
Chapter 1, Part 1 - 2

David's POV:

I was planning on taking the train to get to work. While I was there, I read the Dragon Ball Super manga minding my business.

A little while later I felt someone touch my back. They pushed me. I landed hard on the rails. I was panicking. Why would someone do this? I looked up to see the culprit but they seemed to have vanished.

My day got worse as I heard the train. I hurriedly tried to get up, yelling for help. And yet, nobody did. They were just standing there watching.

The sound of the train got louder as I turned my head to see it. There was nothing I could do. I was going to die. Only 17 and I'm going to die. I tried to jump again, my lower half not touching the tracks. It was futile, I was killed by a fucking train. Everything went dark.





(AN: I will be playing around with this format. But it will not be overused.)

God: "You've died, how sad. Would you like to be born again?"

David: "Who said that?" I looked around the white atmosphere, I saw nothing.

God: "You can call me God. You, my friend, have died a tragic death. And so I give you a choice, stay in heaven or be born again."

David: "Like...reincarnation?"

God: "Depending on what you choose, it could be transmigration."

David: "What's transmigration?"

God: "Transmigration is when your soul is sent to another living body, two souls can't exist in one body. The person you transmigrate into will have their soul destroyed. Reincarnation is when the soul is reborn as an Infant."

David: "Nice to know. By the way, is this heaven?"

God: "This is neither heaven nor hell, for this is the neutral zone."

David: "Oh, okay. So can I be reborn as anyone?"

God: "I am God, there is nothing I can't do."

David: "Well, in that case...I was reading DB Super before my death and I've always liked Frieza as a character. So I want to be reborn as Frieza in the Dragon Ball verse!"

God: "You have to be a little more specific."

David: "Oh, right! When King Cold gave his empire to Frieza, send me there."

God: "As you wish."

Third person POV:

Everything goes dark. As David opened his eyes he saw that he wasn't in the neutral zone anymore but a ship. He sees two familiar shaped feet. David slowly looks up to see the towering figure of the mighty king Cold. "We must have a discussion", Cold stated.

David was trying his best to act formally, "But of course father."

"You have proved to me that you can be a ruler. I have decided to retire and you, Frieza, are worthy enough to continue my legacy. I am passing down my empire to you, my son."

(AN: I will be referring to him as Frieza from now on.)

Frieza's eyes widened in shock. 'This is unreal!' he thought. He stayed quiet for a few moments making Cold confused. "I could always continue to rule if you don't want to."

"I accept." Frieza says quickly. Cold smirked, "Very well."

**Unspecified amount of time later:**

The mothership landed on the planet known as Vegeta, the two frost demons get out of the ship to greet the Saiyans. King Vegeta, the leader of the warrior race, kneeled down once he saw them.

"I have an announcement to make. My son, Frieza, will be taking over my empire. You will now answer to him," Cold stated authoritatively.

"Yes, it is a pleasure to meet you all. I'm sure we will have plenty of fun." Frieza says with a grin plastered onto his face. 'With the knowledge of the future and the franchise as a whole I am unstoppable. If Frieza can get god levels of power by 4 months of training... I can get some light training done.' He thought to himself.

Frieza snapped out of it and had an idea. "Vegeta, send me the warrior known as Bardock. I need to have a chat with him." The king stumbled on his words, "W-why yes, o-of course." Vegeta turned to his fellow Saiyans and ordered them to find Bardock.

While that was happening Frieza was thinking about all of the possibilities of this new world. 'I wonder how strong I would be if I had my potential unlocked.'

His thinking was caught off by Cold, "Already getting to business, I knew I made the right decision."

"Indeed you have, father", Frieza says. "There is going to be another ship coming soon, I'll leave this one for you," Cold stated, glancing at the mothership. Frieza nods, shortly after the ship Cold was referring to arrives. He bids his son farewell and heads to wherever he was going.

Later, a group of Saiyans arrived with Bardock. He had an unsure expression. "What is the meaning of this?" The sharp haired Saiyan questioned. Frieza bows and introduces himself. "The name is Lord Frieza. Please, do not think of me as your enemy but your ally." The frost demon offers a handshake to the Saiyan.

