
Chapter 58: Arrivederci Raynare

[AN/ Short chapter but now we'll dealing with bird brain then Cocopuffs.]

*Issei pov*

It's normal day of school, I'm currently walking over the bridge to home, I'm sorta happy cuz it's my final day in Kuoh is coming soon, because after Kokabeil I'm taking the graduation exam. And why am I leaving Kuoh so early you ask. Because right infront of me is Yuuma Amano or Raynare.

Raynare:"Um, Hi my name is Yuma Amano and, I just want to ask would go out with me!" said 'Yuma' with a full blush, it's amazing she can act so cute and embarrassed. Huh? Her [Acting] skill is at 43, no wonder she was able to fool canon Issei, guess it wasn't because he was a complete pervert with no hope of ever becoming anything without the [Boosted Gear].

Issei:"Sure I'd love to Yuma-chan." I said calmly.

Issei:"How about we go on a date next Sunday. I would 'love' to get to know you better." She nod and we split each other's contact info and I went home.

Around a huge table were all my digimon and my parents, the Digimon have been sleeping in the house, I don't have to keep them secret anymore so they'll be living here if anyone ask questions, I've already created Identification for them and trust me no one will be suspicious. Because I have 8% Mastery over the [Concept of Dream]. Turns Red only had about 19% Mastery when he fought me. Now he's upto 27%.

Gorou:"So April 16th is next Sunday when will you be leaving Kuoh?"

Issei:"After I kill Cocopuffs, thanks for coming up with that nickname Riza. "

Riza:"Your Welcome!"

Miki:"Junior, Ddraig, Rana take a seat dinners coming out." said Mom as she came with a huge amount of food. I gave Dad some of my gold, so we're now millionaire's, so that's good. Right now he's just doing his job for something to do after all hell live for a long time.

Ddraig and Ranna came of the soul space and Junior changed from his ring form. I attached him to a chain, where I wear around my neck like necklace don't want Sona to confiscate him now do I. Ranna and Ddraig took a seat while Ddraig Jr. sat in a baby chair. I then help mom set the table and we had a delicious meal before turning in.

-That Sunday-

I stood at the fountain in the town square and waited for Yuma, she was late like in canon. Rias's familiar gave me her a flyer but I just threw it in the trash.

Raynare:"Sorry I'm late!" She said with an apologetic look but in her mind.

Raynare:'It's too bad he's cute I almost feel bad eliminating him. But no one said I couldn't atleast fuck his brains out before killing him.' Okay so she's planning to fuck then kill me, I'm gonna enjoy making her suffer. Thank you [Reishi].

Issei:"I know this great cafe why don't we go!" I said as I grabbed her hand. And so I won't bore you with the details we went on a similar date as in canon. As in canon we finished the date Asta the fountain.

Raynare:"Ano, Issei-kun I have a question to ask." she asked with a really cute but embarrassed look on her face.

Issei:"What's that?" She leaned her face closer to mine trying to kiss me, but I grabbed her by the neck suprising her face had a look of shock, like her entire world fell apart

Issei:"[I.D Create:Empty!]" I created a empty I.D and set the time dialation to 1 minute outisde is a year inside.

Issei:"Do you really think I'm so weak I would've fell for your act fallen angel?"

Raynare:"But how?!" the [Boosted Gear] appeared on my left arm.

Issei:"I am this generations Red Dragon Emperor." The look of fear on her face intensified as it became more evident at the type of situates she's in, she knew she wouldn't survive to live the next day.

Raynare:"The [Boosted Gear]!? Wait don't kill me! Please I was just following orders! I can be of use to you! I'll let you fuck me when ever and however you want..." Tears were streaming down her face at this, I almost felt sorry for her.

Raynare:"Just please don't kill m-!" Almost.

*CRACK!!!* I broke her neck.

Issei:"I'm not stupid, I sensed you were creating that light spear while in your rant!" I looked at her coldly straight in her eyes as the light faded from hers.

Ddraig:((Partner I notice everytime you kill some one you stare them down straight in their eyes especially with the monsters in the [I.D's]. Why?))

Issei:"It was a habit that I developed in the war. I want remember every person I kill. During that time we told ourselves, we were just following orders, that killing other soldiers, other humans was the only way...thinking about it now, we were wrong...we should've just rose up against the corrupt government that forced this war for no damn good reason. But that would only result in more bloodshed right!"

Issei:"Though it was definitely that God who started all this, humanity is stupid but not that stupid right? And all he had to do was just *snap!* and we'd be gone."

Ddraig:((Then let's get back to your universe and destroy him.))

Issei:"Right!" I got up and went home.

Gorou:"So it's done." I nod, the others were playing a game in the living room, while Mom was feeding Junior some baby food. Cuz he's a baby.

Miki:"By the way will we be taking in Asia when she shows up?" said Mom as she fed the red baby dragon another spoon of strawberry flavour porridge.

Gorou:"But what about Raisei?"

Issei:"I have control over space, I've found the Underworld and many of the Gods realms and different dimensions by now. I know where the familiar forest is now, and I've already found him a day ago, it seems he hatched about a week ago."

Gorou:"I see."