
Reincarnated As Hendrickson in Another World!!

Guy gets reincarnated in another world, similar to Seven Deadly Sins in many ways. This guy just happens to be a great fan of said anime. He gets a system which helps him to create his own Holy Knights. He also get's to be reincarnated as Hendrickson. I don't own cover or Seven Deadly Sins elements from my story. MC gets reincarnated as Hendrickson!!! I don't own any picture from this fanfic !!

MegaDanijel · アニメ·コミックス
13 Chs

Chapter 7 More about this world

3 days later

In Hendrickson House , which will later be Base for his Order

Hendrickson Pov

In these three days i was busy learning more about this world , i managed to finish 7 quests and two missions from System, now accumulating 35,000 SP.

I'm planning to summon Lord Twigo!! Upgraded one obviously, But that's for later, let's return to present.

'Oh here it is' I though before putting map of the known world on my table.

MAP!! Ok i made it, i know it's not best but it shall suffice..

'All red is Demon Empire, blue on Eastern Continent is Kingdom of Lios and light blue is Duchy of Rlu.

'Light green on Eastern continent is Kingdom of Gree, Orange is Kingdom of Klasa, Brown is Kingdom of Ryuusha.' I though, while pointing at each one of them, memorizing them.

'Well, last war with Demon Empire was over 27 years ago, Demon Emperor has stated that Humanity doesn't stand a chance to survive if it doesn't unite, because of his words Humanity began to unite, either diplomatically or war. Kingdom of Lios is prime candidate to show this, it didn't exist till 24 years ago when King united three Kingdoms diplomatically, it didn't get such big border without wars either.'

'And soon, they will most likely go to war with Kingdom of Gree, But moving on, purple territory in Demon Empire on Easter Continent is Dragon Kingdom, ruled by Dragon King one of strongest beings on this world.' I though, while pointing at Dragon Kingdom.

'Let's move on to Central Continent, green is Kingdom of Lars, while purple is actually Kingdom of Tcuru, currently in Civil War. Island below Central Continent is ruled by Kingdom of Silvia.

'That shall be enough, to memorize for now, some other day i will also memorize Western Continent,' I though before closing map, and moving to living room, where i will summon Twigo,

'So i suppose Weird Fangs are on their quests, . I had made deal with My Holy Knights, 10% of their reward will be transported into our future Order Vault, while other 90% will be to their own use,' I though glancing at living room, before sitting on a couch.

'In these three day i had actually opened another account for our future Order, but i'm still deliberating for our name, currently account is called Knights of Liones.' I though 'And why name so similar to Kingdom of Liones from SDS, that's to make Knights more compatible, and my lack of inspiration .'

'System, show me Twigo's template, i want to change his Power Level.' I asked before a screen showed up in front of me, in it is Twigo, with his armor, and several options around him such as Customize Abilities, PL,Looks ,Equipment, intelligence ignored everything other than PL.

'He is weak, having a total power level of 320, barely C-Class, but after i'm done with him, he will be A-Class.' I though before upgrading his Magic to 300, Spirit to 300 and strength 700.. 'That should be enough, let's change his intelligence, '

Immediately opening Intelligence option, i upgraded Battle Experience and pure widsom. And then changing his personality, more humble and to nor kill own teamates.

*SWISH in a blink of light, new Holy Knight appeared. LORD TWIGO!!!

'He did cost 31,000 SP , he better be worth it..' I though glancing at him, who bowed same moment he located me..

"Oh! My Lord Hendrickson!!" Shouted Twigo, now changing from bowing to kneeling .." What someone of you strength would need of me!? Conclusion."

"Stop shouting for a second! Next stand up. Third, i need you to apply yourself as Holy Knight in this new world."

"Understand My Lord,Conclusion: but... Where could i apply?" Asked Twigo, now curious.

"You need to find Guild, it's not easy to miss. Great building, written Guild, just memorize your way from here and you'll be able to return." I casually ordered him, turning my back to return to my room, i need some sleep . It's night already.

"Yes, My Lord." Simply stated Twigo before standing up and leaving this building..

'Maybe i shouldn't have changed his personality?'I though before entering my room, and slowly taking off my armor, piece by piece.

'Time for new dreams i suppose.' I though before entering bed and slowly falling into sleep.

Next morning.


"Hello, i'm interested in history books. Do you have few?" I asked a girl who appeared to be cashier .

"Y-Yes, actually . Please follow me Sir, Holy Knight." Almost stuttered girl, but managed to fix whole sentence.

"We have numerous books of history from all other kingdoms or ancient stories. Sir, what are you interested in?" Asked Girl now showing at least 50 books on bookshelf..

"Great Holy War, history of Demon Empire." I answered before she brought 6 books, with different covers, one having demons other weapons. Or magic.

"This 6 books are most popular on these two aspects, contain most details, descriptions of individual and etc.

"Then i will take these 6, But do you books about cooking?" I answered and asked, i was also planning to learn how to cook, the faster i learn it the better.

"Yes, here sir, " Said girl before taking another book from other row of bookshelfs..

"Good, how much are they? " I asked taking all 7 books and putting them into my bag.

"25 Silver coins , sir." Answered Girl before i have taken out 25 from my pockets giving her and leaving this bookstore.

"Now i won't be bored, i will at least have something to do in free time, and something useful." I though before walking in direction of my house...

'Sadly world doesn't have internet, tv, pc or laptop. So ill have to dry my boredom with knowledge, while it would be useful in long run, it would became boring at some point. Well i liked history in my past life along with Geography so...' I still continued walking, now faster..

'Man, i just hope i won't get weird invitations to join other Orders, i got invitation from Iron Knights, Aqua Knights and some low level Orders. But it was still surprise getting invitation .' I though.

2 hours later in Hendrickson house.

As i was reading history book in living room, Weird Fangs and Twigo returned, but somehow nervous?

"My Lord, " Bowed Ruin before continuing." War with Kingdom of Gree was announced , we have week to travel to City of Zros,"

"War ha, we are close approximately 270km away from Kingdom of Gree, and 240km to Zros." I spoke ' This could be ...'

[DING!! New Mission.]

[Mission: Participate in War ]

[Reward : 120,000 SP]


I accepted immediately , it's not like i have a choice, i would be branded as traitor if i refuse to participate ... Reward is acceptable, with it i could summon a strong Holy Knight for sure..

"What is reward for participation ? And what Holy Knights are called?" I asked, but this time it was Jude who answered.

All, solo Holy Knights were called for participation , Crimson Knights and Aqua Knights are called from Ritas, while other Orders such As Iron Knights are left in town to defend it." Answered Jude, with his ever creepy voice, full of sadism. "In two hours all solo ,Crimson and Aqua Holy Knights are requested to be in front of Gate, we all are going to Zros together, with horses provided by Kingdom."

"Pack whatever you need, "I said simply, leaving this room and going into my bedroom to change my outfit from casual to my armor.

Chapter word count 1238