Bardock reluctantly accepts, much to the delight of Frieza. "Now, follow me back to my ship." The frost demon commanded. Bardock does as told, the hatch to the ship closes. "Why do you need me?" The Saiyan asked. Frieza stared at the eyes of Bardock and asked him some questions. "Do you wish to have power? Planets, all the goods you could wish for?"

The Saiyan was now intrigued. "Well... yes, I do." Frieza smirked, "Good, you will do just fine." The Arcosian lifts up one finger and points at the Saiyan. "Forgive me in advance." Multiple ki blasts were shot at the Saiyan. His eyes widened in absolute shock. He slumps to the ground bleeding out.

"Berryblue!" Frieza began to yell. Faint footsteps are heard as the small alien was in the presence of Frieza. "Yes, my lord?"

"I want you to get a few soldiers and bring Bardock here into a healing chamber."

"As you wish." She did as told and had soldiers escort Bardock out the room. "This is going to be fun."

Berryblue arrived a little while later to inform Frieza that Bardock was fully healed. "Take me to him." Frieza commands. He follows Berryblue to a room filled with healing chambers. Bardock was indeed fully healed as he was staring daggers at Frieza.

"Oh, Don't be so hostile. Are you not able to tell how powerful you've gotten?" Frieza says nonchalantly. He presses a button on his scouter and reads his power level out loud. "23,000"

Bardock's face of anger turns into one of confusion. "What is your endgame here?" He asked suspiciously. "I'm changing history." Frieza replied with a mischievous grin. 'Man Frieza really messed up by not taking advantage of his potential.'

"Can I leave now? I have a pregnant wife to get back to." Bardock asked, annoyed. "No, there is one more thing I'd like you to do." Frieza stated. "What could it be now?"

"I want you to be the new king of Saiyans," Frieza says. Bardock was once again left bewildered. "What's in it for you?" Bardock questions. "Entertainment."

And just like that, Bardock smirks and agrees. "When should we announce it?" He asks. "We? No, no, no, you. Announce it when you find it necessary."

Bardock grunts, "Fine."

"You are dismissed, but tomorrow you will report back to me," Frieza announced. Bardock doesn't say anything and leaves the ship.

"I want you to be the new king of Saiyans," Frieza says. Bardock was once again left bewildered. "What's in it for you?" Bardock questions. "Entertainment."

And just like that, Bardock smirks and agrees. "When should we announce it?" He asks. "We? No, no, no, you. Announce it when you find it necessary."

Bardock grunts, "Fine."

"You are dismissed, but tomorrow you will report back to me." Frieza announced. Bardock doesn't say anything and leaves the ship.


Frieza held a meeting with the King. He states the following; "King Vegeta, I have called you here to make an announcement. From this moment onward you will no longer be king."

His face pales, "C-can you tell me why that is?" Vegeta questioned. Frieza puts a finger on his chin pretending to think. "I don't like your facial hair."

Vegeta didn't know what to say to that. What was he supposed to say? "Excuse me?" He blurted out.

"You heard me," Frieza retorted. "If you wish to continue to be king, you have to fight Bardock...to the death."

Bardock had been next to Frieza since the meeting started. He gave Vegeta a smirk.

The King looks at Frieza with a confident grin. "I mean this in the most respectful way, this Saiyan is low class scum. He has no chance against me."

Frieza turns to Bardock, "Personally, I wouldn't go out like that."

That was all Bardock had to hear. He powers up and charges the king. The former's eyes widen as he reads the power level of Bardock. "Stronger than my son? Impossible!"

The two start trading blows. Their fight lasted a few seconds as Frieza stopped it. "Bardock, now you wouldn't want to destroy your castle right? Take the fight outside."

They did as told and immediately continued to fight. It was clear that Bardock exceeded the power of Vegeta. The fight was a spectacular one.

More and more Saiyans are watching as a low classed Saiyan is destroying their king. Bardock sends a blast going through the chest of the king.

Vegeta seemed see-through as his chest had a massive hole in it. His eyes turned white as he was now falling. Bardock stairs at his body victorious.

Frieza exits the castle seeing Bardock. His knuckles bloody, he had a big smile on his face. The frost demon flies beside Bardock and declares him as the new king of Saiyans. "You have seen it here first. Bardock, a low class Saiyan has defeated your king. For he is your new king!"

