
Reincarnated as Draco's Twin To Dominate Hogwarts

Finding himself getting thrown into the wizarding world of Harry Potter and being reborn as Malfoy's brother, Skyler, our protagonist, shall unravel the perilous path before him to prevent the resurrection of the Dark Lord and to raise Slytherin's honor. Using his knowledge before traversing, Skyler, who's known as a famous archaeologist from our world, will use all his knowledge to aid him in learning the magical spells. Born from the same mother, how can Skyler deal with the perk of being born as Draco's brother? Will he grow up to be as kind and loving as Narcissa, or will he grow into the proud Pure-Blooded figure of Lucius? This is a translated work with over 400+ Chapters The chapter will be updated every day on 23:00 GMT+7 You can read future 40 chapters ahead at [p][a][t][r][e][o][n].com/Scaramousse !

Scaramousse · アニメ·コミックス
284 Chs

Chapter 100 "Professor Trelawney"

The north tower of Hogwarts Castle.

Above a small staircase in the Divination classroom.

This is the office of the Professor of Divination at Hogwarts—Skyler can be sure that this is definitely the shabby office in Hogwarts. There is nothing but a desk and a bed in it.

Professor Trelawney opened her eyes wide, and said in her signature, soft, vague voice: "Welcome to my office, you are—"

"Hello Professor, I am Skyler of the Malfoy family. I am here to greet you."

"Oh, Malfoy's second son? I've heard your name, uh... it seems you are not my student..." Professor Trelawney said with some confusion.

"Professor, it's like this. I'm encountering some mundane difficulties now, so I came to seek your help. I hope that through your celestial eyes and your vision, you can help me find the answer." Skyler politely said his request.

"Interesting." Professor Trelawney said calmly, "Why do you think of asking me for help?"

She went on to say: "Do you know that in my teaching career in the past ten years, you are the first student to come to me for guidance!"

"I once heard of your grandmother, Cassandra Trelawney. Miss Cassandra Trelawney is undoubtedly a true master of prophecy." Skyler said.

"However, after her, there has never been a prophet in my family," Professor Trelawney said softly, "I know that many people in the school think I am a liar. Do you still think I will prophesy?"

"Teacher, why do you care too much about the opinions of those fools in the world? Most wizards don't believe in so-called prophecies, especially about bad news, so no one will want to believe in prophecies before the real disaster strikes. This is Humanity!"

Skyler continued: "As for me, I believe that Professor you know how to predict, but you can't master your own prediction ability, and you can't use it as you like..." Skyler's tone was full of confidence.

"Oh, interesting, why do you think that?" Professor Trelawney's eyes flashed shrewdly.

She had seen countless people with half-hearted Divination without being dismantled, and her gaze had almost become her.

She felt the depth and wisdom of Dumbledore in Skyler's instinct. To deal with this kind of person, any deception and blindness are useless, so it's better to go straight to the point.

"Professor Dumbledore is old, but he is not senile or idiot. He decided to hire you as a Professor of Divination at Hogwarts. Obviously he thinks you have such qualifications."

"Yeah..." Professor Trelawney said to herself, "I admit that Dumbledore did not have a good interest in Divination at first. At that time, he told me that Hogwarts was going to give a Divination class and wanted to invite me to be a Professor, but before that, Dumbledore wanted me to make a prediction for him."

"Although I don't remember the content of the prophecy anymore, shortly after that, probably after the fall of the mysterious man, I came to Hogwarts as a Professor of Divination. At that time, there was no so-called Divination class in the school."

"It seems that the prophecy has come true," Skyler said softly.

"Close to the subject, since you know that I don't have my ability to predict, then the purpose of your coming to me is..."

Skyler took out a bottle of potion from his arms, "This is a potion that I specially refined. It can permanently increase a person's Psyche, or in layman's terms, Sentience. The main material is very rare—even I have only one bottle of the rare adult Thunderbird's tears. For your diviners, it is even more precious. It can enhance your vision."

(Note: The rarity of thunderbirds is about the same as that of phoenixes. They are protected species in North America. The ones Newt saved were only smuggled to Egypt)

Trelawney's eyes flashed with various changes. She was not a fool. Skyler was able to bring such a precious potion to the door. Obviously he was very conspiring.

Although she is very emotional, she is used to living an easy life.

Although she is often looked down upon at school, she has no worries about food and clothing, and there is no risk in her life. That is also the case if she really has any emotional problems because of this.

One bottle of Sydney wine can solve the problem; if it still doesn't work, then two bottles are needed.

She decided to go straight ahead, "What do you need me to do for you?"

Skyler smiled and said, "Professors are clever people, and I will not ask too much. Two things—first, I hope that the Professor can do favor for me ten times without violating personal principles," Skyler looked into his eyes. Suddenly, he became sharp, his gaze locked tightly to Trelawney's.

"Second, I hope that the Professor can form an alliance with the Malfoy family. You can continue to be your Professor at Hogwarts, but if you can, you must help the forces I represent. Of course, you will not suffer, Professor. Every time you make a shot, I can offer you a bottle of potion in exchange, how about it?"

