
Reincarnated as Brendan in Pokemon

An average Pokemon fan gets reincarnated as Brendan in Hoenn. Will he be able to adapt to this new world? Well read and see bruh. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ This is my original Fanfic The first few chapters are short deal with it. The rest are still short, but 1.1k words each My first time trying to write anything, besides my narratives in school, so go easy on me :( If I made a mistake please point it out, I will try to fix them, there will probably be a lot of em xd. This fanfic is based on the games Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire because I've played Gen 3 the most out of all of the games and is an all-time favourite Generation of Pokemon for me.

Delb · ゲーム
41 Chs

Chapter 13

"Hey is that you Brendan?"

Brendan hearing this energetic voice can already guess who it is. Brendan turning around, spots a cute looking girl with huge red ribbon tied in her hair.

Brendan has known May since he became an assistant to Professor Birch. Everyday she would always hop by the lab and chat with her father (Professor Birch) and interact with Branden showing off her own Torchic.

"May. It's been a while since I've seen you and Torchic, you already started your journey a few weeks ahead of me." (In ORAS games it's mentioned that your rival has already had their starter since she/he was a child).

Brendan says in a soft tone remembering the days of him running around the lab with a mischievous May and Torchic pulling pranks against the researchers.

May, with her very bubbly personality liked to interact with Brendan because of his contrast personality making their conversations very interesting.

"It's been a while Brendan, you already beat your dad for your first gym badge or what?"

"Yeah I got the normal type gym badge, im here for my 2nd gym badge against Roxanne."

Brendan says while currently thinking about the Pokemon Roxane as they counter his Combusken, but thankfully he has his Grovyle and can play around Grovyle to win the match as no one is Grovyles match in the rock-type gym that's in the second gym badge level pokemon.

"Be careful about Roxanne, her Nosepass is a real power house that can't be underestimated. Combusken and I almost lost to her but were able to pull through. Have you heard of the tournament that's gonna be happening here in two weeks?"

Brendan knowing full well that May probably powered her way through the gym battle without any before hand preparations, wasn't surprised when hearing about her barely winning especially with her typing disadvantage.

"Yeah, on the way into the City I found a poster about it. The prize is pretty amazing a lot of people will be joining this tournament in hopes of trying to win it all for the choice of one of the royal starters of Hoenn."

"That means, me and Combusken can fight many more people and beat them!"

Brendan still thinking about Nosepass, suddenly blinks multiple times.

"Let's head over to the cafe and catch up for a little bit."

Brendan and May head over to a few seats and order some drinks. After a while of chatting May and Brendan make their separate ways, Brendan booking in a room and end up sleeping for the rest of the day.

* * * The next day * * *

Brendan, already awake, is currently outside the PokeCentre.

'It's time for my next gym battle with Roxanne, it should be an easy battle as long as I am able to successfully play around my Grovyle and use my other Pokemon to do chip damage.'

Brendan currently thinking about Roxanne's second gym badge-level team. Roxanne, to Brendans knowledge from the official website, has a Geodude, Onix, and Nosepass for her team. It shouldn't be too hard for him, so he decided to head there now and battle her now after.

Brendan had already booked his fight when he entered the City so he doesn't need to wait.

'So this is Rustboro's Gym, quite the wide rocky arena way different than dad's flat gymnasium battle field.'

Brendan, thinking about how some of the big stones are good spots to use to dodge Pokemon moves, suddenly, hears someone.

"Hey trainer are you here for a gym battle?"

A person with a referee's outfit asks Brendan.

"Yes im here to challenge this gym for my second badge, I've already made a booking."

"Okay challenger head up to the platform and there you should be able to start you battle with Roxanne."

Brendan hearing this, proceeds to head to the platform and use his ID to confirm who he is and if he has a booking. Finally, getting up the platform, Brendan sees a rather young lady looking about a few years older than himself, on the opposite side of her own platform.

"Challenger Brendan has challenged Roxanne Rustboro's Gym leader to an official gym battle! This battle will be a three vs three battle with the challenger being able to switch out Pokemon once, Begin!"

Brendan hearing the referee throw a Pokeball, same as Roxanne.



Roxanne makes the first move and calls out.

"Geodde use defence curl then sandstorm!"

Brendan hearing this quickly tries to counter as having a sand storm up would be a huge disadvantage for him.

"Kirlia use psybeam don't let it finish its move!"

Geodude successfully getting a defence curl but was hit directly by psybeam. Psybeam doing a lot of damage makes Geodude flinch.

"Geodude use rock throw as cover to use rock polish!"

Geodude hearing this pulls it self back up together and gets a medium size boulder and chucks it at Kirlia at fast speeds.

"Kirlia use teleport!"

Kirlia uses teleport and dodges but not fully as Kirlia got grazed in the side dealing some damage.

"Geodude get up close and go for a smack down!" (It's a rock-polished Geodude. It isn't slow anymore).

"Kirlia use draining kiss!"

Kirlia using draining kiss, trying to deal damage to Geodude. Unfortunately for Brendan Geodude dodges and hits Kirlia with a Critical Smack down, making the Kirlia faint. (This isn't like the games where stats matter in this world. It's more of the strength and strategic usage of moves to win).

'Damn I didn't expect a rock-polished Geodude to be this fast, but I still got this under control.'

Brendan grabbing a Pokeball on his belt, enlargens it and makes it roll off his has releasing a red beam.

"Grovyle Grovyle!"

"Geodude use rock throw!"

Brendan seeing this move, already, thinks of a counter.

"Grovyle cut it with leafage then attack Geodude with an energy ball!"

Brendan deciding to make Grovyle cut the boulder because he can make Grovyle use one of the halves as cover to use an energy ball.

Grovyle jumping uses the leafs in its hand and hardens it with grass energy and proceeds to cut the large boulder and immediately use the energy ball.

"Geodude dodge!"

Roxanne without any options left, tells Geodude to dodge as he doesn't have any moves suitable to counter an energy ball.

Govyles energy ball directly hits Geodude, knocking it out of the stadium.

Brendan seeing Govyle's win proceeds to return it to its Pokeball for a little rest and calls out Combusken while Roxanne calls out Onix on the other side of the battle field.

"Combusken use flamethrower!"

"Onix use Rock slide to counter the flamethrower"

The raging flames of Combusken heading towards Onix get stopped by multiple falling rocks. Brendan seeing this, thinks of a move.

"Combusken use quick night slash while using the rocks from the rock slide for momentum!"

"Onix use dragon breath!"

* * *

Moves this chapter:

Rock slide (A bunch of rocks being hurled from a top postion)

Dragon breath

Energy ball (A ball of grass energy)

Quick attack


Rock Throw

Rock polish (Polishes the Pokemon making it lighter)

Leaf age (A slash with grass energy)

Night slash (A slash with dark energy)

Smack down


Draining kiss (An attack with fairy energy that drains energy)

Psybeam (Beam of psychic energy)

* * *

Do you guys like these type of chapters where there's 1500+ word count?

Also Thank you guys for the 29 power stones. I never thought when making this I would get over 5 xd.

Also 50k views noice

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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