They all cheer, Bardock floats down and embraces his fellow Saiyans. "This planet will no longer be referred to as planet Vegeta. It is now planet Bardock!"

Frieza appears beside Bardock and says, "I have some business to attend to. We will continue training once I return. Do I make myself clear?"

"Of course, Lord Frieza."

The frost demon boards his ship and orders a subordinate to fly to Namek. "Our next destination will be the planet known as Namek. I had a great idea just now." The subordinate does as told and begins to fly the ship. Frieza taps a button on his scouter and calls for two of his best soldiers. "Zarbon, Dodoria, you are to report to me as soon as you hear this. Don't make me wait."

Once the two soldiers report to Frieza's room, they are met with a devious smile. "We are going to have some fun." Zarbon and Dodoria look at each other, scared for their lives. Frieza transforms into his final form and readies himself for some light training.




It takes a total of ten days to get to Namek. Frieza had been training with Zarbon and Dodoria for all of those ten days. The frost demon saw some pretty impressive gains from the light training. The two soldiers had gotten a little bit more powerful.

"Finally, we have arrived. Planet Namek." Frieza was grinning like crazy, it was all so surreal. "A beautiful planet indeed."

"Lord Frieza, may I ask why you wanted to visit planet Namek?" Zarbon questioned. "For the magical wish orbs of course."

"Are you sure they exist, my lord?" Dodoria questioned. Frieza was getting irritated, he blasts a death beam straight through Dodorias heart. Zarbon watched on, now fearful for his own life.

Frieza stares at Zarbon, "Watch who you're talking to." He warns. Zarbon stays quiet. "Now, let's go find these dragon balls."

Hours later they find the final dragon ball. It was with the grand elder Guru. "Hello, I have come to your lovely planet to make wishes on the dragon balls. The last one seems to be with you. Give it to me and I'll be on my way."

Guru stays quiet for a moment before talking. "Your spirit does not belong in this body. I sense some small amounts of evil in your heart. What will you wish for?"

"That does not concern you. I have come peacefully, it would be a shame if you were to die here."

"Enough," said the Namekian who was there to protect the elder.

"No, fighting is not necessary. He is right, grab the last remaining ball and grant his wishes." Said the grand elder.

Nail did as told and summoned the dragon. "My first wish is to be 5 centimeters taller. My second wish is to make the Saiyan known as Bardock immortal. Lastly, my third wish is to be immortal." Nail translates his wishes to the dragon. Porunga gives an 'okay' hand gesture signaling that the wishes were done.

Porunga returns to the dragon balls, Nail excuses himself and returns to the grand elder. "Now, this is way more practical than almost killing Bardock and immediately having to heal him."

Frieza gestures to Zarbon, "I have no use for you anymore. But let me tell you, I am not going to kill if I don't have a reason. You are free to leave the Frieza force if you like."

Zarbon thought for a moment and decided it was probably best if he went back to his home planet. "I wish to return to my planet, my lord."

Frieza nods as the both of them board the ship. A couple days into flying they are greeted by two people. Beerus, God of Destruction of U7 and Whis, the angel that trained Beerus. They were let in by a subordinate. 'Shit, does he know about the immortality?' The frost demon greeted the two respectfully.

"Frieza, these Saiyans under your rule are quite troublesome. We both know how much you despise them. And so, I am ordering you to destroy the planet. If it's not done within a year, you will be destroyed. Do I make myself clear?"

"Of course Lord Beerus."

The god seemed tired as he simply said: "Mhmm. Whis we are done here." And just like that they were gone. 'Holy shit, I actually met Beerus!'

It would be a week until Frieza eventually returns to planet Bardock. He didn't spend that month doing nothing, no, he used Zarbon as a training partner. The former was fully healed from the healing chamber before returning to his home planet.

The ship lands on the planet, the hatch opens revealing the frost demon. Frieza did not waste any time in heading to the throne room of the castle. Waiting there was Bardock, he was holding a baby Kakarot in his hands. Gine was also there right by his side.

"Well, well, isn't this a lovely sight. Bardock, may I have a word with you?" Frieza says. "Of course." Bardock hands over Kakarot to Gine, she was a little intimidated by the presence of Frieza.

