
Reincarnated as Ash: A Pokémon Tale

Noir found himself reincarnated as Ash Ketchum, the iconic Pokémon Trainer. Overwhelmed yet intrigued, he gradually began to accept his new identity. With a mysterious system presenting him with quests, Ash felt a thrill of excitement surge within him as he envisioned the adventures that lay ahead, ready to forge his own path in this vibrant world of Pokémon.

sssachin098 · アニメ·コミックス
30 Chs

Training and Progress

As Ash arrived at the entrance to Viridian Forest, he took a moment to admire his surroundings. The towering trees swayed gently in the breeze, and the lively atmosphere of the forest filled him with anticipation for the upcoming challenges.

"Looks like we made it, everyone," he said softly, glancing at his Pokémon—Pikachu, Metapod, Magikarp, Beedrill, Pidgeotto, and Fearow—who were all nearby, soaking in the new sights and sounds.

Pikachu chirped happily, its ears perked up at the sounds of the forest. Metapod remained still, observing its surroundings, while Magikarp flopped around excitedly on the ground.

Beedrill hovered nearby, its wings buzzing as it took in the fresh air. Pidgeotto perched on a low branch, and Fearow stood protectively beside Ash, both alert and ready for anything.

Ash smiled at their enthusiasm, feeling a swell of pride for the team he was building. "Let's make the most of our time here," he encouraged, his calm demeanor reflecting his confidence in their abilities.

"Alright, everyone," he began, gathering their attention. "We've got some serious training ahead, especially with the Gym on the horizon."

He turned to Pidgeotto and Fearow, feeling a sense of responsibility for their growth. "It's time for you two to train together for a bit. I'll send you to Professor Oak's lab using the PC Box. I want you to focus on improving your skills, even when I'm not around."

Pidgeotto and Fearow exchanged determined glances, their eyes reflecting eagerness to become stronger. Pidgeotto flapped its wings in agreement, while Fearow nodded assertively, ready for the challenge.

"Make sure you work together and push each other," Ash added, pride swelling in his chest at their determination.

"Pidgeotto! Fearow!" they chirped in unison, expressing their commitment to training.

Ash reached for Pidgeotto's Poké Ball and called it back, watching as it was enveloped in a flash of light. He did the same with Fearow, ensuring both Pokémon were ready for the transfer.

"Okay, let's do this," he said, pulling out his Arc Pokédex. With a few taps, he accessed the PC Box function and quickly transferred Pidgeotto and Fearow to Professor Oak's lab. In another flash of light, they disappeared into their respective Poké Balls.

After sending them off, Ash took a deep breath, steadying himself for what came next. Now it was time to bring Scyther into the team. He accessed the PC Box once more, and after a brief moment, Scyther's Poké Ball materialized in his hand.

"Welcome to the team, Scyther," Ash said warmly, a smile spreading across his face as he released it. In a soft glow, Scyther appeared beside him, its blades catching the sunlight and gleaming brightly.

"Let's take some time to get acquainted and start training together," Ash suggested, keeping his tone soothing and encouraging.

Scyther nodded, its eyes calm and attentive, conveying a sense of readiness. Pikachu and Beedrill watched with curiosity, welcoming their new teammate with soft sounds of encouragement.

"Let's work together and become stronger," Ash said softly, glancing at Metapod and Magikarp, who were also eager to join in. Their eyes sparkled with anticipation, reflecting Ash's own determination to train them all into a formidable team.

"Alright, everyone! Let's get started!" Ash declared, feeling the excitement build within him as they prepared for their training session.

As Ash stood at the entrance of Viridian Forest, he turned to Pikachu, who had been watching eagerly. "Pikachu!" Ash called softly.

Pikachu perked up at the sound of his name, scampering over with a cheerful "Pika!"

Ash smiled and knelt down to meet Pikachu at eye level. "It's time to give you back your Light Ball," he said, reaching into his bag. With careful hands, he removed the Air Balloon from Pikachu's paw and replaced it with the Light Ball.

As the Light Ball returned to Pikachu, its expression transformed into one of determination, its eyes sparkling with enthusiasm.

"Alright, let's try out this new move," Ash said, pulling the TM for Splishy Splash from his system bag. "I want to see what you can do with it before the Gym battle!"

