
Reincarnated as Ash: A Pokémon Tale

Noir found himself reincarnated as Ash Ketchum, the iconic Pokémon Trainer. Overwhelmed yet intrigued, he gradually began to accept his new identity. With a mysterious system presenting him with quests, Ash felt a thrill of excitement surge within him as he envisioned the adventures that lay ahead, ready to forge his own path in this vibrant world of Pokémon.

sssachin098 · アニメ·コミックス
30 Chs

Pewter Gym

Three days had passed since Ash began his intensive training in Viridian Forest.

In that time, Metapod had evolved into a Butterfree, Pikachu had mastered the electrifying water move Splishy Splash, and Beedrill had sharpened its skills, perfecting Fury Cutter, Poison Jab, and Pin Missile.

Their progress was remarkable, and Ash's determination to prepare for his upcoming gym battle only grew stronger.

Now, his attention turned to Magikarp, the last member of his team still needing to evolve. Standing at the water's edge, Ash cast his Super Rod with precision, his gaze focused on the rippling surface. "Alright, Magikarp," he said, his tone calm yet filled with resolve. "It's your time to shine. Let's make this happen."

Suddenly, the line tugged hard. Ash's reflexes kicked in, pulling up swiftly. A wild Seaking emerged, thrashing violently. Ash saw his chance. "Scyther, False Swipe!" he called.

"Scyyyy-ther!" Scyther responded with a sharp cry, delivering a quick, precise strike that left the Seaking weakened but conscious.

"Magikarp, finish it with Tackle!" Ash instructed.

"Magiiii!" Magikarp flung itself forward with all its strength, slamming into the Seaking, which splashed back into the water, defeated. Just as Seaking disappeared, a bright light enveloped Magikarp.

Ash watched closely, excitement bubbling within him as Magikarp's body began to glow and shift. "Pikachu!" Pikachu chirped excitedly from the side, jumping up and down as sparks danced from its cheeks.

"Scyyy-ther!" Scyther cheered, pumping its scythes in the air. 

Moments later, the glow faded, and in place of the small fish stood a massive, red Gyarados. The newly evolved Pokémon let out a powerful, yet strangely content roar. "Gyaaaaa!"

Ash smiled, nodding with pride. "Welcome to the team, Gyarados."

"Pika-pi!" Pikachu cheered in excitement, while Scyther buzzed in approval. Gyarados, now calm, let out a softer rumble, its fierce eyes reflecting a newfound bond with Ash and the team.

After Gyarados let out its powerful roar and settled, Ash pulled out his ArcDex, curious about the new moves his newly evolved Pokémon had gained.

The sleek device hummed to life as he held it up, scanning Gyarados. "Let's see what you've learned," Ash muttered, tapping the screen.

The ArcDex beeped and displayed the data. "Gyarados has learned the following moves: Bite, Dragon Rage, Ice Fang, Roar, and Waterfall."

Ash raised an eyebrow, impressed. "Waterfall too, huh? That's perfect."

Gyarados let out a low rumble, as if proud of its newfound strength. Ash smiled, nodding in approval. "With these moves, we're more than ready for the next challenge," he said, feeling confident about the upcoming gym battle.

Ash studied Gyarados for a moment, then nodded to himself. "Let's get you familiar with those new moves, Gyarados. We need to work as a team."

He guided Gyarados to a clearing by the water, spending the next few hours helping it adjust to its massive new form.

As Ash encouraged Gyarados to master its new moves—Bite, Dragon Rage, Ice Fang, and especially Waterfall—he felt a profound sense of connection growing stronger.

After an intense training session, Ash could feel his bond with Gyarados strengthening. Just as he was about to call it a day, his stomach growled loudly, echoing in the quiet forest.

Pikachu let out a small chuckle, rubbing its own belly, and Gyarados rumbled in hunger as well."Guess we're all starving," Ash said with a laugh. "Let's head to the Pokémon Center for some food."

They quickly made their way to the Pokémon Center, where, to Ash's surprise, he spotted Misty sitting at one of the tables. She waved him over with a grin.

Ash quickly joined Misty at her table, and they began sharing their meals.

"How did your training go?" Misty asked, genuinely curious.

"It went well," Ash replied, taking a sip of his drink. "I'm feeling confident about my upcoming match."

Misty smiled. "That's great to hear! So, are you ready to challenge the Pewter Gym tomorrow?"

"Yep! I'm planning to take on Brock," Ash said, his enthusiasm shining through.

"Good luck! You'll need it with Brock's tough rock-type Pokémon," Misty encouraged, finishing her meal.

After lunch, Ash took a moment to feed his Pokémon, ensuring that Pikachu, Scyther, and the rest were all well taken care of. They finished their meals and headed to their room, exhausted from the day's training.

The next morning, Ash woke up early, excitement buzzing in the air. After a quick breakfast, he gathered his team and made his way to the lobby of the Pokémon Center. As he entered, he spotted Misty waiting for him.

"Hey, Ash! Are you ready for your match?" she asked, a supportive smile on her face.

Ash nodded. "Are you going to watch?"

"Of course! I wouldn't miss it," she replied, her eyes sparkling with anticipation.

Together, they made their way to Pewter Gym, Ash feeling a surge of determination as he geared up for the battle ahead.

As they approached Pewter Gym, Ash's pace remained steady, his focus sharpening on the challenge that awaited him.

