
History and Training (Modified)

Aguero continues now with a touch of pride in his voice.

"The former Head of our Family, hearing rumors about an angel of transcendental beauty, following his Lust he invaded Heaven, to find the Biblical God, after a great fight he launched a blow that made him be called the 'God of the Spear ' [Eduan Style Spear Technique Final Skill - Sky Destroying Great Spear] A large spear made of electricity, ice, destruction, among other qualities of shinsoo, was formed and launched into the skies, as soon as it fell, it destroyed half of the body of the Biblical God, who only survived by luck, the leader was also seriously injured from the fight when he said, 'It was a good fight, hope to fight you again Bright Dear Hahahaha', the area where they fought became a place with extremely high shinsoo density, once you get there the huge glow it emits can blind anyone, and with lots of lightning falling from the sky, strong wind and anyone who is weak once they get there will freeze to death, and become known as o ' The Stage of Light and Lightning'

"And lastly the Head of the Arie Family, at the end of the Holy War he appeared in the Underworld and with a slash of his sword he split the Underworld in two, in which on one side the devils live, and on the other the fallen angels, it is worth the It's worth mentioning that the underworld is the size of Earth, what he did completely scared all the factions away, and he walked away saying 'I was just seeing if my sword was sharp, tsk tsk saying I' m the weakest of the 10 Households, just by standing still', the people who said he was the weakest of the Heads of Households were the devils gaining their enmity, a great bridge was built to connect the two sides of the Underworld that became known as' The Great Bridge That Connects the Underworld 'or' Meikai o Tsunagu Ōhashi'."

These revelations greatly shocked Eduan, who was sitting listening to everything, he knew they were strong, but not that strong, he thought a little scared.

'I wonder how strong your true self is in the Tower of God, and they've changed a lot of DxD history, for example, by splitting the underworld in two, that's nonsense.'

Clap! Clap!

"Ok, let's start training, I'll teach you the basic techniques with our Khun Family spear"

Clapping his hands to regain Eduan's focus and start training. Eduan shakes his head as he stands and takes a spear made of wood from the corner of the room as he thinks silently.

'It's time to start training, no matter how strong they once were or how strong they are now, if I want to get the same achievements as them, I need to get stronger first.'


(3 Months later~)

Eduan was sitting cross-legged on the floor, his eyes closed thinking about something.

'Shinsoo, in Tower of God, is produced by the Tower and flows around like air. It exists everywhere in the Tower, it fulfills the role of vital energy for the organisms within the Tower, as well as acting in place of oxygen to breathe.'

'Shinsoo can be used in many ways, with adequate knowledge, skill, stamina and natural talent. Through Shinsoo, one can attain eternal youth, prolonged life expectancy, stop the aging process, control the natural elements, and even attain the powers of a god.'

'Shinoo is not normally visible to the naked eye like air unless it is highly concentrated, manifested in large quantities or manipulated using a Shinsoo technique or item.'

'Inside the Tower, Shinsoo replaces the air and performs all the processes that air would do. The most significant difference between air and shinsu is the laws by which it operates. Unlike air, which uniformly obeys the laws of pressure as it flows, Shinsoo has no unifying laws. It flows and behaves entirely differently in different places, sometimes it becomes gas and other times it becomes liquid.'

'Shinsoo's flow determines its qualities, allowing it to appear as water, fire, light and other phenomena and materials. Shinsoo has no unique properties or characteristics and is rather the very basis of all energies and things within the Tower.'

'As soon as they arrived in this world, Po Bidau Gustang, after a few months of research I managed to recreate the shinsoo, using the sacred energy, the demonic energy and the mana that were in the air, he joined them together making shinsoo , but the amount made was very small and weak, so he created a 'Spell' to modify the bodies, both his and the other family leaders, making their bodies filter and gather, the sacred, demonic energy and the mana automatically. After a few years their bodies were completely changed, wherever they were the air would turn to shinsoo.'

'As soon as they had children, their children also inherited it at birth, making them able to use shinsoo too. Shinsoo's basic unit of manipulation is called the Baang, the size of the Baang is called the Myun, and the density of Shinsoo that goes into a Baang is called the Soo.'

He opens his eyes, and reaches his two hands next to each other as he concentrates, a small water-like ball appears in his hand.

"I managed to form a little Baang, considering my age you can say I have a lot of talent, I wonder if I can build quality into this Baang."

He speaks when Baang changes his form, he was getting whiter and small sparks coming out.

Bzztt bzztt

But soon disappearing when the Baang unmolds, Eduan's back is drenched in sweat as he breathes heavily.

"Haa, Haa, I need to train a little to get quality in a Baang, but that's enough for the first attempt."

He wipes the sweat off his forehead as he gets up and goes to bed to lie down.


(2 Months Later~)

Now we see Eduan looking at his hand intently.

"Body Reinforcement using shinsoo, there are many ways to do this, the first and easiest way, as well as when forming a Baang, just get shinsoo on the part of the body you want to fortify, and the second way, flow control of shinsoo, by accelerating or increasing the flow of shinsoo in a certain part of the body you can make that part reach greater heights, even healing a severed arm is possible."

"It would be better to try the first way, I don't think I can read and get the shinsoo flow right at my level."

He closes his eyes when a transparent blue aura covers his arm, after opening his eyes and seeing his arm he forms a fist, and punches the ground.


As soon as his punch hit the ground, the ground cracked forming a shape of his fist, he looks intently and comments.

"This consumes a lot of shinsoo, but it's better than using the second way and blowing my arm out."

'I'll have to call some maids to fix the floor.'


(2 Months Later~)

Eduan was alone in the training room with a spear in his hand while he thought.

'I still can't form manipulate my quality, in the natural way to form a spear like Khun Eduan (dice) in Tower Of God, however if I do copy Khun Aguero Agnis, and inject my quality into the spear.'



The spear Eduan was holding suddenly began to emit electricity, holding it with both hands, he threw it forcefully forward.



His spear continued on, leaving electrical sparks wherever he went.

"And if you control the shinsoo I put on the spear, I can change its direction."

Opening one of his hands and lifting it forward, the spear that was going forward suddenly stopped, curving and flying towards him.


The spear went straight to his hand, holding it with his hand he dispersed the shinsoo that was in him as he smiled.

'With each passing day I get stronger, I wonder if I'll ever reach the level of Urek Mazino, even using only 1% of his power, with a flick of his finger he controlled the flow of shinsoo for an entire floor of the Tower forming a tornado.'


(2 Months Later~)

Now Eduan was creating his first technique, he held his spear tightly in both hands, looking at targets similar to those in archery, he placed his right foot in front, left foot in back, with his lowered waist.


His spear began to emit electricity as he inched his left foot forward, his hands pushing the spear forward.

Zaaaappp Zaaappp

Crak Crak Crak Crak Crak

A total of 5 targets were pierced by the spear, if anyone were here he would be shocked because it looked like 5 spears piercing the targets and not just one.

Eduan fell to the floor on his ass, sweating and breathing very heavily, he put a smile on his face looking at what he did when he commented excitedly.

"This was the first technique I created, rotating and changing the direction of the spear quickly with the help of Shinsoo, giving the impression of being attacked by 5 spears, apparently 5 is my current limit, but it's good, very good. "

He puts a smile on his face showing his teeth, he looks at the spear beside him as he speaks.

"The name of this technique will be, [Eduan Style Spear Technique - Five Electric Spears]."

The explanations about shinsoo, some I got from the wiki, while others I made up.

Zarathos_Lirbythercreators' thoughts