
Reincarnated as Big Mom's Child(one piece)

This is for fun Made so enjoy. also, I do not own most of the characters in this story and they belong to one piece but I own the OC HE WILL NOT JOIN THE STRAWHATS so join at your own risk And he will become a pirate also, owners of one piece if you ask me to take it down I Will the cover is not mine and if they ask me to take it down I will

TheDivineOne_13 · アニメ·コミックス
19 Chs

(Time to go out on my journey.Last Part)

Damn she really is taking every juice out of my body let me finish this'.Congo thought as he was thinking what to do he noticed smoothie seemed like she was charging her attack Smoothie said {Aura}

'WHAT THE SHE HAS AURA'.Congo thought

Smoothie dashed at Congo





'SHIT She's 10 times stronger than before and faster'.Congo thought Smoothie slashed CONGO'S ARMOUR AND BLOOD WAS SQUIRTING OUT OF HIS CHEST

"AHHHH".Congo said

"Too weak let me end this sorry brother". Smoothie said and tried to stab her sword into congo's chest But Congo swiftly dodged it and went backwards

"Sorry I can't lose this".Congo said and charged Smoothie and smoothie did the same Congo said {Void Phoenix ascension Fist} And Smoothie said {SWORD STRIKER}




*Mission done*

*No reward*

*No punishment*

(Big mum POV)

'MAMAMA smoothie was holding back and using half of her power and pretending to be knocked out Hahahaha these fools only Katakuri will know HAHAHAHA'.Big mum thought

(Big Mum POV end)

(Congo room)

"Uhg please tell me I didn't lose open status".Congo said

Congo/Mr chocolate 17 years old

229 strength (Superhuman strength)

200 agility (Superhuman strength)

80 intelligence (superhuman brain)

90 Observation Haki

100 Armament Haki

70 Conqueror Haki

100 swordsmanship mastery (Master MAX)

Spirit bomb SWORD ATTACK

Dark Slash



Quickstep (Move behind your enemy)

300 Sword Swings

Kneel stance


Void Phoenix ascension Fist


'Nothing changed so I'll guess that if I and the person draw or both get knocked out the system will automatically say that doesn't count or work? uhhh I don't know I'm too tired to think right now'.Congo thought

(2 days later)



"Come in".Congo said

"Hello young master Lady Big Mum said it's

time".The maid said

"I'm coming".Congo said

'Yesss finally I can get out of this place and start my adventure HAHAHAHAHA ITS TIME'. Congo thought with a big smile on his face

(Big Mum Office)

"Hello mama the maid said it's time I'm guessing I can go and represent the family and become stronger so I can live up to your expectations".Congo said

"MAMA smart you got it right it's time you go out and CAUSE CHAOS TO THE WORLD END BECOME STRONGER FOR ME".Big Mum said with a massive smile on her face

"Alright mama I'll get going now".Congo said

"Wait let me give you stuff so you can survive on the sea".Big Mum said then clicked her fingers making a shockwave suddenly lots of maids carrying Gold (Money) Clothes food and all sorts

"This is all yours make sure you don't finish the money all at once also maids carry all of this to his new ship".Big Mum said

"Wow Thanks mama".Congo said while following the maids to his ship


'SO BEAUTIFUL LORD HAVE MERCY WHAT THE HELL I need to calm down now I need to know what I'm going to do now when I get on the sea'.Congo said in shock how massive his new ship is also thinking of his future plans

(Congo's ship)

"Wow I'm finally on sea let me look at the map that ma.. Big mum gave me What the fuck I know I'm in the new world but 2 weeks to get to the grand line damn I'm going to miss a lot well I better set sail to go there".Congo said while getting set on his journey to go to the grand line 1 to meet Luffy, ace and others also the new world might be a bit too much for him so he wants to get some of his crew in the grand line.

(1week later random island👉)

Congo has been having a rough time on the sea because you can't predict what's going to happen in the new world the weather changes randomly that brings us here Congo was just hiding in his room because it was raining madly and there was a storm he was confident his ship could handle it because he has done this multiple times.

"Fuck I need to go to the nearest Island fast as possible also if I could I would try taking NAMI from Luffy BECAUSE I NEED A NAVIGATOR, let's check on the map the nearest Island, oh let's go it should be around here fuck I need to go outside quickly and go to the fucking island NOW".Congo said while going to the steering wheel

"I made it finally".Congo said as he was going to the ship import

"Hello how are you what business do you have on this lovely island".Town folk said

"oh I'm just here to relax for the day is that fine?".Congo said

"Yes most definitely but be careful because pirates like to come here".Town folk said

"Thanks for the heads up bye".Congo said

Congo was heading to the middle of the town to get to an inn to sleep for the night suddenly a boy flew out of a bar he looked like a 15 year old

(The boy but imagine him looking like with dirty clothes and unkept hair👉)

"Uhhhh".The boy screamed in pain as the villagers ignored it

'Why is nobody helping this boy'.Congo thought

"Don't touch him or you will be like him". The Pirate said

'He Looks a bit strong but he's just a scum pirate better just leave don't wanna cause too much trouble'.Congo said

"Help me please".The boy said in a tiny whisper

'Fuck keep on moving Congo'.Congo thought and kept on walking

"Good shity villager keep on going haha".The pirate said and stomped on the kid

"Ahhh shit you called me shity and you even have the nerve to beat a kid up right in front of me how disgusting punny shit".Congo said with a nasty glare at the pirate

'There's 10 of them easy'.Congo thought

Congo dashed at the pirate and punched his gut the pirate flew into the bar then the other pirates rushed Congo , Congo swiftly dodged their swords and punched every single one of them in the gut or face making sure they suffer some injuries

"Weak hahahaha nothing compared to my mother".Congo said then walked away

"Wa.. wait please please wait".The boy said

"Uhg fine".Congo said then picked up the boy and put him on his shoulders


"What to do well I think I should at least listen to what the boy wants".Congo said and poured water onto his face

"AHHHHH WHERE AM I".The boy said

"Relax I just saved your ass at least try not to make me death also don't worry your safe what's your name".Congo said

"Sona and please take me with you whatever you want I will do it".Sona said

"Where are your parents?".Congo said

"Dead passed away 2 years ago and I've been living by my own since also I tried making money by trying everything by doing dishes to being a punching bag to those pirates".Sona said

"Huh ok but I let me tell you something I'm a pirate and I only recruit the best so I'll have to decli..".Congo was cut off by Sona


"Gosh fine I'll take you but first your skinny and weak right now it's going to be hell with me let me tell you that also how old are you?".Congo said

"Wow thanks so much And I'm 15".Sona said with a big smile on his face

"We'll get some sleep were going to head out tomorrow".Congo said

(Well that's it first crewmate Also don't forget to comment and send me power stones if you like the novel so far)