
Reincarnated as Ash: A Pokémon Tale

Noir found himself reincarnated as Ash Ketchum, the iconic Pokémon Trainer. Overwhelmed yet intrigued, he gradually began to accept his new identity. With a mysterious system presenting him with quests, Ash felt a thrill of excitement surge within him as he envisioned the adventures that lay ahead, ready to forge his own path in this vibrant world of Pokémon.

sssachin098 · アニメ·コミックス
30 Chs

Training on Route 1

As Ash and Pikachu arrived at the deep in Route 1, Ash pulled the Light Ball from his system bag. The grass around them rustled softly in the breeze, the scent of fresh earth mingling with the warmth of the afternoon sun.

Birds chirped in the distance, and the path before them was lined with tall grass that swayed gently under the wind's touch. Ash crouched down, handing the Light Ball to Pikachu with a smile. "This is for you, buddy. It'll boost your Electric-type moves. It's a special item for a Pikachu like you."

Pikachu's eyes lit up as it took the Light Ball, gripping it proudly. "Pika!" it squeaked, clearly excited to get stronger.

Ash smiled, standing up as he surveyed the area. The grassy terrain seemed perfect for training, with patches of wildflowers adding splashes of color. "Alright, let's find a good place to train," he said, scanning the surroundings.

With cool-headed focus, Ash accessed the Arc Pokédex. The device buzzed softly in his hand as it scanned the area for wild Pokémon.

A glowing map popped up, highlighting a grassy clearing a short distance ahead where wild Pokémon were abundant. "This spot should do," Ash said, giving Pikachu a nod. "Let's make the most of it."

The two set off, Pikachu staying close as they pushed through the thick grass, the rustling getting louder with each step. Upon arriving at the training spot, the breeze grew slightly stronger, and Ash could feel the energy of the wild Pokémon nearby.

It was as though the air itself buzzed with potential challenges. Ash, still calm but now with a spark of excitement, decided it was time to start.

"Pikachu, let's check your status," he said, opening the Arc Pokédex once more. The Rotom face buzzed onto the screen, chirping with playful enthusiasm.

"Time to check Pikachu's stats, bzzt-bzzt! Hold on to your hat, Ash!" Rotom quipped in its quirky voice.

Ash chuckled softly as the updated stats appeared:



Level: 5

Type: Electric

Ability: Static

Hidden Ability: Lightning Rod

Nature: Jolly

Held Item: Light Ball


Thunder Shock (Electric, 40 Power)

Growl (Normal, Status)

Egg Moves:

Volt Tackle


Fake Out


"You're in great shape, Pikachu," Ash said confidently, his voice relaxed but filled with determination. "Let's focus on mastering Quick Attack first, and then we'll work on Thunder Wave and Double Team. We need speed and control."

As they prepared to train, a wild Pidgey suddenly appeared, swooping down from a nearby tree. Its wings flapped aggressively, kicking up dust as it landed in front of them. Ash, calm and focused, sized up the situation, feeling the faint rush of wind from Pidgey's wings.

"Alright, Pikachu, let's show Pidgey what we've got. Use Thunder Shock!"

Pikachu's cheeks sparked, a bright crackle of electricity building up before it released a bolt of energy that crackled through the air, hitting Pidgey with a sharp crack. Pidgey let out a cry, feathers ruffled from the hit, but quickly shook it off, darting forward with a Tackle attack.

Ash's eyes narrowed, quickly analyzing the move. "Dodge to the right and use Quick Attack!"

Pikachu moved like a flash, its body blurring as it zipped past the incoming Pidgey, avoiding the Tackle with expert precision. Then, in one swift motion, Pikachu shot forward, colliding with Pidgey before it could react.

The force sent the wild bird Pokémon tumbling into the grass, defeated. The air was filled with the faint scent of singed feathers, and the tension of the battle dissipated.

Ash grinned slightly, his confidence unwavering. "Nice work. You've learned Quick Attack."

The rustling of the tall grass around them seemed to grow quieter as Ash and Pikachu continued to train, battling multiple wild Pokémon. With each battle, Pikachu's speed and precision improved, and the bond between them grew stronger. As they moved through the clearing,

Ash noted the changes in the landscape—the shadows of trees stretched longer as the sun began to sink lower in the sky, casting a soft, golden hue over everything.

Pikachu had successfully learned Thunder Wave and Double Team by midday, paralyzing opponents and boosting its evasiveness.

Ash, ever the strategist, pushed Pikachu just enough to hone its skills without overworking him. The Arc Pokédex buzzed occasionally, tracking their progress and providing helpful advice.

By the time the sun began to set, casting a soft orange glow across the horizon, Ash reviewed Pikachu's updated status:


Pikachu (Updated Status)

Level: 7

Type: Electric

Ability: Static

Hidden Ability: Lightning Rod

Best Nature: Jolly

Held Item: Light Ball


Thunder Shock (Electric, 40 Power)

Quick Attack (Normal, 40 Power)

Thunder Wave (Electric, Status)

Double Team (Normal, Status)

Egg Moves:

Volt Tackle


Fake Out


Ash crossed his arms, watching Pikachu playfully spark with excitement after the long day of battles. "You've come a long way in just half a day, Pikachu. We're getting stronger, and this is just the beginning."

Pikachu nodded eagerly, still crackling with residual energy, though Ash could see the signs of fatigue setting in. "Pika-pika!" Pikachu chirped, clearly proud of its progress but panting lightly.

Ash smiled warmly, his calm demeanor softening with pride. "Good work, Pikachu. Let's find a good spot to set up camp for the night."

He opened the Arc Pokédex once more, and Rotom's face appeared with its usual buzz of energy. "Bzzzt! Time to find the perfect camping spot, Ash! Let me scout the area!" Rotom chimed excitedly.

In moments, the Arc Pokédex displayed a map showing a safe, flat area near a fresh water source. "This is the ideal spot for camping. Safe, quiet, and perfect for recharging—bzzzt!"

"Thanks, Rotom," Ash replied with a slight smile. He patted Pikachu on the head. "Let's head there."

The evening air was cool as they made their way to the campsite, the soft chirping of distant Pokémon adding to the peaceful ambiance. Once they arrived, Ash immediately appreciated the location.

The moonlight filtered through the trees, casting soft, silvery shadows on the ground.

Setting up camp was quick and efficient, as Ash had become accustomed to the routine over his years of training. After assembling the tent, he retrieved dinner from his system bag—a hearty meal for himself and a special dish of Pokémon food for Pikachu.

"Here you go, Pikachu," Ash said as he set the bowl down. Pikachu happily dug in, clearly enjoying the reward for all the hard work.

As they ate, Ash had an idea. "Hey Pikachu, let's use your electricity to power up Rotom."

Pikachu's ears perked up, and with a playful grin, it sent a controlled jolt of electricity toward Rotom. The device buzzed excitedly.

"Bzzzt! Charging complete! Thanks, Pikachu! Now I'm fully powered up and ready to assist—bzzt-bzzzt!" Rotom chirped.

The night was quiet and peaceful as Ash cleaned up their camp and settled into his tent. Pikachu snuggled into its sleeping space beside him, letting out soft sparks of electricity as it drifted off.

The sound of the wind rustling through the trees and the occasional hoot of a distant Pokémon lulled Ash into a calm, reflective mood.

"We've had a great start, Pikachu. Tomorrow, we'll get even stronger," Ash said quietly, his voice steady and determined.