They made sure they were far away enough so Gine wouldn't hear their conversation. "So, Frieza, did you have a growth spurt?" Bardock says amused. Frieza ignores the comment and tells Bardock that he made wishes on the dragon balls. "The two of us are now immortal, we can now grow even faster!"

Bardock's eyes widened, "Immortal? What the hell are you talking about?"

"Oh, don't be like that. This is a good thing, a king like you is supposed to be powerful." Frieza says. "What about my family? I am going to be alive while they're all dead!" Bardock whisper shouted. "Relax, it can be reversed. Let's just have some fun with it. Maybe you'll even become a super saiyan."

The comment about the super saiyan caught Bardock off guard. "Super Saiyan? But that is just a myth. The super saiyan is not real."

"I choose to disagree. Train with me and maybe you'll achieve it. What do you say?" Frieza says, awaiting the answer. "I would love to but I have a second child now, I can't just leave my wife."

"Yes, you can. Let's go." Frieza states. Bardock returns back to Gine, they talk for a few moments and Bardock returns back to Frieza. "Let's get to training." The saiyan says, grinning. They head to a wasteland and stare each other down.

Bardock was the one to make the first move. The saiyan uses his speed to deck Frieza in the face. It did nothing, the space emperor had gotten very powerful in just that month of training. Frieza retaliated by blasting the saiyan to smithereens, nothing was left of Bardock.

And shortly after he regenerates, gaining a two hundred times boost in his power. Bardock goes from a power level of 23,000 to a staggering 4,600,000. Bardock was shocked, "So you weren't lying about the immortality."

"I wouldn't have killed you if that wasn't the case." Frieza replied nonchalantly. "It's time that I get my getback," Bardock declared. Frieza smirked, "You can try, you will not put a scratch on me."

Bardock attempts to strike Frieza but fails everytime. Frieza kills Bardock over and over for the next three months. During this time Bardock did in fact get hungry, but thanks to immortality the feeling of hunger immediately fades.

The training was done, Bardock is now the most powerful amongst his race. He was lacking one thing, super saiyan. "It doesn't seem like I'm a super saiyan. With this power however, I might as well be one."

"You're right, and honestly I don't know how I can even make you a super saiyan. All I can say right now is I am now extremely powerful. As of now, I do not need you as my training partner. ***For now.***"

Frieza begins to cover himself in a gray aura. Bardock watches on intrigued.

'I just did three more months of training. Training with a saiyan that gets stronger every time I kill him. There is no doubt about it. I am far above 'Resurrection F' Frieza'.

The battlefield is covered in Frieza's aura. Once it died down, Frieza was standing there in his newly acquired platinum form. The planet shakes just by the pressure the form is giving out. He soon detranforms, Bardock was there staring at Frieza. "T-that power, you're a monster."

Frieza cackles, "If you say so. Don't wanna keep Gine waiting right? By the way, it seems like you are in need of a change of clothes."

Bardock looks down on himself to see that Frieza was right, he needed some armor, more specifically, clothes. He looks back at Frieza to see that he is gone. "What the hell..."

The frost demon returns with a new change of clothes and armor. Frieza had always been fast, with this training he was even faster. Bardock puts on the change of clothes "Before we depart I need to talk to you about something." Frieza started. "What could it be now?"

"I want us to be able to trust each other and so I will tell you as it is. The God of Destruction Beerus has ordered me to destroy the planet."

Bardock doesn't know what to say, "Is this some kind of sick joke?"

"I am very serious. If I fail in doing so, my life is going to be taken just like that. There won't be an afterlife for me. Just nothingness, as if I never existed. You put yourself in my predictimet and tell me you wouldn't do the same. I'm going to destroy the planet, you are either with me or against me."

The Saiyan is quiet for a couple of minutes. He is in deep thought. Bardock eyes eventually land on Friezas. "If this is true and Beerus told you to do this...there is really nothing I can do about it. So what about Kakarot and Gine? I can't let them die."

"Don't worry about that. There is a planet called Earth, populated by humans. They are similar to Saiyans in appearance. You can take one of the smaller ships and head there." Bardock nods, "Thank you for telling me about this. Thank you for everything you've done for me."

"Okay, okay, enough of this sappy bullshit. I've got business to attend to. I will be on my merry way." Frieza tells Bardock. They began to head their separate ways.