Misty glanced at him, curious. "Do you have any strategies in mind for the battle?" she asked.

Ash turned to her with a calm smile. "Yeah, I have something planned.

As they reached the entrance of the gym, Misty grinned. "I'll be in the stands cheering for you," she said, her enthusiasm evident.

With a nod, Ash took a deep breath, ready to face the challenge ahead.

As Ash entered the dimly lit Pewter Gym, the lights were off, casting shadows across the arena. Suddenly, a voice echoed through the space, "Who goes there?"

Ash stepped forward and responded confidently, I'm Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town, I'm here for a Gym battle."

As soon as Ash spoke, the lights came on, Ash saw a tall, well-built young man standing across the stadium. He had spiky brown hair and narrow, perpetually closed eyes, giving him a calm yet focused demeanor. Dressed in an orange and green outfit with a green vest over an orange shirt, he had a serious but approachable presence.

"I'm Brock, the Pewter Gym Leader," he introduced himself, his tone confident. "So, Ash, how many badges do you have?"

"This is my first Gym battle," Ash replied calmly, his expression steady.

Hearing this, Brock nodded with a slight smile. "Your first, huh? Well, here's how it works. This will be a 2 vs. 2 battle," Brock explained. "As the challenger, you have the right to switch your Pokémon between rounds, but I won't be swapping mine. Are you ready?"

"I'm ready for anything you throw at me," Ash replied, determination evident in his voice.

As both Ash and Brock prepared to battle, the atmosphere grew tense. Just then, Misty appeared at the side of the gym, moving to stand near the edge of the arena. Spotting Ash, she called out with a cheer, "You've got this, Ash!"

Hearing Misty's cheer, Ash smiled, but his focus soon shifted to a group of children standing on the other side of the gym, watching eagerly. As he took a closer look, it dawned on him—they were Brock's siblings.

Seeing them, Ash's mind flashed back to the anime, remembering the time when his Pikachu, with the power of plot, had managed to beat Brock's Onix—and how the same group of kids had interfered during that battle.

With a calm resolve, Ash pushed the memory aside and refocused on the upcoming challenge, determined to win on his own terms.

The referee stepped forward, his voice echoed through the gym. "The battle for the Pewter Badge between the Pewter Gym Leader, Brock, and the challenger, Ash from Pallet Town, will now begin!"

Hearing the announcement, Brock wasted no time. "Geodude, I choose you!" he called out, throwing his Poké Ball. In a flash of light, the sturdy Rock-type Pokémon appeared, hovering slightly above the ground.

Without hesitation, Ash reached for his partner. "Pikachu, let's do this!" he said confidently as Pikachu leapt into the arena, sparks crackling from its cheeks, ready for battle."Pika!" it exclaimed, ready for battle.

Seeing Ash send Pikachu, Brock asked, "You know that Electric-type moves don't affect Ground-types, right?"

Ash replied calmly, "I know."

Noticing Ash's calm expression, Brock didn't say anything further.

As the battle began, Brock smirked and commanded, "Geodude, use Tackle!"

"Quick Attack, Pikachu!" Ash countered. Pikachu dashed forward, striking Geodude with incredible speed, causing it to stagger back.

"Now, Thunder Wave!" Ash called, and Pikachu released a jolt of electricity that struck Geodude, paralyzing it. Geodude shook but managed to remain standing.

"Geodude, shake it off and use Rock Throw!" Brock instructed. Geodude picked up a nearby rock and hurled it at Pikachu.

"Dodge it with Double Team!" Ash shouted. Pikachu created multiple copies of itself, and the rock flew harmlessly through the illusions.

Brock narrowed his eyes, then said, "Geodude, use Defense Curl!" Geodude curled up, increasing its defense as it prepared for Pikachu's next move.

"Now, use Iron Tail!" Ash commanded. Pikachu charged forward, its tail glowing metallic silver as it struck Geodude, causing a solid impact.

Brock frowned but quickly regained composure. "Geodude, use Tackle again!"

As Geodude lunged at, Ash saw his opportunity. "Pikachu, use Splashy Splash!" he commanded.

Pikachu leaped into the air, summoning a torrent of water infused with crackling electric energy. The striking combination surged down toward Geodude, catching it off guard and leaving it momentarily stunned by the electrifying blast.

Brock's eyes widened as he realized what was happening. "No! Geodude!" he shouted, a mix of surprise and concern in his voice.

The powerful hit sent Geodude crashing to the ground, unable to continue. The referee quickly announced, "Geodude is unable to battle! The winner is Pikachu!"

Ash grinned, satisfied with his Pokémon's performance, while Brock rushed to check on Geodude.

After recalling his Geodude, Brock stood at the opposite end of the arena, a genuine smile on his face. "I have to admit, I didn't expect a Water-type move from Pikachu," he said, clearly impressed. "That was a smart play!"

Ash smiled and replied, "Thank you! 

As Brock prepared his second Poké Ball, Ash recalled Pikachu, who happily scampered back to his side and sat beside his leg, tail flicking with excitement.

"Now let's see what you've got next!" Brock called from his position, throwing his Poké Ball into the air. "Go, Onix!"

The massive Rock/Ground-type Pokémon emerged from its ball, towering over the battlefield. Ash felt a surge of determination, ready for the next challenge.