Pikachu nodded enthusiastically, ready for the challenge. "Pika!" he chirped, excitement evident in his voice.

Ash watched intently as Pikachu focused on the TM. With a burst of energy, Pikachu unleashed the move, creating a splash of water that surrounded him in a sparkling wave.

"That's it, Pikachu! You're doing great!" Ash cheered, his voice brimming with enthusiasm. "Now that you've learned the move, it's time to master it!"

Pikachu nodded vigorously, determination radiating from its bright eyes. With a quick glance around to assess the open area, it refocused, ready to hone its skills.

After encouraging Pikachu, Ash turned his attention to Beedrill, who buzzed with excitement, eager to learn new moves. "Alright, Beedrill, I want you to focus on mastering Fury Cutter, Poison Jab, and Pin Missile," he instructed.

The Arc Dex suddenly buzzed to life, its screen lighting up. "Leave it to me! I will provide Beedrill with the necessary training techniques to master those moves effectively," it announced cheerfully.

With that, Beedrill nodded, ready to absorb the knowledge and improve its skills.

Ash then shifted his focus to Scyther, Magikarp, and Metapod, who were watching him intently. "Now, for the rest of you, I have a simple strategy," he said, his voice steady and calm.

He gestured toward Scyther, who stood poised and ready for action. "Scyther, you'll be our main attacker. Use False Swipe on any wild Pokémon we encounter. It'll leave them with just a sliver of health, allowing us to defeat them easily."

Scyther nodded, its eyes gleaming with determination, fully understanding the plan.

Ash then looked at Magikarp and Metapod, who were both eager to contribute. "Once Scyther weakens the Pokémon, it'll be your turn to finish them off," he explained. "Magikarp, you can use Tackle, and Metapod, you'll use Tackle as well. Teamwork is key!"

Both Magikarp and Metapod bobbed their heads, excited to work together. "Magikarp!" it splashed happily, while Metapod remained still but gave a blink, showing its readiness.

With his plan in place, Ash felt a surge of confidence. "Let's head into the forest and find some wild Pokémon to train against. Remember, we're working together, so let's give it our all!"

They spent the whole afternoon battling and training, pushing themselves to improve their skills and strengthen their bond.

After some intensive training, Ash glanced up at the sky and noticed the sun dipping below the horizon, casting a golden hue across the Viridian Forest. "It's getting late," he thought, deciding it was time to head back to the Pokémon Center.

As he made his way back, he spotted Misty walking toward him, a bright smile on her face. "Hey, Ash! How was your training?" she asked, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.

"It went really well! Scyther, Magikarp, Metapod, and Beedrill have been working hard. I even taught Pikachu a new move," Ash replied, his enthusiasm evident.

Misty tilted her head, intrigued. "Oh? What move did he learn?"

"Splishy Splash! He's going to try mastering it before our gym battle," Ash replied, a hint of pride in his voice.

Misty raised an eyebrow. "What's that move like?"

"It's similar to Surf. It creates a wave of water that hits the opponent, and it also has an electric charge that can paralyze them," Ash explained.

"That sounds pretty useful! I can see how that would catch our opponents off guard," Misty said, nodding in approval.

"Yeah, I think it could give us an edge in the battle," Ash added, feeling confident about their strategy. "How was your day?"

"My day was pretty good too. I spent some time exploring Pewter City and shopping for some clothes," she shared casually.

As they chatted, they walked side by side, enjoying each other's company. Before long, they arrived at the Pokémon Center.

"Let's grab dinner first and then feed our Pokémon," Ash suggested.

"Good idea! I'm starving!" Misty agreed, her stomach rumbling in response.

After they ordered their meals, they settled at a table, enjoying their dinner and chatting. Once finished, they took their Pokémon to the back area to feed them.

With their Pokémon well-fed and cared for, Ash and Misty headed back to their room, feeling tired but satisfied with their day. They soon went to sleep, ready to tackle whatever adventures awaited them the next day.

"Hi everyone! I’m the author, and I apologize for not replying to comments over the past few days as I’ve been quite busy. I would greatly appreciate any suggestions or feedback you have, as this is my first fanfic and I’m still learning. Your support means a lot to me, so please feel free to point out any mistakes or areas for improvement!"

sssachin098creators' thoughts