Trelawney only hesitated for a while, and then agreed.

Skyler offered very rich conditions and was able to make friends with the Trelawney family in full swing.

At this moment, it was profitable and harmless.

Although she was a Professor, multiple paths meant more choices!

Dumbledore is not immortal. If one day she doesn't know which headmaster who doesn't have long eyes fired, at least she still has a place to go.

Professor "Sybil Trelawney" has become an ally!

Skyler used the first chance of Divination. He chose to use it on Wilda Griffith.

This was a good temptation, allowing him to see the true strength of Trelawney!

Trelawney poured the entire bottle of potion into her mouth.

She closed her eyes and was drunk in the skyrocketing spiritual sense. A strange pattern shining with blue light appeared on her forehead.

It was in the shape of an eye, but there were many tentacles similar to plant roots around the eyes, which densely covered her forehead.

"This is the legendary Third Eye?" Skyler thought to himself, it seemed that he was right, and the power of Trelawney's blood really didn't let him down.

The natural ability of Divination is also divided into grades, and the Third Eye is undoubtedly the top one.

The crystal ball on Trelawney's desk suddenly burst out with dazzling light, like a Muggle projector, casting a very real illusion.

The phantom shows a small room that looks like a cargo warehouse. There are no windows except for a door. Skyler can see Griffith sitting on a chair with a black cloth handle on her head.

Her eyes were blindfolded, her hands were tied to the back of the chair by a weird rope, and her feet were also fixed to the legs of the chair.

There are also two men in the room. One sits in a chair and smokes a famous wizard cigar.

The other walks back and forth in the room with a very nervous expression.

The only thing in common is that they both hold their hands tightly with a magic wand.

Griffith in the picture tilted his head, as if he was in a coma. As long as there is a slight sign of waking up, he will be re-released with a Stupefy.

"It's amazing," Skyler said, "Professor, can you please move your third eye farther, let me see what the outside of this room looks like..."

Some ripples appeared in the picture, as if the illusion was a little unstable. Just after the picture began to slowly become blurred, Trelawney's celestial eye traces lit up again, and the whole picture slowly rose up.

In the picture, the people and things slowly become insignificant, and Skyler sees the appearance of the building where the room is.

The exterior of the building looked like the most common small warehouse in the Muggle world, but this couldn't fool Skyler.

It was definitely the handwriting of a wizard; the entire warehouse exuded invisible magical fluctuations, likely due to the Muggle expulsion curse.

Inferred from the perspective of sunlight and shadows, this building was located in the north of England.

Coupled with clues inferred from other nearby buildings and scenery, the area had been narrowed down to more than a dozen places.

This was sufficient. Providing these clues to Scrimgeour, the rest would be the Auror's business.

Doing this not only earned the favor of Deverill and Slughorn but also allowed them to receive a favour from Scrimgeour.

Simultaneously, it measured Trelawney's strength—a move that could be described as four birds with one stone.

Skyler was very satisfied with Trelawney's Divination ability.

Then he made a second request for Divination, not Meredith, but Mrs. Shabini!

Divination is not omnipotent. If Meredith's position at the moment is protected by the Bravery Charm, then even knowing the position will be useless.

It would only be inaccessible, much like the last time in Shafiq's ancestral house.

The reason for choosing the object of Divination as Mrs. Shabini was precisely because Skyler suspected that she was the female member who appeared in the Shadow Dragon that day!

Professor Trelawney took a rest for a while. She hadn't fully adapted to her complete bloodline talent, so the Divination now consumed much of her mind.

She entered the meditation state again. With the experience of the last time, the third eye was activated more quickly, and the marks on her forehead were much clearer than before.

In the illusion, two long wooden boxes resembling coffins appeared.

The boxes were intricately carved with numerous mysterious Guruni Charms, designed to cut off external influences and better preserve the contents within.

The scene then shifted to an altar, where the two coffins were placed.

This time, the coffins emitted magical fluctuations familiar to Skyler – soul magic. A sense of foreboding crept over him as he wondered what they intended to do.

Soon, two figures walked onto the altar – one was Mrs. Shabini, and the other, whom Skyler had never met but recognized as Mrs. Selwyn.

They whispered to each other, but the picture was a bit fuzzy, and Trelawney's phantom magic couldn't convey the sound. Skyler couldn't decipher their conversation.

Wait a minute—this figure seems a bit off. The Selwyn family is undoubtedly a pure-blood faction, and Mr. Selwyn is even a Death Eater.

Though there are conflicts between the Selwyn and Malfoy families, it's primarily a matter of interest distribution, not ideological conflict. Why would Madame Selwyn be associating with the Shadow Dragon?

Is this the Selwyn family's most significant secret, or is it Mrs. Selwyn's personal matter hidden from the family?

As Trelawney let out a soft cry, the entire picture shook, and a spider-web-like crack appeared, breaking into pieces that turned into little stars and dissipated.

Professor Trelawney seemed exhausted, having overstrained herself, and had fallen asleep.

After a moment of contemplation, Skyler left a note, turned, and exited the room.

Chapters will be updated daily at 23:00 GMT+7!

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