecualy Muichiro were very confident in their senses so it was weird of the demon to abruptly reveal itself like that. Muichiro made sure to look out for the demon yet he didn't even know if it was here until a few seconds ago.

'Hm. Why would it do that? I'm sure it knows there are some slayers here, maybe not Hashiras though. It could of just stayed hidden, at some point we would of have to leave.' Muichiro looked at Sabito and Makomo who were already looking at him. 'They sensed it as well-'

"Are you listening to me?!" The man's yelling had cut his train of thought short, causing the boy slight irrigation.

He turned away from the man a disappeared from his and everyone's view. The only people who knew where he went were Mitsuri, Makomo and Sabito. Mitsuri said sorry to the man and soon followed after him.

"Damn it." Sabito mumbled going after them. Makomo looked at the moon and frowned. They didn't have long to kill the demon, but they were Hashiras. Muichiro and Mitsuri didn't need help against such a weak demon, so the two of them fight against it would be bullying.

• • •

Muichiro ran along the rooftops until he stopped on the roof of the building he ask felt the demon's aura. It didn't seem very strong but it was very good at hiding it's presences, even from him. He looked around for a bit then peeked his head down a chimney.

Mitsuri landed in front of him and shook her her no, but he shook his head yes while slowly climbing onto the chimney.

"Mui, no. There is a front door." She whispered grabbing his hand. Muichiro looked at her then nodded his head.

Mitsuri sighed but it was short-lived when she saw Muichiro wave at her then just dove in. He wasn't stupid enough to jumped into a lit chimney so he would be fine. The boy wanted to act like Santa and bring the demon the precious gift of death.

Mitsuri took beep breaths rethinking a lot her life choices for the second time today.

Muichiro landed in the fire place and bended his knees to soften his fall a bit. He held the handle of his sword and looked around the dimly room.

It looked like a normal living room if it wasn't for the demon eating a guy on the carpet. She looked at Muichiro and he did the same. Since he wanted to get out of this town he decided to it would be best to end this quickly.

"How did you find me?" She asked standing up a bit. "And why would you come through the f-"

[Flame Breathing. First Form: Unknowing Fire]

Muichiro shot forward and sent a single slash going for the demon's neck. His sword made contact and went through it's neck but not all the way. She jumped back when his sword was only half way. The woman landed behind the coach holding her neck that was already healing.

"Hey! What is wrong with you?! First you interrupt my meal now this! You slayers are so annoying?"

Muichiro was paying attention to her little rant and was just staring at his sword. The blade was now black but he already knew that and didn't really care all that much.

Muichiro wasn't as good as Kyojuro when it came to Flame Breathing, definitely not. So he had to train quite a bit more to use it properly. He didn't mind though. Flame Breathing isn't the only style he'll learn that doesn't suit him in the future.

He turned his gaze towards the fireplace only to see Mitsuri had just landed.

Let the bullying begin!!!

FallenEclipsecreators' thoughts